Floating in a sea of change…

In theory, I’m ok with change. My neurolinguistic programming friends would say I sort for different, which means I like variety. Except when I don’t!

I like variety in food a lot. This occasionally becomes challenging when married to a guy who likes sameness, especially in food.

I like variety in books. And experiences. And quilt fabric. (Within certain limits!)

I like variety in decor styles. Some people might consider this a taste for randomness. I think of it as eclectic. And yes, the curtain rods in our living room are made of galvanized pipes!

However, I like sameness in music. And TV. Mostly, I watch Chopped and West Wing. So much West Wing, in fact, that I wore out an entire set of DVD’s and my kids got me Netflix so I could keep watching.

It seems to be time for more change. I’m doing some new food things. It hasn’t been too hard yet, though by Monday I’ll be really, really glad that I already eat very, very little refined sugar! (I’ll keep you posted…)

And I’m headed off to California next week for the first big event in my writing mentorship with the amazing folks at Planet Sark. People keep asking me what we’re going to do. I don’t know. I mean, really, I don’t know. It’s taken a bit of reminding, in the last couple of weeks, that I’m ok with change. One of the big things that seems to mean is being ok with not knowing!

At the very least, I’m choosing to be ok with not knowing!!!

I have no idea what will be different when I get back. What I’ll know or realize that I don’t now. I do know that it will matter.

All those things that have to be done before heading out on an adventure like this still have to be done. Laundry, changing buttons on a jacket, making lists, taking care of the dog, packing…

And, in the meantime, there’s Fathers’ Day, which is no less complex for a great many people than Mothers’ day.

I miss my dad. I so wish he’d known my girls. And read my books. And…

Bill and I both miss Dave and Kelly and the girls.

We’re celebrating though. Celebrating with a bit of sameness, just for Bill. Tomorrow is chocolate chip cookie day. Bill’s favorite cookies

It was Bill’s plan! He knows I want a new cookie picture for this website. The last picture is a bit free-form, even for me, so he decided he could help by, you know, eating cookies! Cookies that will be, for me, only barely allowed on Sunday, if I’m hoping to accomplish what I’m hoping to accomplish with my new food plan. And I am!

I’m ok with this. Afterall, it’s Fathers’ Day and I’m way more grateful to Bill than I can possibly express. The cookies will be awesome in exactly the same sort of way he’s hoping for. I’ll eat one, or not. And I’ll write down my inner dialogue and how I chose what I chose and what I felt later. (Change is not all about actual food!)

And then we’re roasting a chicken which is totally permitted and always smells all homey and comforting to me.

When you’ve got a lot of change to deal with, a little sameness is a useful thing!

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach