Saturday. 5am. The Muse, aka Grandmother Moon, decided it was time to play! Not unwelcome… just a wee bit off on the optimal timing scale!
I managed to float with the plotting and planning until about 7am. Then, paper and pencil were required. And…. drum roll, please… we have a plan!
I know… you’ve seen this view before. I’ve been pondering what finished might look like for several days and now I know.
Well, not really! What I actually know is what the next couple of steps are. And a feeling about where we’re heading. And why.
Which is really big progress!
To be honest, I wasn’t really planning such a big change.
We’ve been through a lot… Grandmother Moon, The Muse, this canvas and I. This is where we were, back in November when I was busy with the whole oral surgery adventure which led to the last big change…
And a quote from a blog post back then…
What I know for sure is that I feel better. (Well, not my jaw, so much, but ME!) And, I’m kind of glad that the canvas needs more work, though I have no idea where we’re headed. And some big news… a week or so ago, it occurred to me that I was become-ing a Medicine Painter. Not just doing, but being. Then, while I was slinging paint and tears all over the place, I realized that I have also become my own Medicine Basket!
All of which felt like a whole lot of learning! And, there is still more learning going on…
It seems, now, that in order for this work to become my Constellation of Being, we’re going to have to work on less before we get to more!
And, yes… a good bit of white paint will be involved!
You know that old saying about anxiety and excitement feeling pretty much the same, neurologically?
Well, it’s true! (At least for me…) And the next part of the thought is that we use one of my favorite notions – CONTEXT – to decide what to call what we’re feeling!
I’m going with excitement!
Right after I start a load of laundry and finish my tea!
Fast forward to…
Art is not for the weak of heart! It is for those who love learning. And become-ing!
ps… even more become-ing has happened! Here’s where we are now – all 48×60 inches of it!
pps… look again, please, at the purple canvas. Do you see her? I just did… Oh, Holy Wow!!!
ppps… stay tuned! And, if you’re feeling the need for a safe perspective shift, come check out FierceArtWithHeart! From mugs to leggings to museum quality prints to original art, and more… Daphne’s got you!