A couple of hours, last night, were devoted to editing the manuscript for my word #wip… the portfolio I’m working on as the adventure known as Origins draws to a close.
Blessedly, I had help! My dear red thread sister, Natalie Moyes, is much better at pushing buttons and laying out things with photos than I am. (I’m the one who knows what I want when I see it!)
The fact that we’re having this adventure a couple thousand miles apart is both a miracle and a complication. Then there’s me, needing new glasses. On! Off! On! Off… you get the drift.
Picking the cover art was easy! The group of women – quite possibly grandmothers – gathered in the portal of HOPE that you see, above. (Maybe I should learn the Hebrew word for choice, too!)
Getting the Canva elves to see things my way was a bit more challenging!
By the time I encountered my pillow, my mind was busy quilting all the bits into something that will carry the energy of all I’m learning.
And that reminded me of some more things I need to share with the dear hearts engaged with me on the journey known as Oh, I See… Consciously! The path from “If only” to “I am!” Some of them have been painting for a while. Some of them are very new. And new journeys often make some of us feel anxious!
All of which meant – to my personal dream weaver – that my alphabet soup letters were rainbow colored… which was a big surprise for me. I’m way more used to dreaming auditory words rather than visual ones.
(I strongly suspect that my more visual dreams have to do with the art waking up parts of my consciousness that got considerably less attention when I was a child!)
In any event, an impressionistic rainbow was required for the painting.

And a reminder about the magic of white paint. Because it’s opaque, it makes it easier to cover up things that once made sense but no longer do. Or things that didn’t work out as well as we might have hoped.
Black works, too!
Then, because I was working on eyes, a reminder. WE are not perfectly symmetrical!!! (And trying to make a painting perfectly symmetrical often leads to 4-letter alphabet soup words like hell!!!)
Time out, then, for art of a different sort. Eleven containers of our favorite delicious, healthy with-it choice for dinner, happily ensconced in the freezer! The Legendary Husband calls it Marry Me Dressing. And one for tonight!
First, though, another alphabet soup word!
(In my dreams, alphabet soup comes with punctuation marks!)
The obvious next question is Why what?
Clearly, there are an almost infinite number of possible answers. I’m going with this one…
Why create?
My answer is simple… because we can!
And, because – maybe, just maybe – it’s as close to knowing the Divine as we can get.

I’m stickin’ with it. These dots are for courage.
And, one more thought…
If it makes sense to your heart, your eyes will be thrilled!
ps… stay tuned. Marry Me Dressing recipe to follow soon.
pps… spring is the perfect time for new art leggings! Check out FierceArtWithHeart! Sizes from 2T to women’s 6X!