It has, as the old saying goes, been a bit of a day!
We’ll skip the early morning tree surgery next door and move on to the the fact that I had a massage appointment today. First time in 3 or 4 years! Part of the healing formerly scared muscles plan in Sunday’s not-quite-as-bizarre post.
This adventure occurred at home as I haven’t been driving much lately. (The whole brake thing feels really tricky!)
Fortunately, my new buddy, Jessica, had a Newfie when she was a kid and was thrilled to meet the official greeters. They, of course, were thrilled to meet her.
We did the brief history of all the scars, the allergies, and the positioning challenges with Phoebe sulking outside the door because there wasn’t room for her and the massage table.
Then, complete with aromatherapy, bird music, and some insights about Intentional Creativity®, I was reminded why massage can be a very good thing.
THEN, for reasons completely unknown, we wound up locked in the room where we’d been working.
Yep, locked in!
I didn’t even know there was a lock on the door.
Texting Bill brought no immediate rescue attempt from the basement and Jessica had more appointments scheduled.
Fortunately, there’s a drawer in that room with an odd collection of household tools that don’t have another place to live.
Hammer and screw driver in hand, I managed to get the hinge pin out of the top of the door. Bill arrived about then and somehow forced it open.
And, yes, I’ve already notified Greg, the fix-it-wizard, that his list just got a bit longer.
Here’s the thing, though, amidst all the weirdness.
While we were working, Jessica asked me about my girls and I told her that since the first moment I found out that the first granddaughter was on the way, my life has been changed.
Changed as in, I have two granddaughters growing up in this world and it could use a bit of work.
These days, more than a bit.
So, I had a chat with my Grammy-Sister-Art-Buddy, Hobby Parent, and, as part of our plans for Saturday’s workshop, we’re going to squeeze in a bit more really useful information and reduce the price.
You see, Saturday is the first anniversary of Congressman John Lewis’ passing, after serving 34 years in the US House of Representatives (D, GA-05). Lots of concerned Grandmothers, Elders, and other wise people are planning events across the US to encourage some Good Trouble, Lewis style.
And our workshop, Healing the World… starting with the Ones You Love is Good Trouble with paint!
Our kids… especially the teens and young adults, are facing unprecedented challenges and way too many of them are not making it. We can help. So, among lots of other cool things, we’ll be learning the three most crucial I am… statements we can help our kids learn. And we want you to be able to join us.
That’s the reason the new price, which is even lower than the early bird price was, is $134 for one or $234 for two.
Here’s the challenge!!!
I don’t know how to make the price change in the checkout process. I’ve emailed Veronica, the tech-wizard, and she’ll fix it as soon as she finds out I’m messing with the world again.
For now, CLICK HERE to read all the good stuff about when and why and what you’ll need. Share this with a friend. Maybe wait until Thursday morning to sign up. I promise we’ll make the money thing work!
Comment on the post or email me at if you need help.
Our kids are counting on all of us. And Good Trouble is a good way to be!
ps… That’s Phoebe, up there, right under my feet, helping with the webinar last week. (Complete with toe licking!) She likes to help. And she’ll be sad if you’re not there! (Yes, I’m that committed!)