I have to admit, I’m kind of missing the Easter basket bit.
Not Peeps – not even a little – and definitely not jelly beans. Dyeing eggs is fun, though, and I’m a fan of really, really good chocolate bunnies.
The kids are far away, however, and the between-ness of Saturday will go on a bit longer, at least in our personal world, as we are wandering in an uncertain land just now.
It’s not unique to us, for sure. Just our turn.
And, it seems to bring up big questions.
For me, one of those questions has to do with the boxes in our brains. It’s a question which has hung with me ever since the winter of 1989, when I visited Hungary with a group of Seminary students and one of our professors.
We had cold feet and odd food and lots of new experiences.
I came home from that trip with all the tidy boxes in my brain jumbled up, over-run with questions. Questions having a great deal to do with vested interest.
And, yes, my inner boxes are in more than a bit of disarray these days, for I am learning more stories.
I’m thankful, all over again, for that trip to Hungary. That trip where I learned that the boxes are just boxes and we get to make choices as we learn more.
Note, dear reader… this is about where I was in this story when I went to bed on Saturday night. Feeling close to “done”. Then, the Muse took over, as she is known to do! So, a bit of a narrative zig for a story I chose a while back and am still choosing every day…
That story began, for me, with a dream, during my Intentional Creativity® Teacher journey known as Color of Woman, in 2018.
Deep in the midst of my Talisman/Artist journey, I dreamed of winged horses. The next morning, curious, I looked up the symbolism and learned of an old legend which holds that…
Once upon a time, quite some time ago, two writers were talking together about the books they were working on.
One of them asked the other about his reference to “winged horses.”
The rather surprising response went something like this: Jesus didn’t come to make people look nice and behave themselves.
Jesus came to make whole new creatures where once there were broken people.
This, many people believe, was a reference to the image in the biblical book, Revelation, of winged horses, like the mythical Pegasus.
Not well-trained regular horses, but whole new creatures.
So, a contemporary glyph for the constellation, Pegasus, by Dennis Moskowitz, which manifested itself in my painting, Winged Horses, when my Prism and Apothecary journeys smashed into each other with a big bang on canvas.

Oh, the legendary writers???
C.S. Lewis speaking with J.R.R. Tolkien. Really!
And, I can see why the Muse insisted on this story in this moment!
The days leading up to the first Easter, I think, must have felt a lot like inner boxes coming apart for a great many people.
And yet, those who followed Yeshua, stayed. Well, some of them. Many of those who did choose to stay, according to stories that you and I might not have learned along the way, were the women.
What, our world is screaming, will we choose, now?
For me, the answers begin and end with Love, with Fierce Compassion, whatever our particular traditions.
If we start there, we can figure the rest out. Together.

ps… just in case your walls could use some inspiration, and perhaps even a winged horse, there are lots of choices at FierceArtWithHeart!
pps… shop soon! Right now, there’s a 20% discount in the Original Paintings and Archival Prints collections. Just enter the code LOVE when you check out!