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Unsticking Stuck Stuff, Now!

Right brain? Left brain? Not sure? You’re invited!

You know how lots of us were at least starting to feel like we were making it?

Mattering, even? Then, well, the dawning of the age of Corona.

Everything feels different.

We used to think we knew where we were going, but now we don’t.

We’re worried about the ones we love and how we’ll cope with all the changes.

We’re sad and scared and, even though it’s hard to admit, we’re pissed.

And we’re quite possibly ashamed to admit all of that when we’re still here.

So many people aren’t.

But, we really can find our way forward, even now!

That’s what Natalie Moyes and I do.

With medicine baskets full of goodies from bright green markers and bears named Daphne, to the magical notion of neuroplasticity,  we help people just like you see beyond the trauma of the current context to re-claim their hopes and dreams. To gather the perceptions and skills they need to move forward with intention and new paths in their brains. To care – even for themselves – with wisdom and compassion, whatever the future brings. It’s totally do-able. Fun, even. Grab a basket and and sign up for the preview call, now. It’s free and it works!

  • Who? You… and some more folks ready for less stuck!
  • What? A free 1 hour preview call.
  • When? Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 7:30pm EST (New York)
  • Where? Zoom. And, yes, you get to decide about the whole camera thing…
  • How? Click the link below to register. (There will also be a recording!)
  • WHY??? Because there are things you need, and dream!

You’ll want paper, markers, and perhaps something to sip on.

You’ll get a power-full, repeatable tool for making peace with the voices inside and getting back on your chosen path. Also, time for questions!

You’ll even get a bit of information on how to stay on the Medicine Basket… your way path and really stock up on tools for your journey.

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach