We’re Not Going Back!

One of the best things I ever learned – in the early 1980’s – came from the late Dr. H. Stephen Glenn. Steve said that, if a teenaged child has 5 adults who will listen to them, take them seriously, and not shame or blame them for their questions, that child is practically immune from ever attempting suicide.

Here’s the thing… the world is more complicated – more in our faces – now than ever before. There are a lot of people in the news trying to decide who matters and who doesn’t. Whose family matters and whose doesn’t. Whose notion of Creator matters and whose doesn’t. And we can’t wait until our littles are teenagers to start helping them claim that they matter! Instead, we must start right where we are. And not go back!!!

So, I created a book we can share with the littles we love, to help them know they matter! That they’re part of the miracle of Creation. And you’re invited to the virtual book launch!!!

Where is easy! Zoom!!!

When is, well, SOON! Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 1pm PT/4pm ET. And, yes… there’s a bit more story around this plan, which has to do with not going back!

On September 22, 1692, nine women were convicted of witchcraft in Salem, MA. One pled guilty and was allowed to live. Eight were hung. Two of those eight women, Mary Parker and Alice Parker, were my great aunts! I did some research…

Two of the reasons women were often tried for witchcraft were being in possession of & able to read a book other than the Bible, and having no living male relative to control their money, possessions, and decisions.

Say it with me, please… We’re not going back!

So… a book launch/baby shower!!! And a chance to learn step one and step two of the best way I know to get from the place where you are to the place where your deep joy and the world’s deep longing meet. (Thanks, Frederick Buechner!) REALLY!!! (And, YES, these steps really were the beginnings of the book-baby!)

A chance to make real progress in Setting YOUR SuperPowers free in the world… to give birth to your deep voice and message in your way! (REALLY!!!)

Here’s the deal… You commit $44.44 and 90 minutes of your time. You get to meet the book-baby, and add two incredibly power-full tools to your medicine basket. In return, I mail you a complimentary hardcover, hand autographed copy of A Creation Poem…

And we go forward, rather than back!

Here’s a glimpse of the journey, appearing even now on another canvas path… (And you don’t even have to believe you can paint to set out on the adventure! Honest!!!)

And, here’s what more preview readers are saying…

This book is a treasure! The images are evocative and the colors soar! My children and I took in this story and enjoyed talking about the magick that is conveyed through each and every image and how it weaves through the words. We noticed the creator is referred to as they and that sparked a beautiful conversation about inclusion and what and who the creator is in their eyes! We loved this book!

Connie Viglietti, Intuitive Healing Arts, LLC

In this compelling work of art, Sue Boardman combines her theological sensibility, her artistic capacity, and her skill in communication to write a reflection on the wonder, grandeur and mystery of creation. She boldly moves past our eager efforts at “explanation” to let us live in “wonder, love, and praise.” Readers will find her offering an exercise in grateful amazement.

Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach