Yep! You!!!
I am so grateful for your presence on this planet and in my consciousness. Really!!! And, today, we’re going to do a slightly different thing together.
Think of it like having a Medicine Basket full of individual quilt pieces. (Or crossword letters!) And the amazing truth that when you take your eyes off them for just a minute — when you close your eyes to sleep, perhaps, or stare at a tree — they all get busy making new things you never imagined!
This is what my world feels like in this moment. (Well, kind of a lot of the time, lately!) So… if you’re up for it, we’re going fishing in the Medicine Basket to look at a few of the pieces!
The house smells like healing and hope… the scent of a new pot of actual bone broth in the air and an eager collection of bowls waiting for their moment!

If we tiptoed down the hall, we might surprise the paintbrushes dancing! In a mere 24 hours, a painting was begun, one made huge progress – well, mentally! – and two others announced that they were complete!!!

The Legendary Husband and I early-voted!!! Because our voices matter. So does yours! It was cold and rainy, though not crowded! The poll workers were sincerely thrilled to help us and asked questions about my fav paint sweatshirt, covered in dots of Hope! (And, yes, I was delighted to answer questions!!!)

I claimed my Intention for healing in my Inspired journal. And on my canvas…

(Spelling doesn’t count when you’re in the flow! The Muse knows!!!)
My Crone Moon post is up in the land of Red Madonna... early!!! Here’s a peek…
And suddenly, while I was contemplating what to do with those leaves, I knew – with every cell in my body – exactly how the Great Emergent MA must feel about each of us!
And then I knew more…
(Which is a good thing, because my Prophetess painting, changed her mind – again! – last night.)
I – the recovering camera-phobe – made a video. Well, two of them! And, I’m going to do it two more times. And, not only did I live, I loved it! Huge thanks to my partner in CHOICE, Natalie Moyes!!!
Also, huge thanks to the enormous, hard to wrangle canvas on which I am literally painting my version of what the puzzle with which we began Origins feels like in my soul. Officially, she is Constellation of Being. No clue what comes after some much needed faces with this one, but I have faith! (And, clearly, more dreaming to do!) She insisted on waving again!

For this moment… a good bit of chalk erasing to do in Prophetess land!
ps… I’m off to follow up with someone interested in adopting a painting. There are more – originals and museum quality prints – longing for new homes. (Also cool gifts and great leggings!) Just click here to be magically transported…
pps… ready for next conscious steps on your path to choice and voice and sovereignty? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift. Just ask the calendar elves to hook you up!