Someone once said, “Perspective isn’t…

everything. It’s the only thing.”

I used to think so, too.

These days, I know more.

And, yes, The Muse has been busy!

On Tuesday I had an appointment with my doc. The usual.

Plus, a discussion about a training he’s planning for young-ish docs and nurses tending in the wholistic direction, and the possibility of my contributing.

We agreed on the first question which needs answering… all together now:

What are we trying to accomplish?

While we ponder that a bit longer, there are plenty of other things going on.

Progress on my Forest of Grandmothers painting.

Progress on explaining – at least to myself – what it is that I most long to do.

The beginning of a 5-week Intentional Creativity® adventure known as Temple. Very exciting… and a wee bit scary!

And, an introduction, Friday, to an adventure with an essential oil known as Truth. Which, as I’m beginning to understand, is a very timely voice/throat chakra sort of thing.

So, very early this morning – The Muse, having had time to ponder, was ready to get to work.

I woke with great options for helping with Mark’s workshop demanding ink & paper. The Muse is fond of lists!

Then, some fine tuning on the What do I do? project.

Then, a seemingly random urge to play Furniture Yahtzee!

This is not an uncommon activity at our house.

The Legendary Husband is not a huge fan. And it’s logistically hard for me.

I began with a sketch pad and my favorite tape measure.

After a bit, I noticed that I was feeling anxious.

The Inner Critic had joined the conversation! She’s an expert at ways to keep me from actually doing new things (Read that scary things!) by distracting me with endless what-if’s.

Perhaps you’ve met!

Before too long, though, The Muse parked my butt in the magic chair with a cup of tea and dangled sexy paper and markers in front of me, while whispering that questions might be more helpful than imaginary safe answers.

  1. What did I feel?
  2. What was I trying to accomplish?
  3. What felt IMPORTANT? (vs. the sense of URGENT Furniture Yahtzee!)

And so, I pondered. And scribbled. And circled. And crossed out. Then it happened.

If you’ve been hanging around a while, you won’t be too surprised.

I reached for the widest, boldest marker in my basket and put big right angled brackets in the top left and bottom right corners of the page.

Psych shorthand for context.

Which is, of course, the vital piece missing from the notion that perspective is the only thing!

About then, I noticed the calm spreading through me, and realized that rearranging all the furniture was not actually the answer to feeling anxious about new things.

Then, I noticed that my Forest of Grandmothers painting, standing on its head across the room, was volunteering for this blog post, complete with the unexpected image of a whole flock of supportive Grammy-ancestors gathered, perhaps, to sing, where once there was a Phoenix!

Then, after I had gone on to routine things, like feeding the Studio Angels, I noticed a fabulous question in a Facebook group where I hang out.

What superpower would you most like to have?

I didn’t even have to ponder!

The power to help others claim THEIR superpowers!!!

Which is, of course, exactly my notion of what it means to be The Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother in this moment.

And then The Muse hugged me and whispered that moving furniture – while not a bad idea – could probably wait for another day!

The Inner Critic, it seems, has wandered off again, leaving me to send hugs and huge love of whatever sort you would welcome on this Mothers Day, along with a magnificent glimpse of what that Truth oil might be all about!

ps… thanks, Sam Bennett, for the superpower question and Mary Ann Matthys for sharing this video.

pps… just in case your particular perspectives and superpowers could use a bit of sorting – especially in this context – let’s chat!

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