Hurricane news, to begin with. I grew up in Florida and I have this proverbial T-shirt in lots of colors!
As is the norm, some people are fine. Some are not. Lots aren’t sure yet. And nobody needed this! Except, perhaps, certain camera hungry politicians.
Fetching a re-used plastic tray of watery glue from the fridge came next. It was time to paste more leaves! Also, time for learning!
Turns out I needed some leaves where the words went right to left, instead of the more predictable way!
Joan Baez was kind enough to keep me company while I glued. My Legend painting has been officially up-graded to a mixed media piece!
Frankly, ripping pages from my copy of The Gospel of Mary Magdalene (Jean-Yves Leloup) to cut into leaves felt pretty weird. The Muse, however, was insistent!
(And, yes, the shiny, new copy has already arrived!)
Also, the leaves will be green, eventually! (Well, by Thursday! There is, indeed, a calendar issue involved!)
While the paste dried, though, there was touch-up painting to do. And stars to add. And laundry. A process which was complicated by the expiration of our clothes dryer!
We got a bit of welcome rain. Enough to discourage the folks with the big toys tearing up what used to be a park next door.
The noise is tough enough to ignore. It’s the ground shaking bit that’s really scary.
All the disruption is also a reality check.
A reminder that with all the storms and fires and earthquakes and utterly needless shootings, there are a great many people with huge challenges.
There’s also global warming. Which, in a surprising sort of way, helped me stick with the leaf pasting! It’s time for good news of many types… just about anyway we can share it!
Which leads me to some words from one of my favorite share-ers of good news! These are the words of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes…
We do not become healers. We came as healers. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become storytellers. We came as carriers of the stories we and our ancestors actually lived. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become artists. We came as artists. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become writers, dancers, musicians, helpers, and peacemakers. We came as such. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not learn to love in this sense. We came as Love. We are Love. Some of us are still catching up to who we truly are.
– A Simple Prayer for Remembering the Motherlode
Let us give ourselves, in this moment, permission to become the healers and storytellers and artists… the writers, dancers, musicians, helpers, and peacemakers we were born to be! Let us catch up to our calling to be Love. So be it for me and for you and for more and more of us every day!
ps… thanks to Lori Sweet for posting this amazing quote in a place where it found me, even in the midst of this day!
pps… if it’s been a while since you’ve read Dr. E.’s work, they’re all great. Untie the Strong Woman is timely!
ppps… one of my dear buddies bought some leggings. She loves the fabric! And she really loves being able to get matching pairs for herself and her young granddaughter! Tempted??? FierceArtWithHeart! Choose two pair and save by adding the magic code at checkout. BUY 2 – SAVE $8 Also a great deal for back-to-school, and there’s now an option for splitting payments up on most items!