We interrupt CNN…

At just this moment, in 1989, I was in what was, at the time, the old Eastern Block nation of Hungary. I traveled there with a group of my classmates at Columbia Thelogical Seminary and one of our professors.

The stated purpose of our trip was to experience a context different from our own. That, we did!

With lots of translating from English, often to German, and then to Hungarian and back again, we asked many questions. One of my overwhelming realizations was that our new friends came from generations of good people who woke up every morning, wondering who would be in charge.

Sadly, I have a much better perspective on what that must have felt like in this moment than I did a week ago. Which is rather like the old notion that we don’t know what we don’t know, until we do. And CNN plays on.

It feels, for me, like 9/11 felt. And that tells me something important. We, those of us who are aghast at least, are experiencing something much like national post traumatic stress from the attack on our Democracy, and the Covid deaths are picking up speed again.

I’m grateful for the pastoral counselor with 30-some years of experience who lives within me, quite a bit more spattered with paint in these days. What she knows is that many of the things we thought we could count on feel shaky, at best, in this moment and we probably won’t be very successful at shaming or blaming ourselves out of it.

One thing that helps is to let the feelings out. Bake a loaf of bread and knead the daylights out of it if that works for you. Walk, if you safely can, swinging your arms, alternately with your legs. The cross-lateral brain movement helps! If walking isn’t a good fit, knitting is the same kind of helpful movement.

Brush a big, hairy dog if there’s one handy. Make prayer dots.

Make some soup. Or donate to a soup kitchen. Sing. Dance. Wail the daylights out of an old piano. Reach out to the ones you love. Safely.

My own hands are paint stained again after a Zoom workshop with my dear Red Thread sister, Natalie Moyes, in which we claimed some of the good in 2020.

Just between us, I’m pretty worn out after all the election drama in Georgia. And grateful that we did, indeed, cause some Good Trouble.

And I’m planning on causing some more! Here’s the thing…

The world needs you and your gifts! First, though, those gifts need claiming.

I’d like to help. (It’s how I cause trouble!) That’s why I’m opening a few slots in my private coaching practice. Over a period of about 4 months, we’ll use a bunch of my best strategies to clarify your vision and add what you need to be ready and to make the next steps.

Watch for details tomorrow. For tonight, consider taking a break from CNN. Turn on your favorite music. Dance “like no one is watching”. And, if you’re really feeling motivated, put paper and a pencil on your bedside table, tonight, and let yourself wonder, as you wander off to sleep, what gift might be calling you forward.

And, if you’re anything like me, you might also ponder who’s watching.

Raised Right…

On the Acknowledgements page of my dissertation, I wrote these words:

Ferrol Sams’ character, Porter Osborne, Jr., was “raised right” — a condition which he frequently invoked when he was about to do something contrary to his Southern Baptist upbringing while at the same time wishing to absolve his forbears of guilt by association. I, too, have been “raised right,” though by other families and traditions. If those who have gone before me wish to be absolved of the thoughts claimed here, so be it. They did their best.

Boardman, Will You “Do” Our Wedding?

Just between us, there are some days when I wish I were not a writer, deep in my soul. This day is, in some notably horrific ways, one of them. But then I remember that I get to say something which might be helpful.

It’s a lot like preaching.

But first a story…

I spent Tuesday pondering a shift in options for making my art available for adoption online. There were the obvious tech questions involved. And financial questions. And friendship questions. And even a few political questions. Kind of like life.

All that while watching the returns from Georgia’s Senate run-off elections.

Frankly, it was feeling like a sleepless night looking for a place to happen.

Then I had an idea. (Note: This is where some of the folks who raised me right may get a little anxious.)

A couple of minutes worth of hunting in the studio produced my set of Mother Mary Oracle Cards, by Alana Fairchild.

I learned of these cards from the amazing artist and author, Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, aka SARK. And then, from the cards, I learned of the work of Shiloh Sophia McCloud, another amazing artist and author, who illustrated the work.

I could spend ages debating the theological traditions that crash into each other, at least in common perception, in this story but, instead, I’ll just tell you what happened last night.

I shuffled the cards, as I was taught, and then I passed them from hand to hand until I selected one. Magic? Energy? Inspiration?

I don’t know.

Last night, it was card number 24. Our Lady of Great Power

Here’s a bit of what I read:

It takes a truly great leader to be a great warrior for love on this planet. This leader does not give us false hope, or imaginings that all the problems that need solving will just magically ‘go away’ if we close our eyes and hope hard enough. Instead this leader inspires us with genuine encouragement and empowerment. This leader is honest about our healing light really being needed on this planetYet we also need that leader to inspire us with genuine hope and self-esteem, which helps us feel empowered to be able to make a difference. This will prevent us from collapsing into despair, believing that nothing can change – whether in our own life, or in the world around us.

Yes, I have taken these words out of context. And yet, wisdom comes where it will and the best we can do is to be willing to listen.

Or, to return a bit closer to my roots… from the Gospel according to Matthew:

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.

Where the energy goes…

… or, where Neuro-linguistic Programming meets Qigong. (And just about everything else!)

If you’ve been hanging around a while, you may know that, once upon a time, a long time ago, I was a surgical nurse. I’ll always remember the first major brain surgery I scrubbed in on.

The surgeon, who was new in those parts, handed me a gizmo that looked like a metal tongue depressor wrapped in clear plastic. Then he said, “hold that right there and don’t touch the yellow thing or he’ll be blind in one eye!”

(Nothing like a little pressure while learning!)

I suppose that was the beginning of my fascination with how our brains work, especially when they don’t look they could do much of anything! It’s been quite a journey. For today, though, I’ll simply tell you that our patient did well and recovered fully.

And now we’ll go on to some pondering that’s more about perception and thought than it is directly about anatomy.

Here’s the best way I’ve learned to explain it:

Where the attention goes, the energy flows.

This is, I believe, the problem with with New Year’s Resolutions, at least as many of us frame them. Quit this. Lose that. Don’t do something else. All negative.

Now, I know that some of you will have learned this trick before and you can just let this be a celebration of how well you’re doing. But, just in case you haven’t, here’s how it works.

Let’s say that someone you know resolves to quit watching TV. (There is no judgement in this example!)

Because our brains don’t do negatives, the attention of quitting TV becomes energy flowing toward – you guessed it! – TV. And the outcome is pretty predictable.

If, instead, that same someone resolved to paint every day, or play the piano, or make more soup, the energy would go toward those desired things and they’d be a lot more likely to happen.

Here’s another way to look at this. With our example of quitting TV, the minute we watch TV, we’ve failed. If, instead, our attention was on painting or playing the piano or making soup, every time we followed through and did one of those things, we’d succeed!

Now I’ve admitted, before, to being a bit of a language junky. Framing things positively makes them a whole lot more likely to happen. And who do you know that doesn’t enjoy success?

So, I am hereby authorizing you to edit any resolutions you may have made into positive aspirations. And, just in case part of you already knew that resolutions weren’t your best thing so you didn’t make any, I’ll encourage you, gently, to let yourself claim your path for 2021 and set out on the journey.

ps… for the last time in this space… at least for the next little while, I’ll ask you, if you live in Georgia, to please, please vote. That’s how we move toward the positive!

The Only Thing…

Truth. While missing my kids and resisting Christmas cookies, I’ve been indulging my serious fondness for The West Wing.

A couple of days ago it was time for Jed Bartlet’s second inauguration. The speech writing was complicated by a crisis in Africa. One of the writing team was off running for Congress in California. It was, at least in TV land, time for new characters. Will Bailey jetted in to help.

On the night of the Inauguration, the President gathered the Senior Staff for a rather surprising announcement. The (very!) new kid on the block was being named Deputy Communications Director, complete with a certificate signed by Bartlet and stamped with the seal of the President.

Then came the question. (You may know the quote from American Cultural Anthropologist, Margaret Mead. Please play along, if you do!)

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. [Do you know why?] …it’s the only thing that ever has.

I’ve loved this for years. And, especially in this moment, I’ve begun to suspect it just might be about me, too.

The political challenges are about to wear me out! And I’ve been flinging my commitment far and wide. But that’s not the only thing I’ve been up to. You see, despite everything else that’s going on in the world (and with a cranky knee), I’m still painting.

Paint by soul. My teacher and friend, Shiloh Sophia McCloud, who is the amazing force behind Intentional Creativity® in this moment, explains it this way…

Musea is one of the largest and most well established art movements on the planet.

(Really? Me? Yes!!!)

We are the curators of consciousness, using a methodology called Intentional Creativity which is making with mindfulness in any medium. Painting. Music. Language. Cuisine. Culture. Poetry. Theater. Pottery. Drawing. Sculpting. Dance. (Even quilts!) All mediums, when made with a sacred intent, tell a story. 

Our Intentional Creativity Movement has roots going back close to 100 years and invites participants to step into the role of Artist… There are currently over 400 Intentional Creativity Teachers worldwide, empowering more people to claim their self-expression and live a life more aligned with who they are through the power of Intentional Creativity.

The reach of our work is far beyond our knowing and we believe it will be carried into the millennia with teachers, both present and future. They will bring Intentional Creativity into their homes, schools, wellness and mental health centers, and prison systems. Our methodology can be used any place awakening consciousness through creativity is possible, to lift up others and bring healing to our planet.

MUSEA : Intentional Creativity  

Many Voices. Many Hands. Many Lands.  

