When silence meets loud & change happens!

Or, a reason for listening…

Yesterday was more of a zoo than usual around here. You know how it goes…

Meetings moving. Favorite Fix-it guy doing homework before magic. Matting prints. (Lots!)

Plus, the latest January 6 hearing.

And, after that, a much needed massage!

I won’t bore you with all the parts that hurt, or don’t do just what I ask for.

I will claim, from the roof-tops, that taking time out from the chaos to intentionally let somebody help is a good thing!

So good, that – after our fine dining experience and a bit of Finding Your Roots on PBS – I actually made it to bed before midnight. (Colbert is still on vacation!)

And, as you might imagine, Grandmother Moon had some things on her mind!

Blessedly, she let me sleep a while, first.

Then the batch of maybe-sort of-lucid dreams.

One of them with sound AND pictures, which is a bit unusual for me. AND, I can share (most of) it with you! All you have to do is CLICK… (If this is not familiar, be brave, please. I’ve got you!)

Frankly, this is NOT the version I sang around the campfire at summer camp. And that’s probably the reason it showed up last night!


There is a connection, though, deep in my soul.

And, yes, you may have heard this story here before, but please hang with me. It’s my first Red Thread Circle memory… with a few twists.

Imagine, please, a big circle of girls sitting in the midst of a Florida State Park.

Our fearless leader, Jean, has handed each of us an index card with the name of a living element of the local eco-system written on it. Pine tree. Gopher tortiose. Poison ivy. Owl…

Then, Jean brings out a huge ball of red yarn. Like basketball sized! And she shows us how to toss it, from one to another, across the circle. Weaving, really, a web like our neighbors in the forest – the enormous banana spiders – made for their homes.

Then, the challenge!

Each of us was to explain how the element named on our index card was dependent on the element from the card across the web, on the other end of our thread.

For example… how was my gopher tortoise dependent on a turkey oak tree?

And, yes, it involved lots of thinking new thoughts!

Kind of like how things such as art and 1/6 hearings and massage and vivid dreams of that Disturbed video are interdependent…

Well, I have an answer, but I’m a whole lot more interested in what’s hatching inside you! And I really hope you’ll reply to this and let me know!

For now, just a bit more Red Thread wisdom…

We all have a piece of the Red Thread. And we’re responsible for our piece. Not all the pieces, but ours! Because they are all woven together and we all matter!

ps… need some help with YOUR piece of the Red Thread? The next right thing is simple! CLICK HERE!!!

pps… concerned about “this moment,” too? Gorgeous poster copies of The Grandmothers Manifesta are 20% off at FierceArtWithHeart, along with everything else! It’s Christmas in July!!! Lots of great gifts… and a grateful artist!

Another question that makes all the difference…

What do you do to take care of you?


Please make space for a couple of deep breaths while you claim an answer… or six!

One of my answers is learning new things.

Nope. Not algebra formulas or batting averages. Not the names of top runway models. Not even the hottest shoes of the moment.

It’s not that I’m opposed to any of those things. It’s just that they’re not my things.

Painting is another of my answers. Not just the finished product, but the journey! And the sharing.

Bone broth is another, for me. Tending it in the enormous pot locally known as the cauldron. Breathing it in. Filling my belly and my soul with the magic of abundance out of almost nothing. Sharing it.

Being INTENTIONAL is a really, really big thing for me.

Intentional about how much news to let in, and when to say enough.

Intentional about spiritual practices… chosen ones, from different times and places.

Even intentional about signs in our garden and tank tops in my closet and buttons on my magic vest.

And intentional about holding on and letting go.

Actually, that last one is pretty big.

Holding on and letting go.

Fears. Old stories. Precious memories. Dreams. Learned limitations.

Which, when you get right down to it, is a whole lot like being …able to choose!

That’s a notion which has been important to me for quite a while, now. And – as you’ve probably guessed – it feels more urgent in this moment than before.

What feels that way for you? Important? Urgent? (Or, at least, time sensitive?)

I’m hoping that speaking out is on your list. And, yes, it can be scary. But, so is not speaking out!

Words are an obvious way of speaking out.

Images are another. A way I’m owning more and more!

And time!

I’ve made a new deal with my calendar.

Way more time for my list. What I love & feel called to do.

Considerably less time for the list. What I should do.

Oh, I still brush my teeth and stop for people in crosswalks. You know…

And I’ve moved some things from one list to the other.

Voting is an example of moving things.

I used to do it because, well, we should.

After my girls came along, it moved to the list of things I feel called to do.

(Along with emailing politicians and en-couraging others to vote!)

You see, a huge part of Grammy-ing, in my heart, is showing the less&less-Littles that they make a difference.

And showing them what that might look like!

Now, your list is probably different – at least in some ways – because it’s yours.

Here’s what I do know…

If you don’t take care of you – if you don’t honor your journey and your dreams – it’s going to be really hard for you to feel like you’re mattering.

And, if this world is going to work better, we all need to feel like we’re mattering… hopefully, for Love!

ps… if figuring out how to matter YOUR way seems way too big to do alone, START HERE! It will help! And give us some things to talk about, should you be curious about more help along the way.

pps… and, because images DO help, it’s Christmas in July at FierceArtWithHeart! Inspiration – all of it – for 20% off! Quantities, however, are limited so shop early and the elves will do the math automatically. (And, if you know somebody searching for inspiration, please share this invitation!)

Disc full!

Yes, this is the message the elves in my laptop keep sending.

A message which, frankly, terrifies me. I mean, it can’t be good, can it???

My first response was a reflexive, AAAACCCKKK!

My second response was, DUH!!!

I moved on, fairly typically for me, to distraction. To something I know how to do.

Yep, the aforementioned game of closet Yahtzee!

The Legendary Husband, aka the resident tech expert, is – much to my dismay – not a Mac person.

He does move closet shelves and stacks of stuff! And we have lots of that to do.

It’s helping! In its own way.

Not quite enough, though, to drown out the tune playing somewhere deep in my consciousness.

So, a couple of nights ago, I tried to make the disc happier.

I trashed a whole bunch of emails from the jungle of file folders in my virtual world. (I’ll pause while you laugh!)

Turns out, that wasn’t an entirely resourceful strategy!

First, it threw out things I didn’t mean to throw out, leading – as you probably guessed – to more anxiety!

Second, turns out that emails don’t live on the disc. They live in the cloud. And moving them didn’t change the temper tantrum the disc elves are having.

On to strategy B. (Which probably would have been better as strategy A!)

Questions!!! I’m good at those…

And my tech buddy, Veronica, is good at answers!

So, the wandering emails – the ones I feel like I need – are back.

And, the gizmo in the photo has magically appeared at my door.

The singing in my head has calmed down enough for me to notice the metaphorical irony in this story.

Like my closets and tech challenges, the current political nonsense feels both utterly unexpected and strangely predictable, depending on what sort of backstories are stashed in our personal maps of reality.

Blessedly, those maps can be edited!

Here’s what I’ve penciled into mine…

Ignoring the desperate threats to the America we deserve isn’t going to work.

You and I can’t do it all, but we CAN do many things!

An important thing we can do is be intentionally INTENTIONAL!

It doesn’t happen all in a moment. There’s a reason a typical Intentional Creativity® painting journey has about 13 different steps!

Step one is scrawling an actual intention – in words – on a big blank canvas which generally feels both terrifying and exciting.

It’s also kind of comforting, in the sense that there are 12 more layers to come and nobody will actually see the often non-artsy, self-revealing place where you started, by the time you’re done.

Step two, at least in my world, is often about release.

Big, spashy random strokes of the brush. And water. Lots of it. Tears, perhaps. Drips.

It’s cathartic. And freeing. And, if you’re anything like me, it helps. A lot!

By now, we have – amazingly – begun!

There’s more, of course. And, if you’re interested in the literal paint bit, I can help! In fact, stay tuned!

For now, please be gentle with yourself, where you are.

Shaming and blaming never helps!

And give yourself permission to experiment with ideas.

What COULD you do, in this moment, to claim your beliefs – your voice – around sovereignty and power for change?

Then, check back Sunday, because there are two more questions after that. Big, important ones!

Because ALL the littles are counting on us!

ps… ready for more before Sunday? CLICK HERE… it’s fast, free, fun and basically safe. Though new possibilities are more than likely!

pps… need a bit of inspiration along the way? It’s Christmas in July at FierceArtWithHeart! Everything is 20% off. Traveling companions abound! Along with great gifts….

Best laid plans… and a few ah-ha’s!

I had a plan for this weekend! (Uh-huh!)

It was inspired by my friend, Sam Bennett, who suggested that those of us involved in the adventure known as Get It Done Lab experiment with reclaiming our weekends!

