Okay, maybe not so much a surprise, if you’ve been reading along for a bit.
And, true!
It happened like this…
Grandmother Moon has been doing her job, whispering in my ear.
And, yes… she’s whispering about paint.
Sadly, the actual world hasn’t been listening.
Instead, my local universe is obsessed with sewer pipes. Specifically, putting new ones in the pocket park next to our yard.
Imagine the entire percussion section of the least inspired band ever invading all your senses…
The noise is bad enough. The shaking house is even more unsettling. Not just the floors, but dishes in the cupboards and paintings on the walls.
Even the Legendary Husband is rattled. And he has superhuman powers of not noticing!
Still… it was time to paint.
Grandmother Moon had a suggestion.
Do what works!
So, a search through some old paint supplies. Blessedly, something known as a pouncing brush remained from a long ago experiment with painting furniture.
Instead of stroking the paint on the canvas, this tool, with its drum-like end, is for tapping the paint on the canvas. Think woodpecker!
With a bit of practice, I actually managed to tap in time with the construction symphony!

Admittedly, it doesn’t look like much yet. And, it’s on the way!
Eventual art, even in the midst of sensory chaos.
Which is, I suspect, the way most art happens… when making it matters more to the spirit than hiding does.
So, hope… hope… hope… hope… hope…
And trust… trust… trust… trust… trust…
Along with some a-bun-dance… a-bun-dance… a-bun-dance…
And even ov-er-com-ing!
Stay tuned!
For now, the teeth-rattling pounding has stopped and I feel a nap coming on, while the paint dries!
ps… my inner camera-phobe survived a video interview today! Subject… a recent book! turning point is about exactly that – amazing women sharing huge turning points in their lives! It is em-power-ing reading. Pun intended! (The cover art is mine, as well!) Get yours here!