Ummmm…. Duh!!!

And a new painting adventure begins!

One with a name which might be a bit of a surprise…

Temple… The Artist Erotic, led by Curate Shiloh Sophia McCloud and Dr. Havi Brysk Mandell and a host of other folks with answers and cameras and music and tech skills.

Imagine for this moment that you’re heading out for 3 weeks in your favorite fantasy destination with just one tiny personal item, only to end up staying for 3 months… which is to say that this Temple journey is growing by the moment!

And, as you’ve probably heard me mention, the paintings for Red Madonna and Origins and Guardian are already filling up my studio and my dreams. Grandmother Moon even whispered that we might have enough going on!

I could have delayed Temple for a while. In fact, I was going to. And then it turned into a 90 day opportunity to focus on what my body needs, which all of me needs!

(My ortho guy and my physical therapists are thrilled!)

So… Temple. Now.

We began on Thursday. (Well, technically!) Music. Dancing, even! Red Thread. And a shiny graphic map of our fledgling journey which insisted on being combined, in my heart, with another image that very much guides me… and turned out looking like this on page one of my repurposed journal with the intentional cover art…

Then, much to my delight, a question! (I love questions!!!)

What are you present to, now?

And the flood gates opened, after a whole lot of holding back pain and mobility challenges and – since we’re being real – fear. Fear of not being strong enough to walk the walk.

Here’s most of what I wrote in response, on page two, with my favorite red pen.

I am present to pain. To hope. To promise. MY promise.

I am present to opening myself to this journey.

I am present to how much my body needs and deserves my Fierce Compassion.

Ummmm… mike drop!!!!! And my red pen had more to say…

I open myself to this journey by becoming “one of those five people” for my body! I listen to my body. I take my body seriously. I do not shame or blame my body for its questions. I treat my body with the loving perspective of a Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmother!

To which my obvious response was, indeed, Ummmm… Duh!

And, my next, internal, response – not surprisingly – was a wee story from the way-back machine.

Once upon a time, quite a while ago, deep in the land of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy training, a new friend commented that I was, “really into power”.

I was shocked and aghast... until I realized that, while I’m not much into power OVER, I am, indeed, quite into power FOR!

Trust me when I tell you that, even three days in, this journey is all about that!

And, it’s also about my Big Why!

About helping others – people just like you – to claim the place where their deep joy and the world’s deep longing meet. In this world. Even now.

Okay… Especially NOW!!!

And, then, helping to map out the path from your here to your there, in ways that are as deep and true and empowering for you as mine are for me.

Here’s the big news… it’s almost time for Oh, I See… Consciously! to begin. And you’re going to be invited! There’s some calendar stuff to sort, and I’m on it.

For this moment… perhaps you’d care to muse on this…

And start pondering what you are present to!

Details very soon!

ps… Oh, I See… Consciously! is intentionally designed to be really, really flexible and accessible, including an alchemical painting process! The world needs you!

pps… want more info even before it’s all techy-neat and colorful??? The calendar elves will be thrilled to hook you up with 45 min. My gift. We’ll see what feels like a good fit for you. Small group and individual options will be available for determined dreamers!

ppps… the intentional cover art on my repurposed journal??? Names! Grandmothers and granddaughters. Mine. In my hand. Which is a lot like em-power-ment!

Choosing Wonder!

Welcome to the Fireside of the Dangerous Old Women, as we bid farewell to 2023 and call in 2024. You’re a specially invited guest to the regular Crone Moon meeting of my Red Madonna sisters, walking the journey called Tree of Life.  Dr. E. and I are so glad you’re here!!!

Settle into this moment of reflecting with hope and comfort. We are, each in our own ways and whatever we’re feeling, still standing and still dancing.

For me, I enter the unknown with a medicine basket full of new perceptions and stories. With a heart full of my girls laughing and leaping ocean waves. With huge new clarity around my Big Why!

And there is still more that I bring. A kneecap sliding out of place way more than it used to. A rather urgent need for a visit with an eye doctor. Some lingering fears from an autumn of trauma triggers.

And, blessedly, a new vision of what Fierce Compassion looks like for my journey. And a fresh supply of index cards! (It’s a whole new year!)

Here’s one that surprised me, amidst the storm of fireworks I’d rather hadn’t been going on all around me on New Year’s Eve.

Nope! It doesn’t look like much. It probably doesn’t even make much sense to you. For me, though, it’s the Muse whispering the next pieces of my Guardian painting for Origins. Scribbles and scratching even I wouldn’t have understood before this particular moment.

And that, in my mind, is a wonder!

It’s also a reminder that, when we open ourselves, we often hear things we had no space for until, well… until we did. And that led me to my Shaman’s Dream oracle deck! Let’s listen…

Woodwives… adaptability, strong roots, growth!

The Woodwives dance into your dreams as a reminder to be grounded no matter what life offers you. You need to know who you are, what you’ll tolerate, what you’ve learned to date, and what boundaries to set so you feel good about yourself. Life is going to offer you something extraordinary now, and, in order to learn and receive its blessings, you must remember that being grounded gives you more freedom, not less.

You have everything you need; you have all it takes to do this right now. If you also keep reminding yourself to be flexible, you will be amazed by how well things play out for you. The Woodwives are both wisdom keepers and students of the new world, as these forest spirits have an uncanny ability to adapt to changing circumstances and always find the perfect way to grow and expand. They represent what you already know how to do.

Learn. Be in beginners’ mind. Let go of your rigid notions of how things “should” be, and be present to what is right now, unencumbered by your projections. Is there a storm brewing because things need to change? No worries – nothing can uproot you now, and it will pass, and you will dance with nature and move with it all.

Perhaps you’ve being given an opportunity to take a chance on something new, and you’re not sure how far you can go without losing your footing. Have no fear, for when you remember your roots – your integrity, your authentic self – you can stretch yourself beyond the invisible line you drew. Go for it. You will be so glad you did.

And, in case you’re wondering, this is the card which found me after much shuffling and passing them through my hands.

And, some of it feels like a stretch for me.

And, isn’t that the point???

So… we’re going to try something new, here in this moment of consciousness, around the fireside of the Dangerous Old Women.

I’m inviting you to open your eyes and your heart to your inner Oracle. Start this year with the intention of noticing and wondering. Of finding your message. At your easel. In your journal or a favorite book. In a dream. Even on a bumper sticker! Open yourself to the wisdom around you. And, if you feel led, share what you discover, here, in this circle. Your voice helps all of us on this journey!

Blessed be!!!

ps… you can reply, below. Or, email me at

pps… have you ever imagined there could be a moment when all the wandering and learning and sorting and choosing and scaring yourself silly could come together with your Big Work? There can be and I can help! Details to follow… soon. Unless you’re really, really ready now! Just ask the calendar elves to hook you up with 45 min. My gift. You tell me where you are and what you hope for. I’ll share some possibilities. It really can be your moment!

A Sorting Hat Adventure!

True confession… unlike The West Wing, Madam Secretary, and all of Kathleen McGowan’s books, I haven’t quite memorized the Harry Potter adventures… yet!

I did have a recent encounter with the movie version of …Philosopher’s Stone on our flight home from California.

You know how you see and hear new things when you encounter familiar experiences at new points on your journey??? Well, this story is all about that!

So, while I was somewhere over some mountains, young Harry was heading off to Hogwarts. And, as you likely know, there were new student traditions involved. Much as I’d love to have a magic wand and a mail-owl, we’ll skip the shopping for now, and move along to the Sorting Hat ritual.

(In case you need a reminder, all the incoming wizard students have the mythic Sorting Hat placed on their heads and – with a bit of mumbo jumbo, and some shape shifting on the part of the hat – the student’s House assignment is announced. And yes, watching felt a lot like middle school!!)

Young Harry wound up in Gryffindor, with his new best buddies.

And I wound up in tears.


You see, I’ve been having an experience akin to the sorting hat in the portion of my actual world known as Musea. or, Intentional Creativity® if you prefer.

And, yes… another name for this Sorting Hat adventure is Filters!

You see, I’ve been journeying in the land of QUESTIONS. (I’ve always loved questions!)

One of my favorite questions ever has to do with the notion of calling, as in…

What do I feel called to do and be in this world, now?

Or, to put it a bit differently, what is my big work?

We’ll skip the way back stuff for now and begin this leg of the journey in September, as I set out with a bunch of paint spattered sisters on the Intentional Creativity® journey called Origins. A journey which has felt, for me, like a whole lot of trying on hats until the right one for this time, now, claimed me! The Guardian Hat.

Here’s what I see now… consciously.

The mantle of the Fiercely Compassionate Grandmothers has been passed to me by generation upon generation of ancestors and wisdom keepers. I receive it, as a Guardian, with huge gratitude and honor. And I dedicate myself to continue to express and expand the notion of Fierce Compassion, now – in this context – and into the future.

I will continue to notice and wonder. To weave new learning into the map of reality I claim.

I will find new ways to share the old stories which have been Hope on my path.

I will be one of those five people… listening to our Littles, taking them seriously, and not shaming or blaming them for their questions… for as many people as I am able.

I will invite others to join this crucial pathway of empowering grace and Intentional Creativity®. As many as I am able.

I began, as we all must, by being one of those five people for myself and I will proclaim that Good News all the days of my Earthly journey.

Curious??? Stay tuned! With huge encouragement from my SuperPower SelfPortrait®, we’re about to set out on the magical journey from…

If Only… to I Am!

It’s time!!!

ps… hats optional… and encouraged!

pps… ready??? I mean, now… on your timeline! My new signature journey, Oh, I see… Consciously! is available for a very few individual clients starting mid-January! Just ask the calendar elves to hook you and your questions up with 45 min. My gift!

Whole New Creatures!

Early on in my Intentional Creativity® journey, my Artisan painting – required for Color of Woman teacher training – hung a big left turn. At least that’s what it felt like to me!

She chose a quilt, rather than the suggested veil. Then, she insisted on words in those quilt pieces. Important words. Words I needed to hear myself claiming!

Then she started sending me dreams.

I had no context for such knowing. I only knew that I knew.

Or, rather, I only knew that I was willing to learn… to be changed, as an old Quaker saying goes.

The main character in the most surprising dream was a winged horse! And, as I’ve mentioned before, they didn’t cover astronomy in nursing school or seminary! Research was in order! Research which led me to Pegasus. And that led a puzzled but curious me to a story…

An old story which is both true and might actually have happened.

Once upon a time, two writers were talking together about the books they were working on.

One of them asked the other about his reference to winged horses.

The rather surprising answer went something like this: Jesus didn’t come to make people look nice and behave themselves.

Jesus came to make whole new creatures where once there were broken people.

This, many people believe, was a reference to the imagery in the biblical book, Revelation, of winged horses, like the mythical Pegasus.

Not well-trained regular horses, but whole new creatures!

And the legendary writers???

C.S. Lewis speaking with J.R.R. Tolkien. Really!!!

Which leads us to now. Nearly six years, countless paintings, and a whole lot of learning later. Not to mention some pretty major context shifts in the world many of us know! And a new ah-hah!

What if, maybe just maybe, spirituality is about becoming whole new creatures where once we were broken. Or lost. Or worn out trying to look nice and behave ourselves according to other people’s notions???

We are, after all, the only unique us. The only we that’s ever been. Because of dna, for sure. And also because of context!

Now, this next bit is likely to sound like a bit of a detour on the path… hang with me, please!

I have, indeed, been watching Madam Secretary some more. And, the more I watch, the more I am surprised by new things I notice.

One of them was a conversation about the Protestant Reformation! (Really!!!) Henry explains to Elizabeth that the Protestant Reformation happened, in large part, because of the invention of the printing press putting scripture in the hands of the people.

It was, of course, considerably more complicated than that but, in my opinion, Henry wasn’t wrong. People – even women! – able to read their holy books through their own filters and not just those of the priests and church hierarchy.

It was more complicated even than that, though. And it had a whole lot to do with power and who got to decide who got to decide what was true.

Which just might sound familiar to you in the context of this moment! At the very least, it feels familiar to me as I do some more IC® homework and mentally quilt together a notion of my big work.

For this moment, let’s just say that I’ve learned a whole lot of new things, in a whole new world, since I stacked up a big pile of diplomas in our basement!

It’s not that those things were wrong. Instead, they were, simply, not the only things that would ever be true!

And I can’t wait to tell you more! In fact, there’s a sneak preview coming up this week! Hint… a party will be involved! If you’re already on my mailing list, you’ll get your invitation on Friday. If you’re not on the list, today would be a great day to join! (Just click the regrettably annoying pop-up thingy at the top!)

ps… the party is FREE!

pps… there’s an amazing online art show and you’re invited! (I’m so thrilled to have 2 of my paintings included.) Come and be – as my kid used to say – “wonder-ed”!!! The opening is on Dec. 28th!

O, Holy Night… or, the voices of my inner choir!

Grandmother Moon usually whispers. This morning she was singing!

She was singing in a voice I recognized instantly. Tevye. From Fiddler on the Roof!

Given the Jewish grandparents I’ve discovered in my lineage lately, I feel like Tevye might just be a relative. Feel free to hum along, while we chat a bit about tradition…

Let’s just say it was a big thing for my Mom.

