Do You See It?

The photo, above, is of a folk art piece I’ve had for years, by an artist named Paul Flack. I have quite the collection. Or fetish, if you prefer.

This piece hung, for 10 years, or so, high on a wall in my studio space, kind of out of the way. Until just recently.

I’ve been moving things around. Furniture. Art. Quilts. All in a Feng shui inspired sense of what’s next in my journey. A few weeks ago, these particular angels moved to the north wall of my studio space. The wall of the future. Lower on the wall. Closer to the traffic pattern.

And then I saw it. Just to the left of the lower angel’s head.

Do you see it? The navy blue blob. It’s a Newfoundland dog.


In the future.

And then, Luther joined the resident pack. Rescued from a puppy mill. Tentative. Sweet. Kind. Adorable.

But just before that, I was sent to choose. Luther or Martin. (Seriously?) I couldn’t figure out how. And then, Luther chose me. He couldn’t come to us right away because I was headed to Sister Giant and the girls were headed to Camp. So, a foster home full of love.

He recognizes his name now. And asks for cuddles. And eats what winds up in his bowl. And he’s only peed on the floor twice!

Martin is doing great, too, in his foster home.

We watched Westminster together, Luther and Sarah and Phoebe and I. The High Holy Days of dog-dom. People I know, still, from as far back as high school.  Stunning dogs seeming almost to float around the ring, glittering with spot lights and sequins. Once my dream, as it is for all of us who put a beloved dog in the ring and wonder what might be.

Such a tradition in our house that we move Valentine’s Day to a more convenient spot on the calendar.

I tell them they’d win if the Westminster folks knew them. (Sarah wouldn’t. Phoebe and Luther, a bit closer but still not likely.) And then I tell them they’re great already. Love on four feet. (Well, 12!) Perfect in my eyes.

And, miraculously, helping me to be more love. Giving what they need.  Neglected. Abused. Caught in circumstances unpredicted. Rescued.


Still love. And a whole lot of dog hair!

These angels were purchased from, in Decatur, Georgia. You really want to check this out!!!

4 comments on “Do You See It?”

  1. Helping me to be more love. So true. Thank you Hank and Murph for giving to me what you need. As Murph and I were walking yesterday, we were stopped by a family. The autistic son knelt by Murph. Murph went down and allowed the clumsy strokes, nuzzling his face. Giving love.

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Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach