What if WE are the soup pot???

Yep… I have a bit of a soup pot fetish going on! Not the creepy kind!

The kind where an inanimate object is honored for its supposed magical powers. And it’s been with me for for quite a long time, in ways both literal and legendary.

Let’s start with the literal kind. The kind where bones and water and heat and time make healing magic. I think it began for me when my son, who was about two at the time, had repeated cases of strep throat-tonsillitis and was allergic to lots of the standard meds.

One of his docs – the enlightened kind – suggested soup. Not the kind in the red & white can. Bone broth. This was great for so many reasons… including the fact that it was cheap!

I loved my soup pot even more in the years when I had pneumonia way too many times. It felt good and helped me breathe.

Fast forward to my first #Legend painting, early in 2018. Much to my surprise, a soup pot appeared on my canvas and – a couple of days later – a phoenix appeared in my dreams, rising from that soup pot!

Perhaps because it’s about to be #Legend time again, or because fall is great weather for soup, the phoenix has appeared in my dreams again.

It’s likely, though, that the phoenix and the soup pot also have to do with what’s going on in the world around us, what’s becoming inside of me, and the presence of anxiety on my path.

Typically, for me, I noticed the words in my dream, first.

Anxiety is not a character fault. It’s not a diagnosis of doing “it” wrong. Instead, it’s a sign that something matters! What???

And that, dear friend, seems like a really, really good question in this moment!

I’d love to hear what this brings up for you… You can scroll down and leave a comment, or email me. suesvoice@gmail.com

Here’s one of the things that happened since I dreamed that dream…

And, no… it’s really not supposed to look like much, just yet. It did get me pretty close to something that might be called dancing with the brush… which could be something that matters to my currently cranky body.

My physical therapist might even call it exercise! (It’s a 48 inch square canvas…)

What I can tell you for sure is that the process is something that matters. Curious about #Legend??? Click here for all the info!

pps… here’s something else that matters! A way to help our Littles feel included in the story of being. Complete with original art, some tips for the Bigs who are reading aloud, and the very most treasured thing I know! The holidays are coming… just click here to get your copies!

2 comments on “What if WE are the soup pot???”

  1. Lovely to visit your kitchen table for a bowl of soup, hear of your dreams of Phoenix, and peek into your studio!
    My older granddaughter Alyssa has been making chicken broth, and brought some over for her 13 year sis!
    I’m teaching Reiki this weekend and another granddaughter will be coming! My post is one of the handouts ❤️ 💙 💜

    1. Thank you, Nadya, for reading and hearing! So glad you’re granddaughters are with you in all the ways of healing! We’ve got this!

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