Wonders Abound!

Not too long ago I was thrilled to be part of an online class led by Sam Bennett of The Organized Artist Company. Sam is one of those people who come to be friends because they’re already friends with people you love and respect.

Sam is also comfortingly quirky which may be why she was teaching a whole herd of artsy types about “Weird Ways”  to earn about $2,000 before the end of 2019!

I learned lots of useful things that have taken root and bloomed in my holiday art markets and in a whole new way of thinking about signs and letting people know how to help make a difference in the world.

I also learned that when we open the door to a bit of newness, MORE has a habit of inviting itself in! It’s one of those energy things.

Here’s what happened next…

On Wednesday, I had lunch with a paint buddy and we took a bit of a field trip to a local boutique art gallery called Wild Oats & Billy Goats. I’ve loved it for years and treasure several things that have followed me home from their fabulously varied collection.

While we were there, I asked if they were looking for new artists.

They were!!!

IMG_6447One thing led to another and, by noon on Friday, I was the newest artist at Wild Oats & Billy Goats!!! (And yes, I’m thrilled!)

For Atlanta area friends, they’re on the Decatur Square and are easy to spot. There’s a herd of metal goat sculptures on the sidewalk!

There’s also an online gallery. I have descriptions to post!!!

A Heart for the World is there, eager to meet you, along with several of her friends.

Then I spent some more time hanging out with Sam yesterday and I have a business name now, too!

The Fiercely Compassionate Artist ®

And a “headshot” (which some of you have seen before) to go with it… a portrait of “Grammy” by my granddaughter, Kenzie!


All of which feels totally wonder-full.

So does the fact that Bill and I cleaned out and sorted our people-food freezer today. Not as artsy, perhaps. But, a wonder-fully weird way to “earn” money by actually being able to find, and eat, what’s been hiding in there!

Warm food for the Cold or Long Nights Moon which will occur on Thursday, December 12, at 12:12 am ET. Which, as I think about it, is a bit of a wonder, itself!

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