Staying on the road… and in the conversation!

Every now and then, somebody asks me why I bother to write.

Some days, I ask me that! This week had a couple of those days… both of them having to do with the purgatory-like place known as social media.

First, I got scolded by a dear, wise friend with a lot of tough things on her list, about allowing a conversational twist on my page over the tragedy engulfing the people of Israel and Gaza which is spreading globally like a plague of shootings and trauma and exclusion.

She had a point.

And, I was allowing the conversation in the hopes that people might hear something other than hatred.

Full disclosure… I deleted the entire post, after a good bit of pondering.

Why? Because it was causing pain to someone I care about.

And, I was tired. And sad.

Then, another conversation. A word, by the way, which literally means turning together!!!

This time, about pronouns for God.

A conversation which has changed a good bit during my Earth-journey. And one which has become a power-hungry yard stick for right/wrong… in/out… real/not.

All of which was churning inside me while I was attempting to do the thing called sleeping.

Now, if you’ve been reading along for a bit, you may have heard me mention that my dreams are way more like hearing voices than watching a movie. Last night was no exception!

It started like this…

Language is very powerful. Language does not just describe reality. Language creates the reality it describes. (The late South-African Archbishop, Desmond Tutu.)


…In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. (John 1, KJV… And, yes, irony abounds!)

And after that, clear as a bell… the voice of my own Little, just learning to speak.

You see, Dave called all of us Mama. Me, my folks, my sister, the daycare people…

One by one, he learned their “other” names. Eventually, just my mom and I were Mama. And Mom was sad when he learned Grammy.

My first granddaughter had name challenges, too. I started out as Gam. Then, Gwammy, And eventually, Grammy.

And each time she called to me, by whatever name, I was thrilled! (I still am!!!)

Then… a rare picture in my dream.

A chicken!

(Laugh if you wish… this is the real deal!)

And, there were words with the picture…

So much for sleeping. It was time for tea and searching the bookshelves.

At the risk of spoiling the literary suspense, here’s the punchline in this amazing story:

…and much, much more!

A book with roots in scripture! (Start with Matthew 23: 37 – 39. Jesus is speaking.)

A book with a whole lot of wisdom for our time!

Here’s my ah-hah! in this whole adventure…

The Divine of my understanding is delighted each time we call upon them and not in the least concerned with what name we use!

In my heart, the question is simply this…

Are we welcoming searching people into dynamic relationship with Creator or are we building walls of vested self interest around Hope???

ps… I know you’ve seen glimpses of this painting recently when it was still a #wip. She’s sitting across from my chair as I do this particular writing thing. I just noticed how much she looks like the Mother Hen cover art! Hmmmm…

pps… you know all those catalogs filling up your mailbox with all the wardrobe updates you can’t live without in the New Year? Well, I have a better idea!!! Recycle them and cruise around FierceArtWithHeart, instead. Fab creative items you can’t find anywhere else. Lots of sizes and choices. There WILL be a special offer for the New Year!

Can we be real???

There are a whole lot of things going on in this world that you and I can’t change by ourselves. And, just between us, I’ve got a big case of Sleepless in Atlanta going on.

It’s 5:15am. Dark, rainy, heading rapidly for cold. (Well, what passes for cold around here!)

Hot bay laurel tea helps some.

MSNBC is doing a credible job of trying to convince me that I have, as the familiar old saying goes, “Nothing to whine about!”

But, here’s the thing…

Grandmother Moon, who’s feeling very chatty lately, has helped me learn that… Us and Them is just not a helpful construct. It’s really all Us.

And, so, I’m busy doing my version of making light.

Candles. The battery kind, because I spent years trying to make the world safe for a very large blind dog.

Dots. Dots of light. And hope. Like the ones in this glimpse of my Tree of Life work-in-process.

Dots bringing much of my being into making hope.

Some of you are shaking your heads as you read, wondering what a bunch of gold spots on a canvas can do about war and poverty and intolerance and a plague of folks wanting to decide everything for everybody.

Well, the first thing those dots are doing is helping me get through the day. Soothing the perceptive parts of me frantically noticing all the tragic, dangerous, utterly unnecessary stuff going on in the world.

And there’s more.

I don’t know if one of my teachers, back in the days before Intentional Creativity® found me, knows about dots, but what I learned about Qigong from Chunyi LIn works much the same way. You see, for years now, as often as context allowed, Chunyi has been doing his version of dots.

My favorite story involves his strategy of taking a group of Buddhist monks from Minnesota on a cruise during the week between Christmas and the New Year to chant prayers for Peace between the stars and the waters.

Here’s the cool part… those of us who couldn’t join in on the actual cruises were invited along to chant with them virtually, at certain times each day. According to Chunyi, we were all adding energy for Peace into the Universe.

Now, granted, making dots and chanting with monks won’t fix everything that needs fixing in any obvious, instantaneous Shazam! kind of way.

But, what if – just maybe – those kinds of intentional activities allow us to stay on the road? To keep putting one foot in front of the other for love and justice and peace in the world our Littles are inheriting???

To keep learning and sharing.

To be light.

To embody the old tale of feeding the multitudes with a few loaves and fishes. And a whole lot of willingness to try!

Here’s another way I’m reminding me…

A Menorah has appeared on my path to Bethlehem!

Right there with the part of my recent #FlowNouvea painting which claims my ties to then and now and what is still to be.

How is your story changing?

It matters. You matter. We matter. And, as Mama Cloud used to say…

Mattering matters!

For this moment, a quick nap… code, around here, for space to hatch the next bit of how!

ps… in the painting at the top, there’s a Hebrew word which can be read as a combination of “strong water” and “mother” or the “glue of the family.” Let’s be glue for the human family!!!

pps… wondering what that would look like for you??? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift. Oh – and make a bit of space on your calendar for December 30. The night before the night before 2024! I’m hatching a power-full plan! (And fun!)

Then… now… next???

First, Context!

After weaving some stories together in my dreams, I woke to the news that the iconic Norman Lear has passed at the age of 101. MSNBC suggested that Lear was “50 years ahead of his time with All in the Family.

And, he was… “bringing America to real Americans in their own homes.”

If your family was anything like mine, this was not a universally agreed upon blessing! And we are there – in the same arguments, now.

Which is an ironic lead into our conversation for this day…

It started yesterday when I stopped by my doctor’s office for a couple bottles of nutty-crunchy stuff to make my upcoming pre-holiday travel Covid booster easier to manage.

A staff person I hadn’t met before reached to shake my hand and introduce himself. Then, with a big grin on his face, he said, “I love your button!”

This button…

Well, I knew I had a new friend! A new friend who asked where I got the button. (Probably Etsy.) I unpinned it from my jacket and told him that I had more and, if he’d actually wear it, I’d gladly give it to him.

More grinning. And a story… “My wife,” said my new friend, “teaches 5th grade. She has lots of banned books! She’d totally love and wear this!”

This is major bonding in the land of John Lewis! And my brain was off on an adventure, ironically having to do with an old story about the thing commonly known as behaving.

I’ll bet this is a word you recognize, too! It’s also kind of an iconic word in one of my favorite family stories. To follow along you need to know that my beloved son had some language challenges back in the day.

He talked “late” according to the chart in the pediatrician’s office. And he reversed a lot of words and had a big challenge with verbs. One of those words was, indeed, behave!

Don’t look at me! It was a daycare/pre-school thing!!! And it had to do with a place known as the side bench, where those who needed a time out went for a bit.

One day, on our way home in winter traffic – Think slow-moving tourists, not snow! – Dave was telling me about his friend who had to sit on the side bench. Then my boy hurried to assure me, in Dave-speak, that he was not on the side bench.

I be’d-have!

Why, you may be asking, this story in this moment?

Well, if you boil all the news down, it has a whole lot to do with whose notion of being-have will win!!! And the impact of the battle is a whole lot bigger than time-out in daycare!

Which, as you might suspect, brings us back to the late US House Rep, John Lewis (D-GA, 05) and the notion of Good Trouble.

And, oddly, to Our Lady of Guadalupe!

I had to do a bit of homework on Our Lady before I could paint her at the request of my dear friend, Laura, who has been a huge character in the saga of my Intentional Creativity® journey.

(We didn’t cover saints in nursing school or seminary!)

My first question had to do with the part of the painting you see above…

What was the story behind the little being with wings at the bottom???

Thus, research!

Full disclosure… I’m sending the academic/journalist who lurks inside me still, on a tea break, while I admit that I can’t, in this moment, find the exact citation for what I learned in my research. Here’s what my heart learned…

That little winged figure at the bottom of the painting represents “an intermediary” being between Heaven and Earth and brings knowledge and inspiration in times of trouble.

At that moment in my journey… around the time Lewis passed on and in the early days of the Taliban’s accelerated war on women, that being insisted on wearing John Lewis’ face!

Here’s the big picture…

All of which, intrepid reader, brings us to the seeming conflict between being-have and Good Trouble.

So, here’s the question… what if – maybe just maybe – being-have MEANS Good Trouble???

And the even more important question…

What might that look like for you???

ps… curious??? The Black Madonna in Latin America and Europe… Tradition and Transformation, by Malgorzata Oleszkiewicz-Peralba.

pps… ready??? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift. Your chance to get in on my Big Work! (This!!!) Fair warning…. the calendar thing is going to be a bit of a challenge in this moment. Hurry!

What is “comfort” for you???

Here’s some of my list…

Hot ginger tea. Earl Grey, too. Organic.

My favorite zip front sweatshirts. Spattered with paint.

Red Thread.

The paintings on the wall, keeping me company while new things hatch.

A bowl of homemade soup.

Weighted blankets. Big enough for two!

Courage anointing oil from Emerald Temple. (Also Compassion oil. And Truth.)

Pictures of my girls with big grins… especially the ones that pop up unexpectedly in my phone.

And, at this moment in the history of the world, shortbread cookies. Seriously!

They’re not my Granny’s spritz butter cookies but they’re very, very close. Simple. Clean. Homey.

Stories opening, layer by layer. Music I love.

And dots. Prayer dots. The constellation ones. The spattery ones. The fingerprint ones. And the ones which carry my personal symbols.

Your list is probably different in the details. I’d love to know what’s on it!

Even without knowing, though, I’ll bet our lists have things in common.




Vagus nerve soothing.


For many of us, of different traditions, it is the season for Light. Light in the darkness. And, as long as we’re being real, it feels like the light may be harder to find and more important to claim than ever before.

(Well, maybe not ever-ever… but ever in my conscious memory.)

Perhaps, the question of this moment becomes:

What, then, shall we do???

And, yes… you’ve already guessed what part of my answer is!

I spent about three hours hunting for my beloved, hand-made, Hungarian friends last night.

You see, we’ve been playing Furniture Yahtzee again and I put them someplace safe – for just this moment. So safe I couldn’t find them!!!

Legendary Husband to the rescue!

So, the story begins again.

With a handful of quirky clay figures made in a time before the Eastern Block fell, when Religious Education was illegal in Hungary. They are folk art, for sure.

And, what if they are also Intention???

Intention to remember. And to BE light… now. As best we can. For any who are seeking a way out of darkness.

Check back here as the journey goes on. And do, please, leave a comment or email me about YOUR list. Together, we shine brighter!

ps… the painting, which insisted on being included, is #flownouveau, from my Origins Guardian journey. The Hebrew word in the beam of Moonlight is a new-to-me version of Hope.

pps… you’ve got to check this out! A dress for the season of light!!! Lots of sizes, washes great and won’t fade!(Also a very cool scarf!) Hunt around a bit and you’ll find leggings to match both the dress and the scarf!

The Fine Art of Baby-Proofing…

Okay… let’s just admit that there’s a whole lot of traumatic stuff going on in our world at the moment.

This is the thing called context.

And, if you’ve been reading along for a bit, you’ve probably noticed that some of it has felt pretty close to me, lately. Grandmother Moon has certainly noticed! And, early this morning, she had something to share.

First, though… a story, of the seasonal sort!

It was Thanksgiving weekend of 1980. My 10 month old son and I were hanging with my folks. Turkey. Granny’s stuffing. Gravy, of course. And rolls… which probably got left on the top of the fridge as they generally did!

I was helping Mom in the kitchen. Dad and my Little were hanging in the the living room.

Suddenly, I heard thump… thump… thump… and wailing. And I ran!

You guessed it. My barely crawling Little had discovered the staircase while his Grampy dozed on the couch. Blessedly, he only made it up the first three steps before his big experiment with gravity and was scared, but not injured.

You guessed it…It was clearly time to upgrade our baby-proofing strategy!

We’ll come back to that in a moment.

For now, a reminder that my particular context has been pretty intense lately.

Ground rattling, chair shaking, booming construction – about three months worth – just outside our house.

The Israeli-Hamas war full of tragedy, vested self-interest, and a whole lot of identifying with all the people praying that they’d simply survive all the ground rattling, booming invasions.

A close encounter with a parking garage, complete with flashbacks.

And a whole lot of the kind of processing that comes along with creating and dreaming. At least for me… Often challenging and always (eventually) helpful.

Then Grandmother Moon got involved again, which is becoming a regular thing in my world.

Sunday night it was a review of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Really!

Then, very, very early Tuesday morning… a major ah-hah!

Trauma reactions and anxiety attacks are our nervous systems’ version of baby-proofing!®

Just like me buying a baby gate for my house and a couple for Mom and Dad on that particular Black Friday all those years ago!

They are NOT us “doing it wrong,” as the world often suggests. As we may have learned growing up!!!

They’re opportunities to learn. To learn about what caution is really needed. Like baby gates for new crawlers.

And when to graduate from baby gates as we grow. Or perhaps just a way to better understand that they’re trying to help.

I hope, with all my heart, that there’s a glimmer of light in this story that is em-power-ing for you and those you love.

And I thank you for listening. Even more now than usual. Because setting words like these free for you to hear, helps me to hear, too!

For now, holding you and yours, and all the Carter family, in grace and peace.

ps… the painting is my #constellationofbeing work-in-progress. If you tilt your head just so and squint a bit you may find hints of an ear, along with the visionary eye. May we have eyes to see and ears to hear!

pps… pease read this, even if – like me – you’re swamped in Black Friday and Giving Tuesday and 90 other versions of shop now! This is NOT SHOPPING! It’s a gift… a bonus story for you at this moment in the world. A story full of vision and shifting filters. And hope! Just click here to be magically transported…

“Ancora Imparo”

One of my favorite quotes! Attributed to the great artist, Michelangelo, when he was in his 80’s and working on St. Peter’s Basilica.

Translation: I am still learning!

As is often the case with tradition, there are other opinions on who gets credit for this wisdom. The artist in me is fine with it being Michelangelo. And, yes, I’ve read Leon Uris’s The Agony and the Ecstasy several times! Also, Kathleen McGowan’s The Poet Prince!

For this moment, I’m relating on many levels.

We’re coming up on a week now since my adventures with the oral surgeon. Wow, was I learning! Which just might be a sign that all the hundreds of prayer dots I made in preparation for the big event were working.

In fact, those dots were working so well that I was able to give the kind woman in charge of drawing a bit of blood a brief course in dots!

I’m not – as we former nurse types might say – an easy stick, which I explained as she hunted about for a likely vein. My usual speech for this kind of activity includes the fact that they can try whatever they can find and I won’t scream, faint, or run away.

My new friend was really concerned about hurting me. Turns out that trying to help her helped me! We had a wee chat about prayer dots, sparked by my paint spattered, curiosity creating comfort clothes, and she was intrigued. And started breathing again, which helps!

It took a bit for the tubes to fill. I told her the ancient legend of the Red Thread. The version that I love most is how we are connected, long before we are born, to people who will matter in our lives. She kept breathing!

Then, when she and I were officially complete, I showed her the Red Thread, temporarily tied around my left ankle as the more usual wrists seemed a bit complicated under the circumstances.

