And I am declaring that today is National Pie Day… at least in my family. You and yours are totally invited!!!
Granny Elizabeth made fabulous pie crust. Gramma Elsie was so dedicated that she rode through the cornfields on the back of my uncle’s motorcycle, an apple pie in each hand, lest the Wednesday night dinner folks be deprived of pie when the farm truck broke down.
The menu for this year includes apple, pecan, pumpkin, and key lime… really! Fortunately, we have many hands! (And no motorcycles!)
The grand-dog, Emmi, seems content with a basket of stuffed toys and frozen things to be gnawed on!
I did take a bit of time, earlier, to hang in Zoom land with my friend – sister – teacher, Shiloh Sophia McCloud, for a bit of reflecting that used to feel outside my tradition.
Yep! Mother Mary Oracle Cards! (The Pilgrims and the folks who, as we say in the South, raised me right will get over it!) It’s actually another way of thinking about Filters! and you know how big a deal that is around here!
You’re probably busy so I won’t line it all out, though it was great! Let’s just say lots of questions were involved and you know how I love that!
I will share my biggest inner take-away…
I release feeling the fear and I am open to something new!
You, I suspect, get how big an affirmation that might feel like in the context of this moment! (See, it really is a Filters! thing!!!) The best word I know for what I’m feeling is #QUICKENING!!! (Stay tuned!)

For now, though… pie! Just think of the days before super-markets! Days when food needed to be gathered and preserved, lest loved ones be hungry before there was more. What a perfect job for pie! And a way to value and include people with special favorites!
It’s also a fabulous way to get everybody involved in creation! Too young for stoves? Toss apple slices with cinnamon & sugar. Crimp the edges of the crust. You hear me… ways for our Littles to really contribute!
And, when they get a bit older, as ours seem to be doing rapidly, ways for them to express themselves!
Somewhere in time, I suspect the ancestors are smiling, even though there are some things we’re sharing that aren’t the way we’ve always done it!
Sending much love and hope to you and yours! And, the possibility of something new, in just the way you’d welcome!
ps… curious? There may be some new openings for #Quickening after the holiday! I’ll gladly keep you posted!
pps… what if you could help your Littles claim their place in beginnings & belonging, stay warm this winter, support an independent artist, and save money??? You can! Click here to be magically transported to FierceArtWithHeart! Then, choose an utterly unique hat or hats and add them to your basket. Then, choose the same number of copies of A Creation Poem… as you chose hats and add those to your basket. The elves will automatically make the books free. (One hat/one book… two hats/two books…) And, hurry! This offer is only good as long as their are hats available! And browse a bit… awesome gifts for everybody, from art mugs to art leggings and original paintings!