Today is Work-in-Progress Wednesday. And yes, dear friend, I am the work-in-progress today!
But, first, a bit of context…
Last night was the free preview webinar for the Medicine Basket your way! journey my sister-in-magic, Natalie Moyes and I are about to begin!
Kind of an invitation with benefits event. You see, actual magic happened!
I know… the photo, above, doesn’t look like much, but it really is a lot.
It’s the image of my work in the spiral adventure.
It’s also a reminder that power-full change can happen in about 15 minutes with a willingness to try something new and a couple of markers.
I suspect that adventure has something to do with the fact that I (literally) woke up this morning humming an old Livingston Taylor song called Railroad Bill.
Frankly, much of the song is not particularly useful for our discussion. Here’s the part I love:
I’ve got the pen in my hand, and I can do whatever I want to!
Last night, what I wanted (Intention!) was to reframe some of my anxiety about tech stuff. Live time. In the midst of the biggest, most complex Zoom adventure I’ve ever hosted.
And I did!
Even though, to borrow another metaphor, I already knew how the trick works!
And you can make some magic, too. There’s a video! (And a link below…)
First a confession and a bit more magic.
I am a recovering camera-phobe.
It’s taken me a long time to get to the point where I can handle sharing pics I actually like!
Which might suggest why this freeze-frame beginning of that video felt momentarily horrifying…

And then I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I have 2 granddaughters growing up in this world and I really do believe in the Medicine Basket magic enough to let you in on me becoming my own work-in-progress.
And I’m so hoping you’ll join us!
But first another seemingly – but not – mixed metaphor…
These prayers appeared in my email this morning, while Railroad Bill was still singing in my head.
The email came from a new friend and Wisdom Keeper, a Shima, named Maria Yraceburu on the occasion of the Eagle Full Moon.
It’s a long email, filled with ancient tales and ritual and dancing. This bit was near the end. I’m hugely grateful for Maria’s blessing to share.
Dance the World Curing Soul Sickness |
Prayer before dance: We have seen the prayer! All stories carry the need to be honored and forgiven. Furthermore, compassion fills the heart when forgiveness and noninterference have been accepted as the path to peace. |
Dance the World Coming Together |
Prayer before dance: We have seen the vision! Grandfather Sun, Changing Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon, shield and hold us. Everything breathes. Everything grows. With the Earth changes, we have been caused to accept our sacredness. We have crossed the Edge of Reality and the Winds of Change have brought us here. Time undivides. |
These traditions are new to my conscious mind. They feel deeply familiar to my soul.
And they are, in ways that amaze me, the truth underneath Medicine Basket your way…
So.. the link! View the recording. Bring your markers! Read all the info.
Whether you’ve checked out this journey before, or you’re curious enough to check in this moment, you’re invited! We begin on 02/22/2022 and the price will never be lower than it is right now!
There is, in fact, a path toward…
unsticking your stuck stuff now
ps… if you have questions, jump on my calendar and we’ll sort them out!
pps… sign up for a 4-week Medicine Basket journey. (Or all four!) If, after you do the first week, it’s not your thing, we’ll graciously refund your investment.
I love what you said about the traditions feeling deeply familiar to your soul Sue.
I appreciate all of your writings but this one clicked more than usual.
Thank you.
Thank you, dear Candy, for reading and for hearing! Love to have you join us for Medicine Basket… Lots of soul healing and dancing with markers 😉