True Confessions!

I am a person who likes lists.

I am also a person who puts way more things on my list than I usually get crossed off. You may (or may not) relate to this.

Today has been a pretty good list day.

Sixteen quarts of bone broth in the freezer.

Two loads of laundry done and dried outside. One more in process.

Beasties tended. And fed. (This is vital!)

Bernie Sanders webinar complete. (Also vital!)

Blog post (almost!) done.

More close-to-finishing touches done on Our Lady of Living Waters.

Our Lady of the Flowering Earth begun. (Time out for happy dancing!) This one was kind of a surprise.

This is the painting that “hatched” itself in a dream recently. I thought I had it all figured out. Then I went crazy and and watched the videos!

I suspect the painting will turn out a bit different from the dream (and the videos) but I can already tell it will be even better because I did all the under layers as you can see, above.

This feels really good! It’s the me I’ve been since I was about 12 years old. It’s the me I am as a grandmother with two girls growing up in this world.

It’s the me who believes that we are created to create.

And it’s the me who knows that some of you are muttering, “Not me!” about now.

Let’s allow for the moment that I don’t believe that you are not an artist. I hear you. For decades, I didn’t understand, either. It’s just that being creative is an essential part of being human. So, I’m asking you to keep reading.

Art helps kids relate to the world and express themselves. (Adults, too!)

Art helps with stress management, which helps with health, which helps with stronger families.

Art helps with hope for the world.

Now, I know that not all of you are in a position to turn the place that used to be known as a living room and dining room into an art studio with room for painting friends and giant snoring dogs. No problem!

My Intentional Creativity sister, Jenafer Joy, is offering a super simple, never made art before or want to make art again, collage class.

Seven lessons.

A stack of magazines.

It’s called Synthesis. Oh, and it’s free!

And you could do it with kids or friends or grandkids!

Here’s the link.

Give yourself a bit of a vacation this summer. Take a risk. You’ve got this!!!

I’ll be there, too. For now, greens to pick in the garden and canvases to set up for tomorrow.

A hot date for dinner. (Complete with paint clothes…)

And more art on the list!!!





2 comments on “True Confessions!”

  1. Love the painting, Sue, and totally relate to the list with too many things on it. I am working on several projects at once, which means I’ve put painting aside for the past several months. Progress on any one project is slow as a result of rotating between them, but I am never bored. Painting goes on in my head and I am leaning more and more toward mixed media, abstract art. We’ll see how that goes when I finally pick up a brush or palette knife again. I know it’s not nearly as easy as it looks!

    1. I so hear you! Think Our Lady of Living Waters is going to turn out to be a mixed media project… my first. I, too, am learning more and more. It’s all good!!!

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Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach