Super Powers, Part One

I’ve been thinking a lot about super powers lately. Some of my paint sisters have mentioned them.

I’ve had some pretty odd dreams.

And then, one day, I hatched an Intentional Creativity workshop for our Thanksgiving visit with our kids. I’ve been pretty excited!

A bit of button pushing solved supply problems. All we had to do was stop on the way from the airport to pick up canvases, brushes, and paint.

We began Tuesday evening, around the supper table, with three generations of family, index cards and Sharpie markers.

I wrote each person’s name on a card and then shuffled and passed them around.

On each person’s card, as they went around the table, we wrote a super power we believed that person has. We also wrote a super power we would claim for ourselves.

Then, after supper, time for drop cloths. Lots of them. And paint.

The youngest among us were so eager to get started that I forgot a couple of the desirable under layers.

No matter. We soon overcame our fear with Shiloh’s half circle faces.

Then, some discussion about symbols and ways to represent our super powers.

The results were amazing!

We have more work to do while pies bake tomorrow but, for tonight, here are some comments from the mighty mini women.

About feelings when listing super powers, the consensus was fun and cool, with the addition of we got to pick them for everybody!

There was universal agreement that the Big Scary Glaze step was, in fact, scary, rather like doing a hand stand on a beam from the wee gymnasts.

About the best parts, K. said Seeing how creative others’ painting were, while T. went with working with Grammy. 

When I inquired about cool, new learnings, the responses were, You could do Big Scary Glazes! and There’s no going wrong!!!

Tomorrow pie crust and paint.

Thanksgiving blessings from all of us to all of you!

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach