It’s Legend time again, in one of the lands where I live.
Well, technically, Legend time is coming to a close for this year, while I am just beginning.
Beginning, that is, after a trip to places where legends run deep in the land and in my heart.
So, I am not, as I might once have supposed, behind. I am more ready!
And the painting I began today will be utterly different because I am.
First, a re-purposed canvas. It began in the night sky and got somehow derailed by other adventures. And it feels like the perfect volunteer for this journey!
Then, two colors. One has appeared. Turquoise. Voice chakra. Truth, some would say. A portal of Grace.

Then, soon, the green which carries the energy of Compassion in my world.
And, as you might suspect, a question…
What story have I been telling myself about myself?
I’ll let you know when the answer appears!
For now, me in my imaginary Writing Cave, complete with flickering candlelight and one of my favorite paint shirts.
A different me than the one who began her first Legend painting early in 2018. And that is a huge part of the magic!
That’s where the notion of perspective comes in!
The painting at the top is a messy middle phase of that first Legend journey. My third Intentional Creativity® painting. And my first attempt at a non-chalkboard face.
It was quite the adventure! Especially for the photo-avoidant kid who still hangs out deep inside me.
And the stakes felt really huge.
You see, finishing that first Legend painting was part of the acceptance process for Color of Woman. And, against all odds, I really, really wanted to make that journey even though it felt utterly outside my notions of me.
And so, I broke one of the rules I was raised with.
I did a thing we didn’t do!
And I am still finding a whole lot more of me!
Clearly there are more adventures to be had. Possibly without the Pepto pink paint!
And a question… what adventures might you be pondering? And how might the treasures in my Medicine Basket be helpful??? (The world needs a whole lot of us and the calendar elves will be delighted to hook you up with 45 minutes. My gift. Bring your dreams!)