Deep breath, please. And let it all go. Thank you! And, two more, if you care to join me…
The book-baby is in the final (fingers crossed!!!) formatting phase and I am avoiding the temptation to gnaw my nails. Mostly!
Blessedly, there’s plenty to do. Kind of like those old stories of major nesting events many women experience just before labor begins!
In this moment, though, it’s prayer dots. The utterly intentional kind, on the back of my #Celebratix canvas, who appeared Wednesday.
First, the Moon came forward. She wanted you to meet her! (We’re still negotiating the eyes!)
Then, there was a dream! I’d been looking at photos of the Northern Lights online. (I’ve never seen them with my very own actual eyes.) And I heard Grandmother Moon whispering as I slept…
Stars are Creator’s prayer dots!!!
And, frankly, it feels like there’s lots to pray about! All the news stuff, of course. The utterly tragic and needless… to the actually hopeful moments.
The more personal stuff, too. Loved ones healing. A major family birthday.
A wise artist-teacher-preacher friend helping me re-frame a filter. And writing me a note like this:
This beautifully illustrated adaptation of James Weldon Johnson’s Creation offers a fresh welcome to this treasured piece of black sacred literature to every child and every sort of family.
The Rev Wil Gafney, PhD+
The Rt Rev Sam B. Hulsey Professor of Hebrew Bible
Brite Divinity School
And, yes… I’m really excited! So much so that prayer dots are about what I can manage!
You see, this book is a really, really big deal for me. It’s like standing in the world, wrapped in hope and northern lights, trying to make a difference. Here’s Creation Moon, in the sky filled with prayer dots, straight from the book-baby!

For now, Lamaze class flashbacks… as a contraction begins, we inhale deeply through our noses, then exhale through our mouths – two short pants and one longer blow.
I’d love for you to be my birthing partner…
…because we’re not going back & you’re invited!
Click here, please, for all the details for the launch and a couple new perspectives on the book…
ps… yes! Some of the book art will be available for adoption!
pps… more Intentional Creativity® art to ooohh… and ahhhhh… over! Just click the link, below, for details and free tickets! The wonder starts Tuesday!!!

I am loving how you describe how you’re birthing your baby. Witnessing.
Thank you, dear Gwen, for reading and hearing! It’s a big adventure!!! <3