Being sparks of light in the darkness…

You know… the whole indictment thing has been feeling far too familiar for comfort. And that got a whole lot more true when it went big in my neighborhood!

I confess to being glued to the news, gnawing – figuratively – at my nails. At least when the power is on!

Between the big trees down and the construction next door, many things feel if-y these days.

Or maybe it’s more like things feel if-y all the time and it’s just more in my face these days.

For this moment, I’m going to skip over most of the headlines on the assumption that you know what you have space for.

I do have a neighborhood story to share. Along with the usual bit of art-in-progress. And, eventually, some music!

First, a bit of context.

Georgia did a re-districting thing a year or so ago.

The Legendary Husband and I used to live and vote in the GA-04 Congressional district, represented by Hank Johnson. I relate to Hank. And to his wife, Mereda Davis Johnson, who is one of our county commissioners. Let’s just say that big hearts and Oakhurst roots run deep.

These days, though, we live in the GA-05 district with Nikema Williams as our representative. And yes, she now holds what used to be Congressman John Lewis’s seat in the US House.

I’d been hoping Ms. Williams would pop by MSNBC for a wee chat and she didn’t disappoint!

Please hear me say that what I’m about to share is what I heard and scribbled fast as she spoke. What made it through my filters, if you will…

She was speaking of the legacy of John Lewis and all she had learned from him. Then she said:

This is our civil rights moment. Our civil rights movement. If you’ve ever wondered what you would have done in the 1960’s, this is our turn!

And here’s the thing… I have wondered!

I am old enough to remember some of the big events and not old enough to have been a part of acting in those moments.

I vividly remember when Dr. King was killed. We lived in a Chicago suburb. Our school field trip to the Museum of Science & Industry was cancelled. There were National Guard troops camped on the museum grounds, trying to deal with the riots.

A month later, Bobby Kennedy was killed.

Despite my deep Republican roots, I knew, at the age of 10, that the world was somehow changing.

Then, as I grew up nurtured in the embrace of an amazing summer camp community, my role models were guitar playing, peace & justice ballad singing, slightly-less-young women.

If you’ve been around a while, you already know that it was my job to know all the words to all the songs from one summer to the next. And, yes, I know them all, still.

And tears rolled down my cheeks as I listened to Rep. Williams saying that NOW it’s our turn.

Which begs the question…

What will we do with OUR time, now???

I’m asking. Really!

And, I’m also offering to help.

I started with Joan Baez. (Surprise!)

Then, my Filters videos-in-progress started editing themselves in my head. (More news to follow!)

You see, Nikema Williams’ question is really close to the notion I love from Frederick Buechner. It goes something like this:

The place where we are called is where our deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.

And, yes… that’s why I’m making Filters videos. So that I can help more of you claim that place in your world. And figure out how to get from here to there!

This is our moment! And Joan left this in my Medicine Basket!

ps… Curious??? Great! That’s the best state for learning new things… Ready??? 45 min. My gift. The calendar elves are ready!

pps… the layers of Legend 2023 go on… Spaces are now open for the Intentional Creativity® teacher training known as Color of Woman 2023! Click to learn more!!! (I’d hurry!)

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach