You know how it goes… checking recipes, probably some laundry, several verses of the way we’ve always done it…
Not to mention a knee cap feeling way more mobile than one might hope. And lists of things that don’t take time off for the holiday we, in the USA, think of as Thanksgiving. Or, what some of my friends are referring to as Day of Gratitude!
I’ll admit that there seem to be more challenges this year than my Mayflower ancestors probably imagined. It’s a context thing. And, at least for me, The National Dog Show – as much fun as that is – isn’t going to filter out all the chaos coming at us.
All of which brings me to one of my favorite filters… STRATEGIES!
The face you see, above, is one of my strategies! She’s known as The #Muse and, if you squint a bit, you’ll see some white marks near her eyes and beside her nose. Those are three different words having to do with seeing, in Greek.
Under her left eye – to your right – is Blepo… the first word I actually understood in Greek School. It means I see and I recognized it from the names of things I helped eye surgeons to do.
Above her right eye is Horao, which means to see with the mind… to perceive or know.
The one along her nose is Ginosko or – as you’ve no doubt guessed – gnosis… which has more to do with experiential knowledge or sensory perception… to learn to know!!!
All of which boils down, for me, to remembering to see in as many ways as we are able.
And, if you’re anything like me, it may also mean being intentionally conscious about what we’re choosing to let in, in this moment.
So, while I’ll gladly set some places for the Mayflower crowd at our table, I’ll also remember – intentionally – that they weren’t the only important ones there and they, likely, weren’t the ones bringing most of the food!
And then there are more ancestors. The ones before the ones before the whole Mayflower bit. Way before! And, right now, I’m extremely thankful for my latest paint journey! Officially, she is/they are #Legend Time-Traveler.

In my heart, they are Elsie. My story Gramma, and the connection I know best to all the way-back folks. Officially, they have been christened The Time Returns.
I never dreamed, when I began this #Legend adventure, that there would be images of three beings where I meant there to be one. (Well, four beings, really. We’ll get to that in a minute!) All I know is that they represent generations of living, breathing, dreaming humans who came before me.
When I was a little girl, Elsie told me that, when I saw Cardinals in the garden, they were ancestors coming back to check on me. And, now, I tell that same story to my grands!
Which brings us to the fourth being, near the bottom. That one I put there, intentionally, out of huge hope for the ones who are here now and those who will come after us… finding knowing out of the questions we are asking now, and encouraging them to ask!
And, yes, there’s a big reason for the Red Book in their medicine basket, but we’ll get to that another day.
For this moment, I am grateful for those who came before me. For the lessons I am learning from their stories. Some tragic. Some infuriating. Some em-power-ing. All knowledge to be put to work or intentionally placed in the archives, depending on what I’m trying to accomplish.
What are you trying to accomplish???
Claiming IT is the next right thing!
ps… want a witness for what you’re claiming? Some help on the next next right thing? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift. Just click here and the calendar elves will be delighted to hook you up! I’ll bring all the gnosis in my Medicine Basket. You bring a cuppa, some paper and a pen or marker, and a bit of Red Thread if it’s handy! We’ve got this!!!
pps… the shop elves would love to meet you, too! And the buy a hat – get a book free deal is still on… but hurry! It only lasts until the last hat is adopted! Just click here to be magically transported… then, add one hat, from the Hat Heaven category, and one copy of A Creation Poem… to the goodies in your basket and the elves will do the rest! Buy 2 hats… get 2 books free, etc.