On Saturday morning, for the first time since the time change, I actually slept! This was good news for a number of reasons 😉
Then, I fixed myself a cuppa (organic ginger tea) flipped on the news and started weeding my email.
Then, I cried.
President Biden, clearly moved, laying the wreath at Arlington Cemetery. Commander-in-Chief. And father of a soldier whose life was cut short in the aftermath of his service.
The bugler blowing Taps.
A flashback moment for me. Oddly, summer camp! Jean, our loving “commander-in-chief” blowing Taps each evening for lights out.
All is well… safely rest.
And it was, in that small bit of the world, back then.
Some nights, when I had a Jr. Counselor to help mind the campers, I would walk with Jean, through the dark forest, in the moonlight. We marveled together at the night creatures and made plans for the morning.
In many ways, God was nigh.
Then, I was transported back to this day and time, as the Marine Corp band played The Star Spangled Banner.
The auditory-digital processor inside me wasn’t quite so sure enough of us are still invested in the land of the free.
What I do know is that if we actually want to be the land of the free, instead of a bunch of people singing about the way we’re convinced we’ve always done it, we need to get serious!
Time out for deep breaths while I soothe the voice inside me doing 47 choruses of Nice girls don’t talk about…
Somebody has to!
About that time, The Legendary Husband returned home with a car full of paintings. My paintings. The ones you see above. And I cried.
Frankly, I was surprised to realize how much I’d missed them while they’d been off being scanned. Not just in general, but these. Now.
So… time out to start another load of laundry and make another cuppa.
You see, my next right thing involved watching the newest Black Madonna video in an Intentional Creativity® space where I hang out.
I spent an hour with the amazing Anasuya Isaacs, wandering through history and creation stories via the lens of the ever-emerging MA.
Then, the light bulb!
Anasuya shared a quote with us…
“This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.” – Toni Morrison.
And I cried some more, realizing that I hadn’t just missed my paintings because they’re mine. I missed them because they are me, helping our world to heal, in part by claiming my power to make new. To help heal ME!
Eventually, Sunday morning came along, as it does.
More tea. More laundry. And a good dose of MSNBC!
Sadly, there was more to the story at Arlington on Saturday. We now know that the lives of 5 soldiers were lost in a training mission on Friday.
And, it seems that a GOP House rep, whose name I didn’t catch and can’t find, was musing on the whole budget crisis bit. His comment…
I don’t think the Lord Jesus, himself, could govern us in this moment!
I disagree!!!
The way I read the Book, I suspect that Easa/Yeshua/Jesus would tip over a bunch of tables and throw the money-changers out of the temple we refer to as the House of Representatives… in order to make a point about what we should be trying to accomplish!
Now, you don’t have to agree with that. You can toss it aside as a retired preacher having a Sunday morning flashback, if you like. It’s okay!
Here’s what I am hoping you’ll do…
Help this world heal, now, by being your best, most visionary, creative self! And putting it out there!
ps… shopping to do??? There are great new things at FierceArtWithHeart! Start on this page for one of my very favs and leave yourself time to wander….
pps… feeling stuck getting your “it” out there? I can help! Check out these options and email me if you have questions! suesvoice@gmail.com
ppps… oh! I promised recipes!!! Here’s a great place to start… make a batch and use it to make dressing or gravy or help soothe your frazzled soul. (The pot’s on now at our house! It smells like heaven!!!)