By the time you read this, I will, indeed, be on the WayBack Machine… aka, a British Air jet to Heathrow and then on to Toulouse, France. (I’m guessing Rocky and Bullwinkle will be busy somewhere else!)
Today is still filled with lists and sorting and packing.
Last night, my Story-Gramma, Elsie, joined Grandmother Moon on the dream-whispering team.
Kind of surprisingly, for me, they were whispering in pictures!
Elsie holding my Dave when he was about eight months old.

Then, the one at the top… an image of the farm where Elsie grew up in Illinois. Hand drawn and used for keeping tax records!!! (A long time ago!) As the story goes, my great grandfather built a 5-seat outhouse to accommodate his 7 daughters!
Elsie grew up to bake 40 loaves of bread a week on a wood stove. My Dad, the youngest of her 6 kids, remembered when they got running water on the farm!
All of which feels like a whole lot of WayBack in this moment. Yet, there is more.

Elsie’s 8th great-grandmother’s aunt’s grave marker. Hanged in Salem. Another of Mary’s sisters met the same fate on the same day.
And, still more. You see, I’m headed for what I’ve only recently learned is even farther WayBack than that.
I’m headed to the Middle Ages. To a place where, to this day, the towns and villages and even the airport, are named for my ancestors.
I’m not special because of this. I’m not anywhere near the only one. I’m just blessed to be learning the stories.
And I feel even more blessed to be learning things which I believe our world needs more and more of us to know.
Love. Faith. Peace. Hope. Determination. Even in the face of huge peril.
History. Vision.
I have no idea what will change in and for me. I only know my answer is yes!!!

I have 2 granddaughters growing up in this world!!!
Stay tuned… I’ll keep you posted!
ps… so, I’m going to be wearing my perfect for travel leggings all over France. And I’m extending the special offer, just for you! Now, through July 22nd, you can save on 2 pair… any design, any size! Check out FierceArtWithHeart! Daphne says to add the special code: BUY 2 – SAVE $8