Shhhh…. how the magic works!

Years and years ago, when my business card said MDiv, DMin, Pastoral Counselor, I was already busy learning about things like neuroplasticity and magic. I just didn’t know it then!

One client I’d worked with for a while helped me learn a lot. She was a bright, caring young woman who wanted to make a difference and kept getting stuck.

Not stuck, in a general sense, but in a very specific old story.

Every time she told the story, she’d fold into the same curled up posture on my sofa. Shoulders pulled in. Chin tucked to her chest. Trying, in many ways, to disappear.

One day, a light came on for me.

She was accessing this story stored whole-chunk in her brain with auditory, visual, and kinesthetic patterns and the patterns were so deep that the story was the same for her, every time. Carved in stone, if you will.

So, one day, with huge thanks to some NLP teachers of mine, I interrupted her gently, and asked her to trade places with me.


I went and sat on the sofa, while she sat in my magic rocking chair. The one that helped me help others through all the years of knee surgeries. The very same rocking chair in the photo!

You’ve already guessed what happened.

She couldn’t curl into the story in the same way, seated in the magic rocker, and so she could actually tell the story differently. And hear it differently!

And, yes, in that moment, change became possible!

Little did I know, all those years ago, that the magic would also work with paper and markers. With red thread. With images and symbols. And with questions that make all the difference.

Yep… with stuff that fits a lot more easily and flexibly into a (virtual or literal) medicine basket than that very antique, very heavy chair!

Now, in case you’re curious, that young woman from years ago and I have both kept learning new things.

So has my very talented Intentional Creativity® sister, Natalie Moyes.

And we’re thrilled to have an accessible way to share those things with you in the adventure known as Medicine Basket your way…. unsticking stuck_______________________ stuff!

The mysterious blank space in there is, indeed, to create curiosity. To get you to click the big link, below, and find out what kind of stuff you might unstick if you decide to join us. And we really hope you will!

And, yes, we know we’re kind of filling your email box with a bit of a Medicine Basket blizzard lately.

Here’s why… this world could, in our opinions, use quite a bit of healing and hope. This is our way of doing the most we know how to co-create a future that works better and better… for all of us!

(Especially since a good American Empire antique oak rocker is pretty hard to come by! And really, really heavy!!!)

So, uncurl yourself from wherever your stuck place is. Take a deep breath. And…

Click HERE to learn more and sign up NOW! (The early-bird discount is still active!!!)

We’ve got you. And the world needs you!

ps… if you have questions, ask them! Here’s my calendar link Let’s discover! 15 min. No charge. Just hope!

pps… Daphne, the recently re-christened bear in the chair, is a story for another day. Soon!

ppps… many, many thanks to The Legendary Husband for heroic assistance with the photo shoot!

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