Drum roll, please! Today is my first day of hearth tending.
No, we don’t have a fire-place, nor even a grill at the moment. This is a spiritual food kind of thing.
Wednesday is Work In Progress day in the Red Thread Cafe Classroom. Intentional Creativity members post what they’re working on, ask questions, and cheer each other on, sometimes even through the tears.
Hearth tenders are Color of Woman Graduates (Yay!!!) who mingle in the group and offer support. We answer questions (when we can) and give hints about how to make things appear or disappear, and ponder next steps. Mostly, we hold the circle of women working together to help people (and the world) heal through self-expression.
I’ve had lots of good teachers.
Two of them aren’t technically old enough yet. They’re my granddaughters. Kenzie is eleven.
Tomorrow, Taylor will be nine.
(How is this possible???)
We’ve had quite the debate about birthday gifts. Taylor is into science things and Bill thought a plastic robot that has something to do with computer coding would be a great idea.
(This is not my department!)
I was in favor of amethyst earrings but her Mom and Dad beat me to the jewelry counter.
We ended up with a soccer warm-up suit. Taylor’s choice, actually. She plays on a travel team already and seems to love it. And if she wants black soccer pants and a jacket with a very tasteful white stripe and a recognizable logo, I’m good with that.
I bought lots of paints at Thanksgiving!
I want them to be who they are. To know they are enough. To experiment with new things and be comfortable with trying hard and occasionally missing.
Which, coincidentally, is a lot like Intentional Creativity.
Honestly, if I had a choice, I’d be in Virginia making yet another attempt at gluten-free pecan pie, which was not my best effort at Thanksgiving.
But I’m also grateful to be here, with Sarah on the floor sleeping off her chiropractic adjustment, a meeting to get ready for, some editing to finish, and some painting to do, even if it’s only a bit today.
The coughing, sneezing, and sore throat suggest that a nap might be a good plan.
There will be soup for supper and a Zoom meeting for dessert, topped with a generous dollop of fierce compassion.
And, perhaps, a spot of chocolate. The Muse is in favor.
If you’d like to know more, scroll down a bit and leave me a comment. Or sign up for the blog. If you like being here, you’re welcome.
And, if you have a moment, wish Taylor a happy birthday. She’s awesome!
For the moment, though, it’s 10 after one and the big dogs are all asleep. I should be, too. Blog posts, like paintings and granddaughters, often have other ideas.
Tomorrow, though, remember to do what wonders you!