“You’ve gotta do the things that you pray!”

Jim Morgan is an old friend of mine. The Grace Notes recording artist wrote and sings a song reminding us that, as the title says, we’ve gotta do the things that we pray.

Filed right beside that truth, somewhere in my head, is the old preacher-ism, “You’ve gotta do what you preach!”

The therapist who lurks inside me would chime in with something along the lines of not just “noticing and wondering” about other folks, but also about ourselves.

All of those things, if we’re being honest, get tough sometimes.

Today, though, having survived Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, the Return(s) of Black Friday, an Art Party on Sunday, Cyber Monday, and then a combination of Giving Tuesday and another Art Market, I’m going to give it a try.

I’m going to take care of myself tonight and I’m going to start by taking the rest of the night off!

Just as soon as I share a glimpse of my new greeting cards and some of my favorite words from Shiloh Sophia McCloud on the off chance that you need them, as I do, in this moment:

I am a creative being, not a creative doing, 

and sometimes being creative is allowing myself

to do nothing except the act of dreaming. 

-from The Creative Being Creed, Tea with the Midnight Muse

Here’s to making space for all our dreams… and helping our kids do the same!

(And to getting that huge pot of broth into the fridge.)