Feeling inspired, I enlisted the Legendary Husband to help.

Originally, the plan involved comfort and abundance. Specifically, the local, sustainably raised turkey napping in our freezer since Thanksgiving fell apart last fall!

Bill loves turkey. It’s a great example of cook once – eat a whole lot of times! It has welcome side effects of gravy and bone broth. And, it makes the house smell really, really good.

Then, Grandmother Moon got involved, too, with an urgent plan for a game of closet Yahtzee!

Yesterday was planning and measuring day. And excavating the basement for a missing closet rod!

Today, we began. You know the game… before you can move that thing there, you have to move those things somewhere else…

Trust me when I tell you we’re nowhere near ready for pictures!

As I write these words, Big Bird is thawing in the fridge, preparing for dry brining which begins tomorrow. We’re cooking on Monday. (I’m not in much of a fireworks mood!)

My plan for tonight involved telling you a lot more about the fine dining adventure.

One of these days, I’ll post pictures and a recipe or two.

For this moment, though, my filters are in some massive transition mode as I continue to cope with the news.

Some of those filters – which work hard to keep us from being utterly inundated with input from our senses and the world – have to do with history and language and beliefs and strategies.

As you probably know, one of my self-soothing strategies is The West Wing.

Last night I was watching an episode having to do with the tragic, traumatic fall of a democracy, somewhere in Africa.

Then, frankly, I got gobsmacked, as it were, by a lightbulb in my head. Here’s what I wrote on my perpetually present index card:

Rape is wrong because it takes away bodily sovereignty and civil rights. So is overturning Roe… and even flirting with the notion of limiting access to contraception.

Which suggests, at least to me, that most of the Supreme Court justices have lost all notion of justice. Or, and I find this more likely, that justice was never their purpose in sitting on that bench.

Then, today… and this was even more traumatic than my West Wing revelation… I was watching a re-run of the recent Westminster Kennel Club dog show as I painted more lights and shadows on my #BoldBlooms canvas.

The commentators and handlers were chatting, as they do. And I was hearing familiar things like this, but with new ears.

She throws gorgeous puppies, already strengthening the breed.

She’s a stunning girl who’s doing so much for me in this sport.

Now, I’ve belonged to a variety of kennel clubs in my day. I’ve handled. And entered. I helped my kid learn Junior Showmanship. And there are still a few active judges and breeders and handlers that I knew back in the day.

For the last 20 years, or so, it’s been rescue dogs at our house. That’s Sarah, in the photo.

Not at all likely to have won any hardware in a breed ring, but well-intentioned in an utterly unique sort of way. And one of my biggest teachers.

This morning, though, I heard with new ears.

The conversation at Westminster has a whole lot in common with what the Supreme Court is saying – in barely veiled language – about the role of women and girls.

And, just in case you hadn’t guessed… I DISSENT!

My girls are not trophies designed to make their “handlers” feel powerful and important.

They’re not brood animals created to carry on superior lines of the way we’ve always done it.

And neither are any of our girls.

This mess isn’t just bad law. It’s really, really bad theology and philosophy.

This is a glimpse of what it looks like to celebrate self and choice…

It’s not a prize to be won.

It’s what it means to be human.

And we ALL deserve that!

Which is, I suspect, re-claiming a whole lot more than our weekend… plus turkey!

ps… just in case you’re hoping to use your SuperPowers for guidance along the way, in these times, I can help! Click here for the next right thing! (It’s power-full and fast and free!)

pps… some of my SuperPowers have to do with adjusting the calendar when it’s helpful! It is, therefore, officially, Christmas in July! Everything at FierceArtWithHeart is 20% off, NOW! No fancy codes needed. Just put everything from original paintings to archival prints, to tank tops (!), to great gift items in your basket and the elves will do the math!

“Not for Pretend-sies!”

Or, the tale of a painting that’s painting me…

Early last November I began a journey through the land of Intentional Creativity® known as Vivid… Tapestry.

In our first gathering, Maestra Shiloh Sophia McCloud invited us to allow the experience to come through us and to see what would become revealed.

If that creates feelings which could be labeled both just a touch scary and exciting within you, you’re in the right place for the rest of the story.

We were invited to relate to our canvas as a portal through which new knowing could emerge and as a screen, like the one where you’re reading this story, where you have continuous access to that which wants to be revealed.


Perhaps. But also, as Shiloh warned us, not for pretend-sies!

Translation… it has a lot to do with physics and vision and perception. And, trust me when I tell you, it’s still working!

Or, to put it another way, with what we are weaving together.

Here’s how I know…

My particular journey stalled out as November led to December and December led to visiting the kids and, well, some other complex adventures.

Then, this past Friday, that which ironically passes for the United States Supreme Court these days, overturned Roe v Wade.

Then, in the wee small hours between Monday night and Tuesday morning, Grandmother Moon started whispering in my ear, as I knew she would.

It took me a while to start putting the pieces together…

Sequins… Buttons… Weaving… Paint brushes…

I went hunting. It took a bit, as we are in the midst of a major studio re-imagining.

And there she was. Just as you met her, above. My Vivid… Tapestry canvas, insisting that her time had come!

We worked, she and I, literally through Tuesday’s un-scheduled hearing on the 1/6 Insurrection.

I suspect we were both an odd mix of appalled and encouraged. And she was, clearly, steering our journey.

Here’s where we are in this moment:

I have no idea where we go next, she and I.

I will share her updated message …

Not for Done-sies, either!

I’m pretty sure she’s serious!

For now, though, a few words from an urgent family meeting of another sort, called by a teacher and author named Kathleen McGowan:

Hope fuels perseverance!

And, just in case that touches something in you, I have questions…

Are you in?

What will you do?

How can I help?

Click HERE if you, too, are on the path!

ps… should you happen to have a copy of Shiloh’s Tea with the Midnight Muse handy, check out Tree of Life Blessing on page 109. Here’s my favorite bit: May you take one step, however small, toward that which you have always longed for. Now is the right time.

pps… the weaving goes on! Or, as Kathleen would say, The Great Weavers of the tapestry are supporting us! So be it, for me and for you, and for all of us!

A time for thumb-sucking books… old & new!

Abracadabra… for I will create something from the word.

First, we have to choose which words!

Friday’s announcement that the Supreme Court had overturned Roe v Wade sent me running for words!

My first stop was a string of words which would require a whole lot of space and an infinite supply of @*%#’s to include here. Use your imagination!

My second stop, surprisingly, was a place called Printful where I’ve recently learned to make things for my shop, FierceArtWithHeart. I was an artist on a mission.

Specifically, a tank top mission.

Having gotten that accomplished, I was able to move on to other words.

My memory led me next to my dog-eared copy of The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman. A tale of the first century C.E. Roman siege on the mountain of Masada, the fortress of the Jews.

You, if you have not read it, are wondering why. If you have read it, you already know.

A people with no rights and no resources. With scant food and water. And what passed for healthcare provided by women called witches.

Including abortion care.

A herb called rue which brought about cramping. Vile. Flesh burning. Effective.

The people of Yahweh. One thousand nine hundred and fifty two years ago.

Fiction, technically. Perspective, assuredly.

And, still, my mind was searching.

The Dovekeepers was a New York Times bestseller, so I went to their page. Virtually.

The marvel of reviews online yielded this:

Yet in between, instead of a gripping work of fiction that lives up to this praise, is a long novel full of middling descriptions, hackneyed characters and histrionic plot twists… Sarah Fay

Never mind for the moment that histrionic is not a word in my chosen lexicon, and the irony of the Times readers being apparently more openminded than the reviewer, I call vested interest! And power! On somebody’s part…

Beyond that, I can’t help but claim that, for me, The Dovekeepers was important for many reasons… not the least of which is my own deep, visceral grasp of the reality that abortion has always been with us and SCOTUS can’t change that.

From there, I was led deep inside to the place where truth lives. In this case, truth from The West Wing.

(And, yes, if you’ve been hanging around for more than about 10 minutes, you know where this is going. Feel free to sing along!)

Season 7. Jimmy Smits & Alan Alda – aka Matt Santos & Arnold Vinick – in a hotly contested presidential race.

Santos, a Democratic House Rep from Texas and a Roman Catholic, was being chastised by his church and excluded from Communion for his position on abortion. In response to a pointed question, he replied:

Abortion is a tragedy. It should be safe. It should be legal. It should be a whole lot rarer than it is.

To which I can only say, So be it!

What the United States Supreme Court did this week was not remotely about that.

It was about power over instead of power for.

It was about an ancient belief that women are for making more authoritarian, power-hungry men who want to tell the whole world what the rules are.

It was about intentionally mis-reading and mis-representing the message of Jesus.

And it’s still happening.

For me, I’m saying NO!

I’m saying that the way is truth and truth is love and equality and justice.

And I’m willing to risk redundancy again, for the sake of claiming the place where this very issue led me to put my faith where my mouth was, about 30 years ago.

A young woman in the church I served was wresting with an abortion decision. Her family asked me to speak with her. I did.

She chose to end her pregnancy.

An elder asked why I didn’t talk her out of that decision.

This is what I, the very new preacher, replied… face flushed, teeth chattering, and knees knocking:

If I’m going to stand in the pulpit on Sunday and proclaim, in the Assurance of Pardon, that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is ours in Christ Jesus I have to be able to say the same thing sitting in a living room with a young woman asking that question.

And, yes, there was some irony in that particular quote, but I know more now than I did then. And it works for me, still.

In this moment, my wrists hurt – a lot – from typing. And the big dogs are doing the hungry dance. So, let’s go with this…

I’ve read some more books lately.

I’m choosing the way of Love, as best I understand it. Of bodily sovereignty. Of choice. Of intentionally living Love instead of making power-grasping rules.

Let me know if you want some book titles! And may the Divine Creator pick us up and dust us off and set us on the path again. This may help…

I have 2 granddaughters growing up in this world.

ps… yes, the painting’s been around a lot lately. And yes, it’s my understanding of the Creative Divine.

pps… oh! The tank top… FierceArtWithHeart. Get yours and I’ll make a $5.00 contribution to Planned Parenthood, which will be doubled through June 30.

ppps… some of my ancestors are having hissy fits about my creating these words in this moment. Others are doing a lineage happy dance. Abracadabra! And, #BloomBoldly !

When change is strange… but still fine!

I started showing dogs the summer I was seventeen. Really big dogs. Mastiffs!

That’s also about the time I became a super-fan of the Westminster Kennel Club dog show. If you’re a fan, too, you know that this event, which is a lot like our version of the Oscars, is supposed to happen right around Valentine’s Day.

In fact, the Legendary Husband and I have a long tradition of moving Valentine’s Day so it doesn’t overlap with the dog show.

Recently, though, Westminster has happened in June. Outdoors! And yes, because of the pandemic.

I have adapted. In fact, I was thinking about that on Monday as I sat riveted to the tv, hypnotized by the Master Agility competition.

This was not the kind of showing I did. The run in a circle with a big dog and hold their mouth open for the judge kind was more my style. Mastiffs. Great Pyrenees. English Springers. Newfoundlands.

Agility is, literally, an obstacle course for dogs. AND their handlers! Hurdles and tunnels and teeter-totters. And speed matters!

The dogs are the athletes. Their handlers are the coaches who run along and encourage with voices and hand signals and applause.

The thing that amazes me most is how much they love it. Dogs and people!

Which is not to say that it doesn’t get tricky. Often.

Missed jumps. The tunnel taken backwards. Sight seeing from the top of the dog walk bridge. And the whole pole weaving thing.

And still, everybody’s having fun.

It reminds me of my teacher/friend, Steve Glenn. In fact, I can hear his voice even now. Whispering under the thundering applause…

There’s no such thing as failure. Only experience to be learned from.

What if WE could be like those dogs? What if we could teach others to be like that, as the handlers do. As my friend, Kate, does.

Then came the lightbulb!

What if Agility were a metaphor, as well as a sport?

What would WE do with that much joy – even with the learning experiences?

THAT’S what I want to help my girls learn! I want them to know they can go back and try again and I’ll cheer them on. I want them to be proud of themselves.

Even when, as at Westminster, often other dogs take home the big hardware.

In the case of Agility, this year, my personal fav, Truant, a Border Collie from the over 20 inch class. And the big winner, Bee, a Shetland Sheepdog from the over 16 inch class.

And, there’s more show to come!

At the moment, my favorite is the winner of the Herding group. A stunning German Shepherd Dog, named River, from just up the road in Woodstock, GA.

But, the Sporting and Working and Terrier groups are still to come before we head off to the big ring for Best in Show!

But, before that, flowers to paint. A guided imagery adventure with a dear friend who is beginning chemotherapy soon. And, I suspect, some more conversation with Grandmother Moon about what my version of doing what matters that much to me looks like at the other end of the mystery tunnel.

What if Agility were a state of mind???

ps… it is!!!

pps… want to know more? Check out Your Epic SuperPower Path ! I promise… no teeter-totters to fall from!

ppps… at our house, the agility course is made of paintings!