Or, many things are true and they don’t always go together very well!
The above-mentioned meteorological phenomenon is happening outside my window just now, as I write these words.
The washer is trying its best to drown out the sound of the raindrops but, blessedly, it’s not quite working.
A similar phenomenon is happening inside me, as well.
Or, many things are true and they don’t always go together very well!
While sheets get clean, and some local spicy pear sausage thaws in the kitchen – high above the reach of the really big dogs – for the frittata planned for our dinner, I am pondering Carl Jung. It’s not my fault!
Rather, the cause of my ponderings is an Intentional Creativity® friend and teacher named Kayleen Asbo. Late last night, at least on the East Coast, she sent me an email about virtual pilgrimages she’s helping to lead this summer. I first met Kayleen almost exactly three years ago when I did my first IC painting with Kayleen and Shiloh Sophia McCloud.

Before I forget, here’s the quote:
Will humanity survive? Jung was asked after the deployment of the atom bomb. His answer was, Yes — if enough people do their inner work.
I suppose one of the reasons I find these words so striking just now is that I seem to be deep in the world of inner work.
Some of this probably won’t make much sense to you just yet because it isn’t all fully formed in my mind. I’m feeling a lot like the vintage bathtub in our garden with tiny sprigs of basil and a couple of tomato plants about three inches tall!
All that aside, I found, just a few minutes after reading the quote from “Uncle Carl,” what I can only describe as the thing under the thing. And finding the thing under the thing means that I have some considerable editing to do on my most recent Soulful Vision Plan.
In fact, one whole page has to go.
It’s not that it’s not true anymore. It’s just that there is something else beneath it – or perhaps before it – in my journey toward visions of the future which needs to be there instead.
I have no idea, just yet, what kind of image it will become but I know that it will because that’s how I get all of me into the process.
For this moment, I’m trying to decide exactly how to make the change. This isn’t digital cut & paste stuff. This is really nice watercolor paper and a whole lot of learning.
I’m also celebrating the three women, in three different states, who’ve allowed me to guide their own Soulful Vision Plan adventures. We met for part two yesterday. Next week, part three. In the meantime, perhaps we’ll all be hanging with Uncle Carl and the inner work thing.
If, by chance, you’ve realized that your future may need a different vision than the one you’ve been used to so far, email me at suesvoice@gmail.com There will be a new group starting soon and I’d love to chat with you about that.
Oh, the lovely lady above is my Black Madonna painting, Our Lady of Fierce Compassion. Even though the original has found her forever home, there are museum quality reproductions on watercolor paper and wrapped canvas available for adoption! Feel free to click on her name and wander on a pilgrimage of your own!
ps… During our meeting today there was a conversation about the tradition of the Black Madonna and our global context in this moment. She might be about to get a new name! Womb of Universal Wisdom was my favorite suggestion.