Once upon a time, about 18 years ago, I was sitting in my living room with a group of amazing women, celebrating a magical workshop of creative giving we’d just led. And, at the risk of seeming, well, nostalgic, we were singing old summer camp songs. Mostly Peter, Paul & Mary.
Suddenly, the phone rang. I ducked out to answer. Little did I know, my life was about to change in a way that still amazes me every day.
My son was calling from Scotland. We did the hiya howya bit for a minute and then I heard this: Mama, you’re going to be a grandmother!
Witnesses would attest that I said nothing but Wow! for the next several minutes, followed by a flood of tears. I was utterly overwhelmed by the realization that my whole world had just become different. Bigger. Brighter.
The next thing I noticed, after a few more days of Wow, were the voices of teachers in my head. The two most insistent, oddly, both named Steve.
Stephen Covey was chattering about his model to gauge how to prioritize choices in life.
And H. Stephen Glenn sounded as close to preaching as he ever got with the core of his gospel… what our kids most desperately need from us.
Kind of oddly, for a person with advanced degrees in the way we’ve always done it, I don’t much care if this next ah-hah sounds bizarre. (It kind of felt bizarre at the time!) It is, simply, the truth.
I was born to be a grandmother! A Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother!
Not simply in the genetic sense, but in the universal sense. To act on the things which once felt theoretically important, but had suddenly begun to feel urgent, with a little one of my own on the way.
To be one of those five adults for as many people as possible, because kids aren’t the only ones who need them.
Especially these days.
And, yes, I’ve left an intentional bit of mystery in this tale, because curiosity is our best state for learning new things and making the changes we most long for.
I will come clean about my dream…
That we ALL claim our SuperPowers and use them for good!
Preferably now!
So, if you’re ready for some help along the way, I’ll be your Fiercely Compassionate Fairy Grandmother, and help you do just that!

Curious about where your path leads and what it all means, especially in these days???
Good! Let’s talk! Just click here and ask the calendar elves to set you up with 45 min. on me. You’ll want paper and markers, if they’re handy, and quite possibly a cuppa. Red Thread is optional, but helpful!
We’ll start with your dream and identify the first next right thing. And, I’ll tell you a bit about the magic I call Filters which makes the path from where we are to where we long to be a whole lot easier to navigate!
And, since we’re being real, here… the Filters thing comes complete with some strategies for even this moment in time!!!
We’ve got this!
ps… want the degrees & experience & book titles & a picture of the Studio Angels? Click Here…