Last night I was watching The West Wing. (Imagine that!)
It was late in the final season. Election day. Leo McGarry died. Matt Santos won, by Nevada. Arnie Vinick lost. Sadly. Graciously. Patriotically.
And, yes… I cried.
There really are days when I want to live in a land where Aaron Sorkin gets to decide what comes next!
Instead, I live in this land. And, today was one of my favorite kind of days. (Well, some of it!)
I am hearth tending, in the Intentional Creativity® neighborhood known as the Red Thread Cafe.
Think show & tell!
My job is to invite the artist-sisters to share. Cheerlead. (Which is totally delightful!) Answer questions. And, one of my favorite bits, ASK a question!
I love questions! (Or inquiries, in the local lingo.) Today I was inspired to ask one of my all time favorites.
Tradition holds that the artist, Michelangelo, claimed, as he neared the end of his earthly journey…
I am still learning!
With just a bit of imagination, that becomes…
What are you still learning???
And, yes… I’m really hoping you’ll put your response in the comments!
My answer turned out to be a surprise… to me! And, yes, I’d been watching the news…
And hemming and hawing over this blog post.
And then, I knew!
Fake it ’til you make it!!!
Really! You see, I wrote the book (literally!) about Grandmothers being in charge of hope.
I believe in hope. I trust in hope. I sometimes get kind of sappy, hoping.
Today, I’m just not feelin’ it. So, I’m fakin’ it.
Well, technically, I’m not fakin’ it… I’m admitting I’m not feelin’ it and doin’ it anyway!
As strategies go, it probably beats trying to toss the tv off the deck and hide under the bed.
And, this very morning, the photo elves in my phone offered up a gift from the archives! The treasured face of one of the granddaughters growing up in this world who are, when it comes down to it, the reasons I practice living hope.
I’d share it but the young woman in question likes to vote about these things. So, a description…
Adorable kid in a sparkly purple princess dress, tiara, huge grin on her face, ta-dah! pose, and big pink plastic flamingo-shaped sunglasses perched on her nose.
And, there was another cool surprise in my email! My Intentional Creativity® sister-friend, Jenafer Joy has a new inspired offering. Nine days (!) of arty adventures in falling in love with the spirit of your space. (Which sounds REALLY hopeful to me in this moment of the Furniture Yahtzee marathon!) It’s bound to be power-full fun. It’s accessible. (Read that really affordable!!!) It starts June 1. And there’s still time for you to check it out!
So… hope!
What does that look like in your world?
If you’re not quite there yet, I have ideas! (Yep… even today!) Here’s the catch… you’ve got to be willing to keep learning! And keep fakin’ hope ’til you make it! If so, ask the calendar elves to hook you up with 45 min. as my gift. Bring a cuppa, some red or purple thread if it’s handy, and your dream. The real one!
For this moment, I have more hearth to tend. And learning to do. Don’t forget… love to know what you’re learning, too!
ps… there are fabulous new leggings, ready to become yours! Even capri styles!!! (Don’t forget to read their stories!) Perfect for summer adventures… all waiting with bated breath to meet you at FierceArtWithHeart!