One (big) change and an invitation!

If you’ve been reading along for a bit, you’ve heard me tell the story about my high school biology class and the project that involved trips to the beach and setting up, balancing, and maintaining aquariums. The big thing I learned was that one change in a system changes everything.

This is my life at the moment!

Luther is our one change. Our newest rescue Newfie. Young. Shy with moments of boisterousness. Clueless in many ways. Increasingly mouthy. Omnivorous. (Inhaling what falls in his bowl. Treats. Gnawing on toys. Pillows. A couple of attempts on quilts, which is a non-starter around here. The metal legs on a table near my chair.)

Phoebe is still recovering from surgery and doing really well on the four-footed injured-reserved list.

Sarah, on the other hand, is our everything changes girl. Explanation to follow. First a memory.

Twenty-seven years and two weeks ago, I preached my senior sermon in the chapel at Columbia Theological Seminary. It was quite a day.

The morning began with tornadoes in the area. Dave, who was 10 at the time, had to go to school dressed as his favorite book character. Being a bib overall kind of mom, I was hoping for Tom Sawyer. Or Huck Finn. 

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Do You See It?

The photo, above, is of a folk art piece I’ve had for years, by an artist named Paul Flack. I have quite the collection. Or fetish, if you prefer.

This piece hung, for 10 years, or so, high on a wall in my studio space, kind of out of the way. Until just recently.

I’ve been moving things around. Furniture. Art. Quilts. All in a Feng shui inspired sense of what’s next in my journey. A few weeks ago, these particular angels moved to the north wall of my studio space. The wall of the future. Lower on the wall. Closer to the traffic pattern.

And then I saw it. Just to the left of the lower angel’s head.

Do you see it? The navy blue blob. It’s a Newfoundland dog.


In the future.

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…the world will know peace

The year I was in the fourth grade, my grandparents came to Chicago to stay with my sister and me while Mom and Dad went to Florida for a meeting. When my folks came home, Granny pointed to me and proclaimed, “This child can’t see!”

It seems she had noticed that I sat close to the TV and squinted a lot, especially when I was reading, which was most of the time. Apparently a conversation with my teacher confirmed Granny’s diagnosis. This being ages before one-hour opticians, it took about two weeks before I had my first glasses.

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“The people don’t stop!”

This morning I sat in a hotel ballroom in Washington D.C. for the third day of the Sister Giant conference. It’s been amazing! The enthusiasm of the speakers has been matched by the enthusiasm of the listeners. Ideas flying around the room. Questions bouncing in hearts and minds. The occasional bouts of singing. Almost an old-fashioned southern tent meeting and yet bigger, somehow. Bigger in the contemporary quilt of humanity gathered in that room. Bigger in the things that are required of us in these days. More, at this time, than most of us can remember.

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