They’re baaaack!

Yep, Romper Room and corn on the cob!

There was a time in my life when these odd partners somehow meant home and safety to me.

As the old story goes, my dad was explaining to my 3 1/2 or 4-ish year old self that we were moving from Cleveland to Pittsburg. Already something of an expert at the moving thing, I had just two questions…

Do they have Romper Room?

Do they have corn on the cob?

Assured that they did, I agreed (!) to go.

And, yes, if you’ve been reading along for a while, you may have heard parts of this story before.

Here’s the thing… life is for learning!

And, as I learn new things, those old issues of home and safety tend to reappear. (You may have noticed a similar tendency inside yourself!)

So, a couple more questions, this time from the Guide Grammy & Personal Alchemist within me..

What has been that sort of home/comfort/safety touchstone for you?

Is it still working?

And, one more, given all the contextual challenges of our time…


You’re right! That last one is the most challenging for many of us.

Quite possibly because it implies trying new things. Things we don’t do.

It involves making choices instead of doing it the way we’ve always done it.

It involves asking for what we need, which was not necessarily something we learned in our Romper Room years!

And, quite often, it involves resources. Things like time and space and money.

But all of that is, indeed, possible!

In fact, it’s predictable… if we add some new beliefs and strategies to our personal medicine baskets!

And, you’re in luck!

Medicine Basket your way… Unsticking Stuck Money Stuff is about to start!

But, before that, there’s a FREE PREVIEW CALL, Tuesday, March 29 at 7:30pm ET.

If you join my sister-in-magic, Natalie Moyes, and me, you’ll go home with one of those new strategies for your medicine basket! You can even invite your friends and family to join you by sharing this blog post with them!

Let’s be real… money has a whole lot of junk attached to it. Here’s the bottom line…

Money is energy and choice!

And, unless you have all of both of those you need to live your deepest, most aligned life & legacy, this adventure is just what you need! Clicking is the next right thing!


ps… the painting-in-progress? See the silver thumb print dot, 2nd from the bottom, in the middle? That represents the node of foundation in the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life. And what we’re talking about is foundation-al for your life! (Though it may not be exactly what the ancient Hebrews meant…)

pps… you may, indeed, bring your own corn on the cob!

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