When minor miracles lead to bigger ones…

Okay, sleeping in a bit doesn’t necessarily count as a miracle but it sure felt like one on Saturday! There’s a whole lot going on and The Muse is a very early riser!

Wonder of wonders, though, I made it clear to 9:00am, which was a perfect time for a cup of cacao. Then, on to checking all the various sorts of messages.

One that really called out to me was from Shiloh Sophia McCloud who is busy with a whole lot of newness in her world, too. And, like me, Shiloh has been known to switch from preachin’ to meddlin’ on occasion. That’s one of the things I love best about her!

The short version of her message was, Make one much needed change today.

And, yes… that particular message set off a cascade of ideas in my consciousness!

Kind of surprisingly, I’d done the first step Friday night, without even being aware of where it was headed.

Here’s the intention that insisted on being the beginning…

When I’d made enough progress Saturday morning for the thinking to kick in, I claimed my personal plan for much needed change. Before I tell you what it is, though, you need to know that I’m up to my eyebrows in the kind of tech challenges that go with new book-babies. And, my right hand is really grumpy which makes the tech stuff even harder.

So, kind of predictably, I started my much needed change by editing a filter!!! A strategy filter!

Here’s what it sounded like…

Me, to my Inner Critic: Oh! I just learned that Saturday is the new official Critic’s Day Off. That means you can go down by the lake and watch the swans. Or go window shopping at Kudzu. Or go to the library. Yay! Have fun! No need to hurry back!!!

Then, I enlisted The Muse’s best buddy, my Inner Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother, and put her in charge of getting the word out, in whatever ways it could be heard, as easily as possible, by the folks I want to reach. We weren’t going to worry about everything matching. We were just going to tell our Beloveds how excited we are about the book-baby! Because this world needs to hear what the book-baby has to say. Now! And, yes… the photo we began with is a big hint!!!

Just in case you’re new around here, or we accidentally missed you, just click here for all the details. We’ve saved a seat especially for you!

Now, even in the midst of this story, which might sound a bit woo-woo around the edges, I suspect I’m going to need some more practice with this new strategy of mine. Especially the part about enlisting my Inner Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother when things feel hard and I’m afraid of not getting it right enough.

The thing is that now I have a new strategy to choose. Consciously. Intentionally. Frequently!!! Some of which might just come up at the book-baby party! 😉 😉

For this moment, though, a new being is appearing on my canvas. I’m already learning new things!

ps… if you hurry really fast, you can still sign up for Abracadabra, Shiloh Sophia’s new year-long course. And, yes, much needed chosen changes will be involved… Click here… and hurry!!!

pps… there’s a pet portrait challenge going on at Dick Blick! Click here if you’re curious…

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Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach