8.5 cm & squinting!

Yep! The book-baby is coming! And transition is definitely the word!

You see, by tomorrow the book-baby will be on its way to the printer so the proof copy can – you know – breathe! And there’s a whole lot more that needs to happen before then!

The kind of more that’s a challenge for me because I can’t yet see it in my head so trying to figure out what will fit where is – well – frustrating! Especially since I will freely confess to being one of those people who want things the way we want them.

Fortunately, I have a wizard on my team!

I also have a Zoom meeting to shepherd and several paintings in progress, and I really need new glasses! (I also need a new eye doctor, which is more complex.)

Sometimes, though, I catch a new knowing in the midst of the busy. Take, for example, the image at the top…

I took a photo late last night of my work-in-progress painting. It’s Wednesday, and I’m hearth tending! Then, I listened to my Critic and my Muse bicker all night about posting it.

It’s too soon! It’s trying to speak!

Nobody will get it! It might help somebody!

I’m betting you know the feeling! And, yes… there’s a perspective shift involved!

I posted the photo this morning, in the land of Intentional Creativity® (It’s what hearth tenders do!) Then I added an inquiry and pinned the post. Then I scrolled down a bit, to see what else was happening. And I saw it! (You may be way ahead of me, but stick with me, please…)

The face! Which is where the squinting comes in…

I don’t know who they are, just yet, or why they appeared. I do know there’s a message. And my job is to wait. To listen. To trust.

While we’re waiting, though… a peek at a book-baby preview, from an Intentional Creativity® sister…

A lovely, easy to read rendition of the  story of Creation! Sue Boardman has been able to infuse a lilting, magical feel to this ancient story of how it all began. Her colorfully  engaging illustrations invite us ever so gently into the wonder of this story. As a teaching elder and ‘fiercely compassionate grandmother,’ Sue is devoted to seeding much good into this world, so that not only her grandchildren but all children can evolve and more easily realize their potential. I could feel this in her book, A Creation Poem… A delightful read!”

Eásula  Sedlmaier – author, artist, and coach

And a link to all the baby-party details… You’re invited, Sister!

All those who will come after us are counting on us for choice and voice and sovereignty. For belonging! Now is our time!!!

ps… You’re also invited to a virtual Musea art show on Tuesday, Sept. 10. Just click here for details and free tickets! (Three of my paintings are so hoping you’ll join us and meet their friends!)

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Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach