A new word for a new world!

As you may recall, I never went to Kindergarten.

In those way-back days, before the characters my kid referred to as Bernie & Ert, I didn’t begin to read until first grade.

Sally, Dick & Jane were my best friends, and I’ve loved words ever since.

This morning, over my first cup of tea, I realized I needed a new word. And, yes… the paintings have been whispering again. I’m so excited!!!

The painting, above, is a big hint. I’ve known for a few weeks now that it was going to be a book cover. The book even has a title! And, now – thanks to the whispering – it has the subtitle that’s been missing! And, yes… I’ll tell you in just a minute! First, though, a bit of context.

I have two books hatching inside me… all at once! It feels a bit like it must feel to be pregnant with twins. Growing together with much in common. And precious differences, too.

These books already have their own personalities. Their own needs. Their own intentions. And they feel quite different than my previous books have felt, in their gestational phases!

I think it’s because I’m different!

And, when you get right down to it, isn’t that kind of the point???

Which brings us to my new word!


First, I should probably admit that I never quite figured out Postmodernist! What I do know is that it wasn’t a nearly big enough Medicine Basket for what’s hatching inside me!

And, it’s taken me a while to get here. I set out, with huge Intention, when my teacher, friend, and cherished author, Kathleen McGowan, was looking for a book for a child who was asking…

Why are people so mad about Jesus?

In that moment, this book began growing inside me. In this context. Now. And that brings us back to this morning, when the walls were whispering book titles. Here goes:

Soul Dancing with Grandmother Moon…
Sacred Tales for MetaModern Littles & the Adults Who Love Them!®

Then, the other voices in my head chimed in. Mostly the ones concerned about whose stories I can tell. And Grandmother Moon explained it in the emphatic way she has when she’s serious:

It’s not about appropriating other traditions, or discounting them… it’s about learning from other souls!!!

And, I suspect she was still meddlin’ when I found this on Facebook about half a cup of tea later!

A Creation story from the Hopi Nation, Arizona

Creator said:
I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it.
It is the realization that they create their own reality.

The eagle said:
Give it to me. I will take it to the moon.
Creator said:
No. One day they will go there and find it.
The salmon said:
I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean.
Creator said:
No. They will go there, too.
The buffalo said:
I will bury it on the Great Plains.
Creator said:
They will cut into the skin of the earth and find it even there.
Grandmother who lives at the breast of Mother Earth and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said:
Put it inside of them.
And Creator said:
It is done.

May it be so inside of me. And inside of you, too, if you are ready for the call!

ps… my second Legend painting has offered to walk beside us on the road and help claim the reality we’re creating!

pps… could you use a witness for your journey??? Let’s talk! 30 min. My gift. Bring a cuppa and a bit of Red Thread, if it’s handy. I’ll bring my Medicine Basket!

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach