Floating in a sea of change…

In theory, I’m ok with change. My neurolinguistic programming friends would say I sort for different, which means I like variety. Except when I don’t!

I like variety in food a lot. This occasionally becomes challenging when married to a guy who likes sameness, especially in food.

I like variety in books. And experiences. And quilt fabric. (Within certain limits!)

I like variety in decor styles. Some people might consider this a taste for randomness. I think of it as eclectic. And yes, the curtain rods in our living room are made of galvanized pipes!

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In case you forgot to lock your doors…

There’s an old joke that starts out in some small-ish town in a farming part of the country and goes on to ask, “Do you know the only time the people around here lock their car doors?”

“At church on Sunday, during squash season! They’re afraid sombody will leave bags of zuchini in their cars!!!”

If you’re a gardener, or grew up in a family of gardeners, you probably know that both green zuchini and their yellow cousins, often called summer or crookneck squash, tend to be enthusiastic producers, to say the least!

My garden is a bit behind, as usual. We don’t have a homegrown hoard of squash taking over the front yard, yet. A friend of mine, however, does. And she gave me some!

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To Everything There Is A Season…

The other day I was weeding through a bunch of my pictures on the computer. (Understand that this is progress for me! I’m still really a shoe box kind of person!) It seems the more the writing grows, the more art I need, and thus, the more skills!

One picture really struck me. You know, one of those ones you look at and say, “Awwww” and move on because it wasn’t at all what you thought you were looking for? I moved on and went back and moved on and went back quite a few times. And then I began to wonder what this picture was saying to me.

As you’ve probably guessed, that’s me on the left, Mom in the middle, and my sister, Molly, on the right. It’s possible that this is the only reasonably decent snapshot that exists of the three of us since about the time I started first grade and decided I hated having my picture taken.

The obvious question is, why this picture, now?

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