
It’s celebration season in our family. A birthday in late January. Two more in about a week. One just just a week after that. And, in the middle of all of that, the day many of you know as Valentine’s Day… known around here as Dog Day! aka…The Westminster Kennel Club Show!

The Legendary Husband and I made a deal, early in our marriage. We’d watch Westminster and then – when the liturgical calendar allowed – we’d combine Valentine’s Day and our two birthdays into one major date night.

We’ve been out of sync these last few years. Westminster got moved to later in Spring so they could hold it outdoors during Covid. And, just between us, I’m only now getting to a place where I can manage all those dogs after our Rainbow Bridge journeys with Luther and Phoebe.

Blessedly, due to the miracles of modern science, I’ve been able to make it through the various group judging events in smaller pieces. I’m down to Working Group and Best in Show. (And, I’m assuming I’ve earned a wee break on my FOX-avoidance oath, after all the actual showing I did, back in the day!)

Turns out I can watch the show AND make dots!!! I was grateful for that on Saturday morning, as the plumbing adventure was proceeding in our yard and I needed some comfort in my tea-less, crack of dawn journey with the Herding Group!

My Muse was busy, too. I can almost feel her sorting all the boxes in my cerebral attic!

I found a connection between the treasured tool known as Filters, my #Apothecary painting-in-progress, a piece of furniture I need to paint, and another bit of #Quickening homework that used to seem really other to me, and no longer does!

For this moment, though, Hebrew vowel points. I’m not much better at them than I was all those years ago when I was in Seminary!

Somewhere, though, I’d like to think that, in the great beyond, my two Great Grampies Hezekiah and the still nameless Great Grammies who walked with them, near the beginning of the Common Era, are proud. You see, all those vowel points have to do with me realizing that I am, indeed, choosing to be here, and ready!

That feels like an enormous choice in this moment. It’s also scary in the sense that I’m only just beginning to be clear on what it is that I’m ready for!

What I do know is that, rather like a cosmic Scrabble game, things are coming together inside me. You know… like scrap quilting! Or the gathering that will wind up on that piece of furniture. A gathering of women who are also ready.

For now, though, the lioness’s face is really close to the right shape and it’s time for eyes and other mysteries! And, yes… the green on her chin has got to go!

ps… the Legendary Grammy at the top has decided she’s in charge of all the stuff I’m working on in the moment! Hallelujah!!!

pps… I need some research help! What did you learn, as a child, about things like oracle cards and astrology??? I’m really asking! You can leave a comment, below, or email me. One helpful responder will win a museum quality art print!!!

4 comments on “Perspective!”

  1. As a child I was taught that the tarot, the oracle cards and the astrology were either things of the devil or great fiction published each day for our entertainment with no possible truth to them. As a belligerent teen I delved into astrology because it was an easy way to piss off my dad! As I studied and read I saw how the things written about houses and moon phases and stars was obviously truth and could be seen in the day to day if only we had eyes to see. Now 70+ years in I have delved deep into tarot and find it helpful in times of trouble – – – mercy dear Lord and Lady – mercy on me!

    1. Witnessing, dear Fran. I remember a Sunday School teacher – about 6th grade – telling us with great certainty that reading our horoscopes in the newspaper would send us to hell! I still haven’t quite figured out Tarot yet, but I have figured out how it all works!!! (It’s a Filters thing!) Hatching new class… and making cards. And sending you huge hugs!!!

  2. I didn’t learn anything beyond my sun sign-Cancer. But my mother occasionally showed psychic abilities which were intriguing and also just part of our life.

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