Marching was not in the orthopedic cards for me on Saturday. Nor was it, if we’re being real, in the introvert cards! That didn’t keep me from my own observances of the International Day of Women & Girls, though!
First, I claimed space! The studio thing, as you may have heard, has been going on for a while now. It has to do with an Intentional Creativity® journey known as #Quickening, which, when you get right down to it, seems like a pretty important kind of conscious adventure at this moment!
With some help from the Legendary Husband, there is progress!!! I can paint on an easel when I need to. My two roll-y tables are psyched and ready for smaller projects that allow for sitting.
A whole bunch of stuff that needed to be out of my space is – well – elsewhere. (It’s a start!!!) The book shelves are almost all sorted. And I’ve laid claim to some more of the cool plastic drawers that let me see what’s in them! Moving and filling them is next on the list.
I finished the edges on my recent #apothecary painting. The one with the big cat Map of Reality. She has made me more ready to speak out, already! (An up-coming Filters class, two books, and a deck of wisdom cards are mapped out and the design work is filling my dreams!!!)
I began the painting you saw at the top. I’m in love with the colors which chose me. And the loose, free, flow-y process of beginning reminded me of something I first claimed, back in my early days of painting…
It was 2018 and I was working on the canvas known as #artisan. She looks like this…

And, in addition to helping me believe that I actually could be an artist, she’s been whispering this in my ear:
In partnership with the Divine, I create.
That was a really big thing for me to claim back then. It feels even bigger, and more essential, on this day and in this moment.
Fortunately, I have some other paintings settling into their new wall spaces as well. Like this one, from about a year ago… Choice, Voice, and Sovereignty!

She was a total surprise when she literally appeared in the texture of the under-layers, insisting that I make her visible to the world. Let’s just say she doesn’t seem to be getting much sleep lately!!!
Just now, she seems to be in an editor mood, ready for one step more, so I’ll give her the last words. (Well, nearly last!)
For ALL HUMANS: Rights, Equality, and Empowerment!
ps… remember when you were a little kid and people – often the ones who didn’t know what else to say – asked what you wanted to “be when you grow up?” Now we know more! And, it just might be time to ask yourself that same question again!!! And, yes… I’d love to know what your answer is, too! So, 45 min. My gift. Whether you already know or you’d like some help pondering… my Medicine Basket is running over with ways to help YOU get from here to there! Just click here to get the calendar-elves to hook you up! Then, fix a cuppa, find something to write on & with, and grab some Red Thread if it’s handy. The world needs your big dream!
pps… the dogwood and forsythia are blooming just outside my window! Because they helped inspire the art in A Creation Poem… they are inspiring me to offer you a very special chance to save on a copy for your beloved Littles! Use the code JustTelltheStory to save $5.00 on your copy between now and Sat. March 15 at 11:59pm EDT. And, hurry! This special deal is available only on the first 12 books ordered! Just click here to be magically transported to the land where everybody belongs! (And the books FEEL really good!)