I have a decision to make.
A hard decision.
I’ve thought it every way to Christmas. All things considered, I’m a pretty good thinker.
Sometimes, good thinking is not enough. This feels like one of those times.
Fortunately, I have some other tools in my medicine basket!
Today was our first Sanctuary paint party of the year. Women, in community, working on their paintings.
No pressure. No behind. No not good enough.
Just music and paint and supportive company.
Some of those women were old friends. Some, new sisters.
A variety of stories during check-in time. Challenges. Backgrounds. Doubts. Dreams.
One of those new sisters introduced herself as a Russian speaking Ukrainian. Suddenly, the world felt much smaller to me. More intimate. Even more urgent.
I listened to the stories and then I listened to my canvas, speaking to my heart.
Being somewhat off the beaten path is not unusual for me, though I’m there a bit early this time.
Today my next right thing was obvious. Dots!!!
Prayer dots. All the neuro-processing patterns working together. And yes, I’ve had a lot of practice!
I began with wisdom. You know… that decision I need to make. A good start for warming up, but not making space for the magic.
Tell me wasn’t getting it either. Probably because part of me already knew.
And then, it found me.
Show me the Way of Love.
Six dots, over and over and over again with all of my awareness. The darker ones inside the roses.
And, eventually, tears.
Sad. And good, because after an hour of that, I was ready to claim what I already knew.
I have no idea what this painting will become. We’ve got about 11 months to go!
Here’s what I do know…
I will be more ME, because of it.
Hanging out where art meets life can be a very good thing.
Maybe, just maybe, a thing that will help heal the world. Even the hard parts!
ps… wanna learn? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift! The calendar elves will hook you up!
pps… need some art in the meantime??? The FierceArtWithHeart elves have been fluffing the shop and adding new stock and making some good deals. Get inspired AND help send an artist to France!