This is one of those for me. It started with yesterday’s mail. And the sticker you see in the photo above.
My first response was an emphatic YES!
I mean, I’m still appalled by the quick glimpse I got of the pep rally in the last act of the GOP convention. Thousands of screaming people, shoulder to shoulder, not a mask in sight.
Okay, first it was beyond careless in terms of the pandemic. Second, it was happening in a place where such events are not supposed to occur.
And, third, my kids live about half an hour down the road from that massive germ fest.
Yes, I was pissed. I was also crushed by the fires and the hurricane and the tornadoes and everything it’s going to take to help people put their lives back together. Like money. Money being wasted on a ridiculous demonstration practically guaranteed to make people sick.
Fortunately, there were other voices in my head, as well.
The voices of my new friends and fellow virtual pilgrims as we explored France, with its monasteries and caves and legends.
There will be more of this tale as I have time to process. For now, I’m waiting for my copy of The Gospel of Thomas and sending many thanks to Dr. Kayleen Asbo and my new friends at Ubiquity University.
Another voice in my head is that of Master Chunyi Lin at SpringForest Qigong. I have been blessed to learn from Chunyi over the past five or six years and it’s entirely possible that the most immediately important thing I’ve heard him say is this:
That which we resist, persists.
I suspect you begin to see the challenge.
There is the part of me that responded with that major YES! when I opened the envelope from the DCCC.
And there’s the part of me that knows how wise Chunyi’s words are, if only we can try to live them.
Or, as my hypnosis buddies would say:
Where the attention flows, the energy goes.
To be really clear, I have doubts about how much energy to spend resisting the theatrics (and policies!) of the current administration, which evidently is willing to go miles and miles past reasonable in the attempt to be the next administration as well.
At the same time, I don’t have it in me to behave like what’s happening in this country is remotely reasonable.
I have no idea what you may be doing with all this. Here’s what I do know:
Literally, if you’re so inclined. Or figuratively if that works better. Here’s the thing, though. Be intentional.
Make prayer dots for all those who matter to you and need them. Prayers for rain. Or no rain. For shelter. And safety. Comfort. Hope.
For first responders. And teachers. And students.
Well, you get the drift. And if you’ve never done it before, trust me when I tell you that you can. (email me at if you need directions!)
And then, if it’s possible for you, find a way to make a difference in this world. In this moment.
Here’s mine…

From now, through September 7, 2020, I will donate 25% of all profits from my new Etsy store, FierceArtWithHeart, to Giving Kitchen, an organization which gives real support and resources to individual food service and restaurant workers, and their families, in need.
There are several original canvases on Etsy, large and small, plus new listings for museum quality wrapped canvas or watercolor paper prints. Even if shopping isn’t an option at the moment, I’d be delighted – and grateful – if you could click the little heart and favorite my store. It helps more people find me!
For today, though, I’m trading the temptation to resist and acting, instead, in the direction of hope. It feels like a much better word. You are totally welcome to join me!