Sometimes “mattering” takes us out of our comfort zones!

Okay… maybe OFTEN “mattering” takes us out of our comfort zones! And it’s likely that, in these days, you’re having a bit of practice with this, too!

Let’s start by acknowledging that each one of us is carrying a lifetime of surviving around with us and that can get really heavy. Also – sometimes – outdated!

Let’s start at the very beginning. (Which IS a very good place to start!)

Here’s one of my most useful bits of inner luggage, attributed, by one of my favorite teachers, to the ground-breaking healer, Carl Jung.

The first thing we learn is that survival depends on keeping the big people happy.

And, when we’re three weeks old, it’s true.

Part of growing and learning, though, is that other things become true, as well! Largely because CONTEXT changes! (And, yes… I’ve been watching MSNBC again!)

And, we’re not three weeks old anymore! I got a big reminder of that a couple days ago when my son sent me a message asking for a photo of himself before he was two years old, for some work adventure.

And, wow, did I take a big trip down memory lane! Ultimately, this is what I came up with…

My son, and my dad, a very thrilled Grampy! A glimpse my son said he didn’t remember seeing before.

And all of this photo-hunting mission was going on while I was still waiting to hear from family and friends in the path of hurricane Milton… wondering what – and who – would be left.

Blessedly, my Florida tribe is safe and relatively un-scathed. Many more are not.

And I am reminded of the revelation that sometimes keeping the big people happy doesn’t mean what we thought it did, back in the days before we were capable of miracles like abstract thought.

If you’ve been reading along for a bit, you probably know I have a thing about limiting beliefs. And how heavy they can be! They’re also blessedly easy to identify, once you know the secret code! Here you go…

Limiting beliefs most often start this way…

WE Always — or — WE Never…

Are you with me? Here’s one of the ones I was raised with…

WE Always vote Republican!

Once upon a time, it was true. And, now, it is not.

Somewhere, in a jewelry box in Florida, there is a rhinestone pin that spells out IKE from the days when Granny worked for the Minnesota Republican Headquarters. And I’m utterly certain that it was Granny doing the absolute best she knew at the time.

The time, however, has changed. And I am editing the WE Always… bit for me, in my time.

WE Always vote for the candidates who think ALL our Littles – who they are and what they need – matter!

There’s room for a whole lot of us under this tent!

Last night, I worked some more on the painting you glimpsed as we began.

Specifically, I added the round bit of turquoise paint you’ll see, near the center, if you look closely. A symbol of VOICE. (It’s a chakra thing which I find helpful, even if I didn’t learn it in nursing school or seminary!)

And with the paint, I added an intention.

To use MY voice to help protect and heal the world our Littles are inheriting. All of them!

It is my way of walking the Way of Love. And that, dear hearts, is what the red flower in the bottom corner is all about! You see, I’ve learned a lot more about WE than my grandmothers had a chance to learn. And I’m all in!

Sometimes, “mattering” really does take us out of our comfort zonesand that’s where HOPE happens!!!

ps… get your in-stock copies of the book-baby, A Creation Poem… now! Our Littles need to hear that they belong. That they matter. (Just click the title/link to be magically transported!)

pps… yep! I’m goin’ to meddlin’! There’s never been a perfect choice at the polls. There are no perfect humans. But voting for a third party candidate with absolutely no chance of winning, or not voting at all – while it may be tempting – is actually voting for the ones whose vision is “Dictator on day one”. And they’re serious! So, PLEASE, let your voice matter!

Remember vocabulary tests???

Yep! Me, too! Possibly because I’m a word person and they made way more sense to me than – say – physics!

And, yes… most of us have a tendency to like things that feel familiar. Things that help us feel capable.

I’m also fond of an Ericksonian Hypnosis technique called reframing. (Probably because vocabulary is involved!) As I recall, there are 12-step reframes. And 6-step reframes. And my favorites… 1-step reframes.

Last night I dreamed a reframe! One of the really cool ones that feels like it comes with a big gold bow! And it happened – as most everything does – in a particular context. In this case, the context of a whole lot of news and some new actors on the world stage… Helene and Milton.

You see, I come from the place where Milton is headed. I’ve had plenty of storm-generated learning experiences! And, let’s just say that I’ve had several conversations, in the last couple days, about hurricanes and the notion of control not going very well together.

I’ve also learned a new thing from a dear friend named Jenafer Joy.

It involves dreams and, in my case, index cards! The index cards become artifacts of the ah-hah’s in the dreams. Here’s what appeared on my index card, this morning…

I cannot stop the hurricane.

I cannot “should” the world into integrity.

I CAN walk in Fierce Compassion, one wobbly step at a time. And I am!

I can also pick up my favorite gnarly sash brush and show up at my easel to claim and externalize hope in the world with dots. Granted, it won’t stop a hurricane… but the bear appeared, too, standing against adversity! (Really!)

It will keep me on the road. And, as the old saying goes, that ain’t nothin!

Oh! One more big thing… a familiar thing for me, with a whole new ah-hah!

I’m a huge fan of Stephen Colbert’s show. And, exhausted as I was, I tuned in last night because Stephen’s guest was Vice President Kamala Harris. And I learned a new thing…

You see, Ms. Harris – Candidate Harris – explained that one of her favorite books is C. S. Lewis’ The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Personally, I’m more familiar with The Silver Chair, so I fixed myself a cup of cacao & collagen this morning and went on a field trip.

First, a bit of fascinating context! The Chronicles of Narnia were written by a Lewis, a theologian, during World War II, where many children from Europe, including Jewish children, had been sent to shelter in London. Lewis and his friend, J. R. R. Tolkien, were part of a writer’s group called the Inklings who spent their time creating new worlds, with words!

As we pick up the story, the four children have just returned from their first fairy tale adventure through the back of the wardrobe… and are speaking with the Professor about the possibility of other worlds, like the one they just discovered.

But do you really mean, sir… that there could be other worlds – all over the place, just around the corner – like that? Nothing is more probable, said the Professor…

…which feels really huge to me in the context of our battle between worlds, just now!

And there’s another snippet, just after that, which really speaks to me:

But what are we do do? said Susan… My dear young lady, said the Professor… there is one plan which no one has yet suggested and which is well worth trying. We might all try minding our own business.

All of which makes me even more glad to be on team #Momala and #Coach.

May we have ears to hear and courage to explore new worlds! Even in the midst of the storms.

Especially, in the midst of the storms. The storms of all kinds…

ps… it’s time for a magical journey to FierceArtWithHeart, for ways to get copies of A Creation Poem… for yourself & the Littles you love. And, the collection is growing! A poster. A mug. And, very soon, some of the original art from the book will be available, too! Be sure to drop me a line if you’d like your books signed or dedicated! They’re in stock, now!!!

pps… intrigued by the wisdom of Jenafer Joy? She’s always doing utterly amazing new things and you can sign up for her mailing list to be in the know…

ppps… many, many people in my family, going back a couple thousand years, or so, have told fairy tales as a way to invite children, safely, into new possibilities of belonging and hope. May we, like curious Littles, have ears to hear the invitation of our time… to a world where mattering matters and it’s way more about power for than about power over. Amen. Amen. Selah.

(Relative) TRIUMPH!

The old saying is true… life is for learning! So are book festivals!

And the gold medal goes to The Legendary Husband! I literally couldn’t have done it without him and I’m way past grateful! Let’s just say there was a whole lot of loading & unloading and fixing and learning… and a couple of really uncomfortable chairs!

Tomorrow… physical therapy!

Today… Magic chair. Weighted blanket. Some time with you. And some time with my journal… musing on next right things.

First… signing books is really fun!!! And Littles exclaiming, “Bear, Mommy! Bear!” (Yay, for banner and bear postcards and book marks!)

I also got kissed by lots of dogs! Several of them Service Dogs-in-training.

I met an Intentional Creativity® sister in person! (And, yes… we’re plotting Good Trouble!) I also gave a Good Trouble button to the young man wandering the festival with info on registering to vote!

The best part of all, though, was introducing a bunch of kids – and some brave adults – to the path of dots!

I was intrigued by a hot debate between two siblings in the 4-6 year age range… one was totally in favor of dots inside the lines. The other was team wherever. I suggested that each of them try it both ways to see how it felt. They giggled and made dots. All over the place. Mom cried!

#NOTE – the new adjustable tri-pod easel was not designed for uneven ground and wind! Fortunately, I make a pretty good easel!

And, the Littles come with adults, many of whom now know way more about brain processing and how to help!!! The next step for me is to finish the communal dot painting and get it ready for the lucky winner. Blessedly, I woke with a plan! And, yes, the plan includes more dots! Also, big scary glaze!!!

I even did a dot mini-course for a teacher who works with traumatized immigrant children – many of them from Africa.

And a few copies of my first book, Grandmothers Are in Charge of Hope, found new homes, too… which feels like a big blessing. The world needs all of us!

For this moment, a cup of cacao & collagen. And, quite probably, a nap. Being in charge of hope means taking care of ourselves, too!

ps… stay tuned! Shop elves will be at work on Wednesday, ready to help you get your very own copy of A Creation Poem… It’s not too soon for holiday shopping!!!

pps… another reason for red thread in your medicine basket! You can help your neighbor tie their banner to the booth post so it doesn’t fall on people!

You know how, sometimes, you say yes and…

things get way bigger – and more extroverted – than you expected??? Welcome to my world!

What began as a project for an Intentional Creativity® journey called Animystica has become a storm of creative chaos in my world!

A Creation Poem… exists! Not only in my heart, but all over our house! And I did, indeed, get a booth at the Decatur Book Festival on Saturday. The Saturday that’s approximately 60 hours from now!!!

It’s been a long time since I’ve done something like this. Before Covid, in fact. (Hence today’s vax booster!)

The books look – and feel – fabulous! A batch of paintings have volunteered to come along. I have a new tap/chip thing to help with the whole adoption deal… as soon as I figure out how to charge it up. We picked up the banner and book marks on the way home from the vax adventure.

One of the things I’m most excited about is setting up a place for kids – and brave adults! – to make some dots on a community painting. Dots for things like Hope and Peace. And, not only will they be able to join in the project, they’ll go home with a new strategy for their very own medicine baskets, even though they may be to young to consciously comprehend all the magic.

And, yes, we’ll be making washable, non-toxic dots on a canvas like the one, above. (I got lots of hand-wipes!)

Just in case you’re wondering… Yes!!! All this is very scary!

The only thing I can think of that would be scarier is not doing it. All of us NOT doing what we can for our poor, aching world.

Which is, of course, a nod to one of my favorite author/friends, Frederick Beuchner. If you’ve been around for a while, you may remember one of my favorite brilliant things he said:

The place where we are called is the place where our great joy and the world’s deep need meet.

Booth number 325 at the Book Festival – and all that it represents – is that place for me in this moment.

And, after I catch my breath a bit, I’d love to help you claim your version of that place and map out the path from where you’ve been to there! There are lots of ways to get started, and the first step is easy!

You and I get in a Zoom room. My gift. And we explore where you are on the road to the place where you feel called, even if that place doesn’t quite have words, yet. We’ll take one next step together and talk about what the step after that might look like. (I’m a huge fan of choices!!!) Just click here, and the calendar elves will be delighted to hook you up with a time!

This drawing was a huge step on my path to this moment!!!

Perspective… the only thing we have control over!

I’m not sure who came up with this observation, but I suspect they may have been in the midst of a hurricane when they did!

First, we’re fine… and grateful! And sad. And determined… but we’ll get to that in a bit.

Our tiny corner of the universe has been without power since Thursday evening. We are blessed with a bit of a boost from solar batteries. And some tube sky lights. That has allowed us to stay at home, with no air-conditioning, in very dim light, and essential meds still chilled in the fridge.

As I’m a bright light kind of person, even this has been a challenge. Kind of an experience in being frustrated and grateful all in the same moment. And I’m counting on the notion that Creator gets it!

Here’s the wild card, though…

The Decatur Book Festival! October 5. And, much to my amazement, I have an exhibitor’s booth!!! My inner Author-Artist-Activist is ecstatic! And terrified that the books won’t show up in time!

It’s a really, really small problem compared to what so many are going through.

