When I first began to paint, back in 2017, I did it the way I had done many things before. I watched the demonstrations and listened to the directions and tried to do what Shiloh Sophia McCloud was teaching.
Despite having been told endlessly, as a child, that I was NOT the artistic kid, it went pretty well. Probably because it was about process at least as much as outcome. And I loved the process!
I’ve had at least one painting going ever since. (At this moment there are four projects on my #work-in-progress list!)
And, yes, they tend to all “talk” at once!
Maybe it’s the intensity of this time sensitive moment, but something new is happening. At least new for me.
Instead of trying to decide what I want to put on the canvas, I’ve begun to look for what I see in the canvas and try to draw it out.
And, yes… it feels pretty weird!
It started with the close up of a really big canvas you met recently… the one with a whole lot of purple going on. And my seeing a being – or perhaps a presence – near the bottom.

Then, I sat with it more. The whole thing, in different light. The first being stayed. And a second one appeared. A huge second head.
Please stick with me. No horror stories ahead… I promise!
Then, the background got night-sky blue. And I saw hands. And I painted them! I was thrilled. I love hands and the word for hand which, in ancient Aramaic, also meant power!
And, just in case you’re wondering… she’s not being held up. She’s witnessing all the wonder! Which seems to be a big thing just now!

Then, I took a couple of days off for time with our visiting kids and the Guardian painting and a big addition to my Temple painting, who has a name now… Em-power-ing Venus! (They’re together in the top photo… juggling for space and attention, in the studio!
And, I’m noticing another thing in the midst of all the paint. There’s something magical about seeing what wants to become! About working with the canvas instead of simply on it.
ps… if you squint just a bit at the photo just above, you might notice a face in the big circle which is becoming the moon… and so much more!
pps… got chaos? Want hope? On a mission to BE hope? More comfortable in an individual setting than a group space??? There is room in my world for 3 new 1:1 clients! All the Medicine Basket Coaching (which basically means access to all the stuff I know!) could be your next right step! Check this out and let me know if you’d like to talk! suesvoice@gmail.com