Summer Camp Wisdom… for this moment!

I am a summer camp veteran. Girls Scouts. Environmental programs. Church programs.

Camper. Counselor. Program staff. ‘possum Nanny. Nurse. Pastor. Co-director. Governing Committee Chair.

Part of my task in the old years was to remember all the words to all the songs. I was particularly fond of the Folk/Rock Peter, Paul & Mary, Blowin’ in the Wind kind of tunes sung sitting around a fire and gazing at the stars.

Sometimes, though, we needed other choices.

One that lives in my head, ear-worm style, was particularly good with restless younger kids… a call & response situation, best done while hiking.

Here, for our purposes, is the gist:

Goin’ on a Squeegee hunt!

Gonna catch a big one!

I’m not afraid!

BUT, what’s up ahead?

This was followed, depending on the verse, by all manner of obstacles and a whole lot of being chased over bridges by the Squeegees.

And, no, I don’t know what a Squeegee was/is.

I do know they kept the littles in line!

I’ve been humming the Squeegee song a lot lately. I’ll bet you can guess why!

So many things feel like paths full of obstacles we’re trying to convince ourselves we’re not afraid of.

BUT not knowing what’s up ahead is scary.

Often scarier than staying stuck in places that no longer work, if they ever did.

Carl Jung and our Inner Critics would tell us that staying stuck feels safe because we’ve lived through it this long.

And, yet, what if there’s more???

More life? More choice? More voice? More service? More leading? More joy?

Your Muse, your Guides, your Spirit are quite likely whispering that there is. Now.

And they may well also be whispering that more resources would make those things more likely.

If you hear them… no matter how faintly… you’re invited!

Medicine Basket your way… Unsticking Stuck Money Stuff!

But, you’ve gotta hurry!

And there’s a fork ahead in the path.

To the right… Saturday’s Free Preview Call.

To the left… Enroll now.

You’ll want more information to choose well…


You’ll find answers to your questions. Lots more details. Intros to the team. Ways to invest. Bonuses. Discounts. And a bit of conversation about a pot of soup.

We can’t guarantee that there won’t be an inner Squeegee or two along the line, but Natalie and I know the way, and we’ve got you!

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