At least that’s what my inner word wizard came up with when somebody asked me how things are going! If you’re curious, it’s a phrase traced back to Virginia in 1899 and means a “situation in disarray or turned upside down.”
I’m guessing you can relate!
And here’s a bit more context… I flipped on The West Wing this afternoon. (Duh!) The Special Episode from Season 3, episode 19 popped up. All about press engaging with government, it’s usually not one of my faves but today it caught my attention in a new way. A minute or two in, the late President Jimmy Carter is speaking. Let’s eavesdrop…
Do you want those who will be sycophants… who will defer to you under any circumstances to gain favor or do you want people who will tell you the brutal truth even though it might not be the popular thing to say?
Then, rather ironically, it goes on to conversation about women’s rights!
And, yes… I’m missing Jimmy!
I’m also musing on what I can do to right my own applecart, just now, because I’m not giving up! Musing which has led, with help, no doubt, from My Muse, to the massive adventure in re-arranging and re-purposing which is in full swing at our house.
We’re making progress! And it’s all about claiming self in context.
Claiming Intention is a great first step!
There are paintings hatching and books in the gestational phase. Projects that are urging – pushing – me to show up for me and the things I care about. And one of those things is empowering more Grammy-esque women to get on their roads!
You’ve heard me say this before… in the words of author and theologian, Frederick Buechner:
The place where we are called is where our deep hope and the world’s great longing meet.
I’m pretty sure Fred would agree that we’re talking about the world where all people have rights and values and gifts of their own to bring. I’m utterly certain that’s the world I’m talking about!
And, even though our nest is ass over applecart in this moment, I have a special offer for you! 45 min. My gift. Zoom. (You can have your own comfy chair!) You claim the currently conscious part of that place where you are called and, together, we’ll claim the next right step on your path! Hurry, though. This offer won’t be free for much longer! I want to work with determined people ready to invest in their journeys! (A cuppa, something to write on and with, and some Red Thread, if it’s handy, will be helpful!) Just click here and the calendar elves will hook you up.
ps… if you already know you’re in, get six 90 min. personal coaching sessions for the usual price of four!!! (This offer doesn’t come around very often!)
pps… want more bio stuff??? Cool! Click here!

It only takes a spark!