She asked if she could hug me.

Then it was time for the big fun…

This involved a brief lesson in American Sign Language for the doc so that we had a signal for when I might need a break.

It worked so well that, when all was accomplished, he asked if he could steal my signal… a gift I was happy to share.

Eventually, we were finished and, after some more love from Mordecai, the resident therapy dog, I was ready to head home.

The doc and his team were great!

And, my strategy for joining the team, rather than just having this happen to me, really worked!

Think about that for a minute, please.

I suspect I’m not the only one in the world, just now, who could use some work with the magic of voice and choice!

Not, however, the kind that means threatening court clerks and disobeying legal orders and…. well you get the drift.

Instead, I mean the kind of magic where we can literally help ourselves by helping others in challenging situations. Weaving newness, like Grandmother Spider!

Our first job, though, is to notice the web which connects us. Like the magic that happens when the sun catches a web we didn’t see until we did.

And our second job may just be weaving some more webs… of hope!

Red Thread comes in handy! (And you don’t need to know Latin!)

ps… the painting is my favorite part of #StarSong… Grandmother Moon “suggested” that I include the girls. Duh!

pps… shop! It’s always local artist day here! Check out this fabulous collection of divine gifts from mugs to original art to unique handmade hats to fabulous leggings – and a great, new dress! – at

We Really Don’t Know… still!

It’s been a bit of a week. The kind of week that brings to mind a story that is, in my world, both important and uncomfortable.

I learned it as an ancient Sufi teaching story. It is teaching me still… I’m really hoping it will speak to you, too. Especially in this moment! (It might be time for a cup of tea!)

The Wise Old Man at the Top of the Mountain

Once upon a time, a very, very long time ago, there was a farmer. The farmer lived in a small village in a far-away land, near a mountain.

One morning the farmer got up and went out to care for his animals. As he went about his chores, the farmer, who was very poor, noticed that his cow was missing. “Oh, no!” cried the farmer. “Whatever will we do?” The farmer was very upset and he had no idea what to do next. As the day went on, the farmer became even more unhappy. Finally he decided that he had to do something. There was only one thing he could think of to do.

He walked sadly down the little road until it started to lead up the mountain. The farmer climbed and climbed up the mountain. His feet hurt and it was beginning to get cold, but still the farmer climbed. When he got to the top of the mountain, he found a cave where there lived a wise old man.

“Farmer!” called the wise old man, for he was used to having visitors like this. “Come in. Sit by the fire. Have a cup of tea. And tell me what brings you here today.”

The farmer bowed to the wise old man and accepted his cup of tea. And then, with a shaking voice and a tiny tear in his eye, the farmer told the wise old man that his cow was gone. Disappeared.

“How will my family live?” the farmer asked. “We need the cow for milk and to plow our fields. Without her, we will starve.”

The wise old man set his tea down and he began to pull on his long skinny beard with one of his hands, as he looked deep into the farmer’s eyes. “We don’t know,” said the wise old man, “whether this is good news or bad news.”

The farmer leaped up, dropping his tea on the floor. This man wasn’t wise! Clearly losing their cow was terrible news. And off the farmer went, stomping down the mountain and muttering to himself about the crazy old man.

Several days went by. The farmer spent a lot of time telling his neighbors about his trip up the mountain and how strange it was that the old man just said, “We don’t know if this is good news or bad news.”

The next morning the very worried farmer got up and went out to begin his work. There, much to his surprise, was his cow. And not only his cow, but a big, strong bull as well. The farmer was so surprised and so happy that he dropped his tools and went, as fast as he could go, back up the mountain to see the wise old man.

“Come in,” the wise old man greeted him. “Sit down. Have a cup of tea.”

The farmer was so excited he was nearly bursting with his news.

“Tell me what brings you here today,” said the wise old man.

“Well!” said the farmer. “I got up this morning and there was my cow. She came home! And not only that, but there was a beautiful, strong bull in the yard as well! Our family is saved! We’ll be rich!”

The wise old man set his tea down and he began to pull on his long skinny beard with one of his hands as he looked into the farmer’s eyes. “We don’t know,” said the wise old man, “whether this is good news or bad news.”

The farmer had never heard anything so silly in his life! Of course this was good news! And off the farmer went, stomping down the mountain and muttering to himself about the crazy old man.

Some more time passed.

One day, the farmer’s son, who was just learning to use the plow to dig up the earth for planting, hitched the big, strong bull to the plow and began to work. It was a nice, sunny day and the farmer’s son was thinking about many things. Suddenly, a very large bee flew up and stung the bull right on his nose.

Well! The bull bellowed really loudly, as bulls are known to do, and began to run. The farmer’s son wasn’t strong enough to hold on to the plow. He fell over right in the field and heard a loud sound coming from his leg. Suddenly his leg began to hurt more than anything had ever hurt before. All he could do was sit in the dirt and watch as the bull dug up the earth and ran, as fast as he could go, right through the fence and away down the road.

The farmer, who loved his son, heard him crying and went running to see what was wrong. There was his dear son on the ground. The field was destroyed where it was all dug up. The bull had clearly crashed through the fence and run away. The farmer did not know what he and his family would do so he did the first right thing. He went and got the village doctor who came and cared for his son.

The boy’s leg was broken. The doctor tied tree branches to each side of it, as they used to do long ago, and wrapped it tight with some old pieces of cloth. The farmer and the doctor carried the boy to a small porch on the front of their tiny home. The doctor said the boy would have to stay there for many weeks and would not be able to walk.

The farmer was more and more upset. In fact, he was more upset than he’d ever been. Finally, because he didn’t know what else to do, he went and climbed slowly up the mountain.

“Come in,” the wise old man greeted him. “Sit down. Have a cup of tea. Tell me what brings you here today.”

The farmer was so upset he could barely talk. Finally he managed to explain what had happened. His field was ruined. The bull was gone, and with him the plow. And his dear son’s leg was broken and would not heal for many weeks.

The wise old man set his tea down and he began to pull on his long skinny beard with one of his hands, as he looked deep into the farmer’s eyes. “We don’t know,” said the wise old man, “whether this is good news or bad news.”

With that, the farmer flung his tea cup to the ground and went stomping down off the mountain, threatening to tell everyone he knew that the wise old man was not wise at all, but mean and just plain crazy.

The farmer was so angry he could barely do his work. A few days passed as he cared for his son without crutches or wheelchairs or any of the things we might use in our time.

Then, one morning, the farmer woke to all kinds of noise in the village. There were soldiers from far away on the road, with wagons, capturing all the young men of the village to go and fight in a war. People were crying and begging that their sons not be taken.

The farmer’s son couldn’t go, because of his broken leg.

When the soldiers had left the village, the farmer went and fixed tea for his son and himself. And he pulled a bit at his long, skinny beard and said, with a light of understanding in his eye, “We really don’t know, do we? (Boardman, Grandmothers Are In Charge Of Hope)

There is a mountain nearby but I’m pretty sure it’s lacking this particular kind of  wise old man, and my mouth feels like it’s still full of dental instruments and it’s pretty cold, at least for Atlanta, or I’d be out there, watching the moon on her way to fullness and looking for wisdom.

As it is, I’ve (pretty much) turned off the news and am grateful for family – the related kind and the chosen kind – and for the voices in our world who are pondering some really important questions. And, somehow, those connections make it easier to live with some of the not knowing.

After all, life is for learning! Which may just be the most important thing we have to share, with ourselves and with all those we love. Especially the Littles.

ps… the version of this story I’ve shared is pretty much the way I first learned it, sitting in a circle around a wise old man. (Thanks, Ron!) The artwork is my much more recent version of walking the road. Granddaughters, and all! (And leaving behind things which are no longer helpful. Stay tuned!)

pps… just in case you’re in the market for some unique holiday gifts, check out FierceArtWithHeart. Add the secret code Thankful!  (if requested) to save 10% on your entire order over $10 – even the sale items! (Hurry… this offer lasts through 11:30pm ET on Monday 11/27!)