It also seems to have inspired my Inner Critic to think that she’s in charge of my world! You’re probably familiar with conversations like this…

What the hell were you thinking??? Nobody will notice you, anyway! And Stacey Abrams is going to be there, for Pete’s sake. You can’t compete with that! Besides, all that setting up is going to hurt!

Blessedly, The Muse is right here beside me, even in the very dim light, with some other observations!

This book matters. And you can feel it! You birthed it and you want it to get all oohhh’d and aahhh’d over, just the way new moms and grammies do. And it will. Probably in ways you haven’t imagined yet! In fact, this is what creating is all about. You give them life and you set them free! And, maybe – just maybe – they make enough difference that some people will try to ban them, which could turn out to be a very good thing for the folks who need them most!!!

So, I’m squinting in the dark to write this – on Saturday – hoping that there will be more light, soon! You see, I have some art to take to the festival, too, and it needs edges finished and gold thumbprints in red circles on the back.

Mostly, though, I’m squinting in the dark to write this – on Saturday – because I need to hear it. To be reminded that we ALL matter and that sometimes putting ourselves out there in the world is scary and that our Littles need us to model doing the big mattering stuff, even when it’s scary.

And, yes, it feels like a pretty big adventure right about now!

There are a whole lot of things in this world that are scarier that showing up…. especially not showing up! Not speaking out for mattering. Not intentionally including people who have different stories and wisdom.

Ironically, as I’ve been typing away, the regular power has, indeed, come back on, which means the solar stuff is recharging, too! (You know… just in case!)

Still not anywhere near optimal on the internet front, but it’s a start!

And, I have a sense that the bears are on it!

You see, a wise indigenous teacher named Maria Yraceburu told me about being bear clan, or having bear spirit animals. Bears are a strong source of support in times of difficulty… providing courage and a stable foundation to face challenges… a sign that it is, perhaps, time to stand up for your beliefs or your truth.

And here are some thoughts on the book, from an Intentional Creativity® Sister…

A lovely, easy to read rendition of the story of Creation. Sue Boardman has been able to infuse a lilting, magical feel to this ancient story of how it all began. Her colorfully sweet illustrations invite us ever so gently into the wonder of this story. As a Reverend and ‘fiercely compassionate grandmother’ she is devoted to seeding much good into this world, so that not only her grandchildren but all children can evolve and more easily realize their potential. A delightful read!

Eásula  Sedlmaier – author, artist and coach

ps… stay tuned for ways to get your very own copies of A Creation Poem… and some cool stuff to go with them!

pps… well, we made it to Sunday, and a whole lot of MSNBC! And now I know my next right thing… I’ve sold a few books already and I sent a portion of those funds to The Red Cross in North Carolina today. Then, I’ll do the same for all book-related items, including original art, through October 15, which is the feast day of St. Teresa of Avila, reformer, mystic, and one of four women recognized by the Vatican as a Doctor of the Church.

Between was and will be…

Yep! That’s where it feels like I’m standing. And that’s a picture of what it felt like a couple hours ago!

For now, a bit of musing… sitting with my feet up, hoping the power doesn’t go out!

Sunday’s book launch was huge fun! Monday’s doc’s appointment… let’s call it progress. Tuesday – moving. (Joints and muscles!) And, today, hearth tending in the Red Thread Cafe Classroom!

I love hearth tending. It’s a lot like summer camp but without poison ivy and water moccasins! On this day, though, I seem to be channeling the suspended bridge over the Santa Fe River in Florida’s O’Leno State Park.

Exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. And, according to the elves in my cell phone, closed today because of Hurricane Helene. It kind of sounds like my back yard should be closed today, too, as the early bands of Helene make their way north and it’s full dusk at 3:30pm!

Here’s the “betwixt and between” bit…

A Creation Poem… exists. There are copies upon copies headed here – which is another storm concern! I’m waiting to hear whether I’ll have an exhibitor’s booth at the Decatur Book Festival, on October 5. Not a whole lot of time to plan for something I’m not even sure I need to be ready for!

Just between us… I’m really hoping it works!

For today, though… Medicine Painting. (Which sounds like way more fun than homework!)

There are many notions of how Medicine Painting works and even more about what it looks like.

And, here’s the thing… you don’t really know until you do it! A notion that makes some of us anxious… or, used to!!!

Here’s my favorite part – instead of deciding what to put on the canvas, I get to sit with the canvas and discover what I see as it comes forth! It’s a lot like claiming that I do, indeed, have influence, while choosing to set aside control. Here’s what’s happened since this morning…

It’s been a long road! And the first step was setting aside the notion I learned early on that I was not the artistic kid. Which was a whole lot like realizing that Mom was right about a lot of things, but that wasn’t one of them!

The world feels a lot like that in this moment! And all I know to do is to show up being the me I am now.

So… I told the guy named Steve that I wanted a booth at the book festival if it works out. And then I asked what I needed to know! His advice had a lot to do with where to park and having as many ways as possible for people to pay for books. And art. And then he said the coolest thing…

Give people a way to engage!

You guessed it… dots!!!

So, non-toxic, washable dot markers. They’re round, like finger tips!!! Because if you’re going to write a book about including kids, you need a way to INCLUDE them! Probably a few extra paint shirts, too. And baby wipes.

And, if this whole thing actually happens, I’m going to have two choices about where to make the dots. On a spare round canvas which makes a great home for a peace sign. And, as the next layer of the medicine painting I’m deep in today!

Because more people making dots for Peace and Hope gets the world that much closer to – well – Peace and Hope. To believing that WE can do something to create and claim what matters!

And, you know what???

Even if this book festival doesn’t work this time, I’m already clearer on my Promise. And I’ll have two more books done for next year! (Really!!!)

Here’s the cover for the next one…

ps… just in case you have something you’re longing to manifest in the world, there’s still time – but not much! – to check out Shiloh Sophia’s new, year-long painting adventure called Abracadabra! (I’m so excited!!!) Just click here for all the info…

I used to think I was supposed to be perfect!

Blessedly, I’m (mostly) over it! Trust me when I tell you that it’s really not sustainable!

For me, this perfection hang-up has always had a lot to do with words. And I began to understand more about that when I was failing (literally) my first semester of Hebrew in Seminary. Let’s just say my brain doesn’t quite work that way. Nothing I saw made any sense. I didn’t understand anything I heard. And I felt doomed.

Somewhere along the line, about 3 million flash cards later, the magic happened. Almost literally! Somebody explained that a word my ear recognized – abracadabra – could be translated as, for I create from the word. Or, even better, I will create as I speak!

How utterly cool is that???

I’d been writing for a long time before that. In that moment, though, I think I became a writer!

I’ve written a whole lot since then. Sermons. Magazine & news articles. A dissertation. Editorials. Books. Blogs. And, now… another book!

In fact, the first actual hold-in-your-hand copy arrived Saturday. (And, yes, that was a bit close for comfort!)

It feels good. It smells good. It looks great!

And then the old anxiety kicked in! As in, what if it’s not perfect???

I’ve been here before. There’s a typo in my 269 page long doctoral dissertation. One.

It was around that time that I learned a helpful old story. Legend tell us that the people who hand-tied Persian rugs in days gone by always included an intentionally mis-tied knot because they believed that only Allah is perfect and they should not attempt perfection.

I’ve always found that comforting! Comforting enough, at least, to put my work out there in the world. Now, more than ever!

First, there’s me modeling the notion of showing up and doing my best for my grand-teens! (Who helped, by the way, with the new book-baby!)

Then there’s the even more important – and also urgent – notion that all our voices matter. That it’s okay if not everybody hears what we meant to say in the way that we hoped they would. That a big part of life is learning to make our choices even though some people think their way is the only way.

So… A book launch party!!!

Today. (Sunday) In honor of all the women who came before us and risked their safety – their lives, many of them – to choose. To use their voices. To claim that they mattered. All wrapped in an ancient story of beginnings and belonging. An ancient story told, intentionally, so that all our Littles might learn that they, too, are part of the story of love and hope and inclusion.

And some new ways to think about setting ourselves free from limiting beliefs!!!

I’d love for you to join us! The adventure begins at 1pm PT/ 4pm ET. Just click here for all the info.

ps… It’s also possible to pre-order copies of the book at the same link!

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach