Dear Heart, have you ever had one of those stories you’re so excited about that you tell it 20 ways and think everybody will surely understand it just the way you do?
Well, I seem to have paid a visit to that place! And the story I’m trying to tell has enormous years of history behind it. For today, though, we’re going with the current events!
First, we’re putting the Com- back in -municating! As in information going both ways! Kind of old school journalism style, but updated!
You probably remember the list of questions, too… possibly from Yearbook staff, like I do! Now we know more, though, so we’re starting with WHY? This is the big one! I’ll let the book-baby speak…
My Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother’s heart has called me to tell the old, old, story of Creation again, with words and images, in this moment, and I’ve answered that call with fear and trembling, with deep honor for those who have told this story, often at great risk, since the time of campfires in ancient deserts. Our Littles – ALL OF THEM – need it, still, in this world battling over whose voices matter, if they are to learn that THEIR voices matter! Perhaps we need it, too.
Now for the rest of the details…
Who? You. Me. My right hand tech director. And a circle of awesome people who care about kids… and the future of the world!
What? A Zoom gathering. We’ll explore the book-baby and do a bit of our own growing with some of the best transformational magic I know… which you can put to use in your world, right away. (I’m guessing you have big hopes, too!) Each registration includes a hard-cover, hand autographed copy of the book!
When? Sunday, September 22 at 1pm PT/4pm ET. (Plan on about 90 minutes.)
Where? Well, Zoom… anywhere you happen to be. Preferably someplace that feels safe & comfy!
How? I’m so glad you asked!!! Just click the link, below, and sign yourself up!
ps… here’s what one preview reader had to say about A Creation Poem…
Sue had me at the bear on the cover! Rich, bold art illustrates this story as ancient as time. A Creation Poem… joins many origin stories taught to children around the world to help them make sense of their place. We know this story. But we haven’t heard it told this way, with inclusive language, progressive theology, and captivating images familiar to the Littles we love… Natalie Moyes, Interim Family Ministries Leader, Bedford United Church, Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada.
pps… as I mentioned, I’m working hard to keep this circle feeling safe. You are welcome to bring a plus one kind of person as your guest and I’d be honored if you have a safe place – like a private facebook group – and would care to share this post there. You can also email the link to wise beloveds!
ppps… I’ve promised my Great Aunts, and a whole lot of women before us – and after us! – that we’re really not going back!