Crafting Culture and Curating Consciousness

Now, you’re probably wondering why this, now? Well, because, amongst my Musea sisters, I’m living the truth of Margaret Mead’s quote. And, as Shiloh said, there are many ways to do it!

I’m one of those 400 Intentional Creativity teachers. I’m also one of a small but growing number of people using Intentional creativity for coaching with individuals and groups. And a huge part of my work is in empowering others to clarify their visions for helping to heal the world and putting them to work. (You’ll hear more about this very soon!)

“Talent” is not required! Just a longing to be part of more light for all.

ps… This glimpse of my current painting is a reminder from Luther that there are many ways of seeing.

pps… May your New Year be filled with hope and blessings!

Keeping warm in the cold…

Luther is loving the weather. Cold. Damp. A smidge of ice. It feels familiar to him and Luther is a guy who sorts for familiar much of the time.

Phoebe and I are not so sure. Cranky joints seem crankier than usual. Plus, there’s lots of laptopping to get done so, while Luther is out chatting (loudly) with the dogs next door, Phoebe and I have been huddled in the den, with fuzzy blankets and movies on TV.

Sister Act (1 & 2) have been on a bunch. I’m a fan and excited to learn, in a recent Colbert interview with Whoopi Goldberg, that a third movie is in the works.

I know. It’s not likely to win an Oscar but the music is great and there’s lots of empowering going on, which works for me. Here’s one of my favorite scenes from the first movie:

The novice nun, Sister Mary Robert says to Whoopi, Do you know how sometimes it’s as if you have to be yourself or you’ll just burst?

Whoopi’s succinct response is, Yep, I do.

Well, I do, too. And the painting and teaching and coaching are the ways I do me. And, of course, being a Grammy!

Then, as I was sketching out the outline for the Miracles workshop, I happened across a rerun of The Help.

Fairly true to form, I had read the book before I saw the movie. And I loved the book! All that speaking the things which “must not” be spoken.

One of my favorite scenes appeared as if on cue today. The maid/nanny, Aibileen, says to the small girl in her care, You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important.

That claim is, in so many ways, at the core of my commitment to the notion that Grandmothers Are In Charge Of Hope!

Hearing it felt different today. Bigger, somehow. You see, the world has changed since the last time I heard it.

Well, it probably hasn’t changed so much as we’re more aware, many of us, of things that are both true and not working at all.

As I listened and wiped my tears, I wondered what it would be like if that affirmation suddenly became the core of our sharing this planet?.

What if we looked at each person we met and related with them out of the basic premise that they, and we, are kind and smart and important?

What if that was the message not only for our nearest and dearest, but for our nation?

On the one hand, it feels like an awfully big change to imagine.

On the other, it has the rare advantage of being something you and I can start today, no act of Congress required.

Now, I’ll admit that there are exceptions. Not everybody is kind and smart and important and we do have to protect ourselves… but would there be as many exceptions if we started there?

There will undoubtedly be days when we’ll stub our verbal toes over old barriers, but we’ll learn more doing it. And, bit by bit, things will get better.

Some folks won’t be thrilled, but that’s no reason to give up. I’m starting, consciously, now. (The editor who lurks inside me has politely suggested that we fluff the grammar up just a bit.)

You are kind. You are smart. You are important.

Pretty good news to preach…

ps… the artwork, above, is a snippet from my painting, The Fiercely Compassionate Artist.

When the past is still true…

Just before I left for Columbia seminary, we got a new pastor at 1st Pres in Lakeland, Florida. Things changed after Tom arrived. One of my favorite changes involved establishing a living nativity scene in front of the church. We began that very first year.

The church sits on a lake and people circle around every year to look at the Christmas lights. It’s like a contest to see who can burn the most bulbs or come up with the craziest display of Santa on water skis. We set up a stable, sewed up some costumes and began recruiting Mary’s and Joseph’s for Witness on the Lake.

Animals were our first problem. That area is not exactly overrun with farm animals. A large animal vet came to our rescue, delivering a donkey, a goat, and two sheep to the church.

Housing the animals became our next problem. A small, fenced enclosure behind the parking lot worked well, after we moved the canoe trailer. The neighbors weren’t so sure what they thought. We lived in dread fear of a call from the zoning commission informing us that our four-footed actors had to go. Fortunately, that call never came.

Unfortunately, the donkey had such a bad attitude that we had to trade him in for a shetland pony. A very old shetland pony with cataracts so bad that he spent a great deal of effort trying to turn away from the headlights coming around the lake. This caused Tom to wonder why we kept getting the business end of the horse!

We’d been out there for 3 or 4 nights and things were going going fairly well when the big night finally arrived. Christmas Eve was wet and cold. Several of our characters called in sick and we scrambled to find folks to be Magi and shepherds in the final hours before the service. The young adults’ group turned out in full force and we were back in business.

The pony bit Tom. The goat looked depressed or sick or both. The sheep, who’d played their parts well all week, simply stood blinking in the dripping rain. We huddled in the makeshift stable, shivering in our costumes and munching chocolate chip cookies some kind soul had made. I wasn’t sure we were being much of a witness!

Amazingly, people still came! Cars drove round and round. Even the newspapers showed up. Somewhere in the middle of all the bustle, a young mother walked up with her daughter who was about 4 years old.

The little girl stood, tattered and wet, one finger in her mouth, and looked. She looked and looked and looked. Finally she pointed at a sheep and we assured her that it was safe to pet the soggy animal. Suddenly, scattering hay everywhere and scaring the sheep half to death, she darted into the little stable. Gazing down at our baby-doll Jesus lying in an orange crate she asked, Who are you supposed to be?

Several of us answered at once. Mary – Joseph – a shepherd… Our little friend looked even more puzzled. Then a young man, who sold cement for a living, decided to start at the beginning and we began to tell the Christmas story. Slowly her mother joined us, listening as intently as the little girl who was now holding the baby-doll Jesus. Finally they wandered off into the rain – the little girl crunching another cookie and her mother promising to think about our invitation to return for church that evening.

As we settled back into our roles – still huddled in the stable – another person approached us. A lovely woman, dressed for a party. Her high heels sank into the wet ground and she wrapped her expensive raincoat more tightly about her. She held a small camera in one hand but she, like the little girl, stood for long moments – just watching. Finally she looked directly at us and said, I have just one question. Why do you do this ridiculous thing?

We stammered a bit… Well, it’s Christmas and the children like it and… but she was already walking away, her unused camera swinging at her side.

Her question has haunted me ever since.

I told this story for the first time in 1990, in the pulpit of a tiny church I had come to serve. And I was compelled to tell it again, today.

I’ve learned a lot since that night in the rain when a woman I did not know asked, Why?

In some ways my answer has gotten more complex. I’m more aware of the ways stories like this have been used to belittle or frighten those of different traditions.

I’m more aware of those who don’t feel included.

I’m more aware of the ways people who claim the story but not the love behind it have used it to grab power in our world with no concern for any but themselves.

And yet, I am compelled to do this ridiculous thing again because I still believe it is about hope. Hope in the promises of the Creator.

I think many of us tell this story because we remember those promises – promises of belonging and posterity and relationship. And maybe, just maybe, our remembering has a bit to do with reminding the maker of those promises that we haven’t forgotten! That the truth of this story is somehow more true, even, than what we see with our own eyes in these days.

If the woman in the raincoat was here today, that is what I would tell her. We do it because, somehow, the story of Creator and Creation is more true than Fox News.

Maybe you know that woman in the raincoat and you can tell her for me!

And maybe you’ll tell me some of your sacred stories, too. So be it. Amen.

ps… to you and yours from me and mine… love and peace and hope in this moment and always.

What Santa’s Bringing This Year…

It’s been quite the year around here, as I imagine it has been for you, as well. And I’ll admit to being tempted to focus on the things that are missing in our world but I’m consciously resisting.

So! There’s a new roof on the house we’re blessed to have. And, with a bit of luck and some earplugs, there should soon be several energy efficient updates to the things the experts call systems. By which I mean big things like the HVAC machinery. And possibly cleaned ducts, but that one is still in the research phase.

I led my first webinar (I know… but please be patient. The world needs more art and people who believe in the longings of their hearts!)

Nothing like a an adventurous tech-y escapade (Read that, making a video to – gulp – publish!) to make the next things on the progress list more obvious. In my case, a plan for video editing lessons, and a cell phone with more camera. (Thank you, Santa!)

Someone asked me, the other day, why I was torturing myself with extroverting and videos and such.

It’s a good question. And the answer takes us to another question… one that will undoubtedly play a big role in the Miracles workshop.

What do you want to set free in the world in 2021 and beyond?

Which, ironically, brings to mind the Legendary Husband’s vast collection of Dragon Con and Signals Catalog t-shirts!

Yes. Beyond this place there be dragons.

And, yes. We are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

All of which means that we need an answer to this question, too.

What do you need…?

(Well, there’s a little more, but that’s why we’re having a workshop!)

So, wherever you are – as long as there’s a Zoom connection! – thank your fears for their concern and send them on vacation. Click the brightly colored link above (or here) and go get some more information. Give this adventure a chance. You do have choices! Come, set sail in the direction of your dreams.

I have two granddaughters growing up in this world and the more of us there are facing the dragons, the better it’s going to be for all of us.

Think of it as you giving a gift to the world! And holiday blessings to you and yours.

ps… Many thanks to Sam Bennett and her amazing team for helping with the tools for facing dragons!

pps… The workshop starts December 27th. NOW is the time!