For years I’ve loved the stanza of the Lewis Carroll poem that goes like this:
The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things: of shoes — and ships — and sealing wax — of cabbages –– and kings — and why the sea is boiling hot — and whether pigs have wings.
I think, when I was a kid, the rhythm of it worked for me. And I really loved the thought of pigs with wings.
It was much later, after we moved to Florida, when I grasped the notion of the oysters a stanza or so farther on, for whom things did not turn out as well as they did for the walrus.
For today, though, it’s the many things in my head — and heart — which no doubt caused these words to start roaming around inside me.
Let’s just say that there are bunches and bunches of thoughts and beliefs and assumptions rattling around within me, becoming somehow new as they encounter each other in my awareness.
Some of those things are words from wise – and open minded! – teachers.
Another is the moon, which is gorgeous tonight.
According to the handy moon gizmo on my phone, this is day 18 of this lunar cycle. Or it was on Saturday night when I pushed buttons to make these words find form.
The 18th lunar day, I read, looks like no other. Nothing happens without a reason in your life today: any event, meeting, or word spoken to you reflects your inner state, beliefs, and intentions like a mirror. Those who are prudent and in harmony with themselves will call this day a blessing. Analyze the developments of the day to facilitate your personal growth.
I will confess to pushing a few more buttons on my phone to check the definition of prudent, which feels somehow cautiously stuffy to me.
Surprise… acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
That, I’ll gladly own!
I do have considerable care and thought for the future. For the world my granddaughters — and all our littles — are going to inherit.
And, if you’ve been reading along for a while, you’re already pretty sure I think we’ve got a whole lot of uphill work to do!
I feel a bit like a crazy quilt. Lots of helter-skelter bits, which somehow manage to become beautiful and keep the ones we love warm.
There’s more work to do on my inner quilt as it becomes visible in the world.
And, frankly, my poor, lonely sewing machine is a whole lot easier to deal with than the auto-email gremlins who live in my laptop.
It’s getting late, though, and, despite my lofty adventures with wonder and newness, there are still dishes to stow in the dishwasher and big dogs who need a stroll around the garden. When Bill gets home, I’d imagine it will be time for our bonding ritual, also known as figuring out what’s for dinner tomorrow.
Which all boils down, perhaps, to the realization that, while pigs with wings are a long shot, people just like us really can make a difference and get dinner on the table. And that does, indeed, feel like a blessing!
I’m in. How about you? What wants doing in your heart?
I’m so hoping you’ll leave a comment or email me!
ps… STARDUST is a huge help!
pps… She of the many dots, above, is an early step in the development of my SuperPower SelfPortrait process!