I’ve only just lately realized that her passion for doing things the way we’ve always done it was a coping strategy for a young mom, far from home, with way more change going on than she found comfortable.

Let’s just say that I’m well schooled in the way we’ve always done it!!!

This year is feeling pretty different on the surface.

Airbnb far from home.

Lots of seafood… yum!!!

A handy volunteer Christmas tree with coloring book & red thread ornaments.

A shortage of stockings to hang by the chimney which is, btw, outside!

And, perhaps most scandalous of all, store-bought cookies… none of them fruitcake cookies… gasp!!!

All of that is true. And, there’s more to this story!

We have an abundance of love and laughter. Of family. And, HOPE

Which, if you get right down to it, isn’t so far from what Cousin Tevye was singing about!

It also feels really close to what that first Christmas must have felt like, all those years ago!

The times were hard – and scary – for far too many of the people.

Living traditions was often dangerous. And, still, people of faith followed the star.

Not to tell the whole world what to do and think forever.

Not to be the only way.

In fact, I suspect they had no clear notion about what would come of that journey when they set out!

And still, willingly, they followed the star.

The star of Hope. And Peace. And Love.

Was it a matter of Faith? And Courage? Yes!!!

Which brings another, rather unexpected, voice to our gathering… the voice of one of my chosen family: C. S. Lewis’ Puddleglum, speaking to the Dark Queen…

“One word, Ma’am,” he said, coming back from the fire; limping, because of the pain. “One word. All you’ve been saying is quite right, I shouldn’t wonder. I’m a chap who always liked to know the worst and then put the best face I can on it. So I won’t deny any of what you said. But there’s one thing more to be said, even so. Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things — trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that’s a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We’re just babies making up a game, if you’re right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow. That’s why I’m going to stand by the play world. I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t any Aslan to lead it. I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia. So, thanking you kindly for our supper, if these two gentlemen and the young lady are ready, we’re leaving your court at once and setting out in the dark to spend our lives looking for Overland. Not that our lives will be very long, I should think; but that’s small loss if the world’s as dull a place as you say.”

C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair, The Chronicles of Narnia

Here’s the thing, for me… Grandmother Moon and Tevye and Mom and Puddleglum, even with their differences in experience and perspective, all meant well. They were all about power-for rather than power-over. They all envisioned Hope. And Peace. And Love.

Which, when you get right down to it, is a pretty good vision to follow!

For this night, may the Grace of all you hold holy be and abide with you and with all those you love, now and forever.

ps… we’re having a party! A New Year’s Eve Eve party! And it wouldn’t be the same without you. Watch for details!!!

Greetings from the land of cognitive dissonance and wonder!

Flashback to the year I was 10 and we moved to Florida three days before Christmas. It was, shall we say, quite the change from the American Midwest!

I remember going for a walk on the beach on Christmas morning. Pelicans instead of reindeer. Sand instead of snow. And the hypnotizing sound of waves breaking on the beach. I was home!

And, that was about 5 decades and a whole lot of White Christmas ago!

Today, it was the California update of all those memories.

An outdoor deck in California, draped in tinsel and Santa hats. My most beloveds. Pelicans. Waves on the beach. Outdoor heaters – blessedly! And Granddaughter #1 practicing PSAT words.



It’s a really good word for what the world feels like these days.

Love and Hope and fish tacos. Secret sharing. Bikinis and sweat shirts. Likely un-homed people trying to get close to the patio heaters.

Christmas Carols with an island sort of style in the wind. (And me, trying covertly to sing along!)

The lines that really hit home for me, in the context of the big world, were these…

To face unafraid

the plans that we’ve made…

For tonight… fish to grill. Knitting lessons for a school project. A beading project. And coloring book time.

Not the version of the way we’ve always done it that I was raised with.

Not the world I grew up in, either.

And the place I most want to be, given my best understanding of my cosmic promise, only recently finding form in my awareness. I’ll admit, it’s not what I ever expected, consciously. And it’s totally my path!!!

Please stay tuned!

ps… the art is my inner camera-phobe’s way of honoring my promise not to use photos without permission!

pps… do you have a sense of cosmic promise? I’d love to hear! Just ask the calendar elves to find you some time. 45 min. My gift. Bring a cuppa, some red thread if it’s handy, and your big questions!

Grandmother Moon’s new ah-hah…

Let me start by owning the fact that there’s a whole lot going on in my head just now. And my heart. And my spirit. (Also, my house… but that’s a story for another day!)

My hands have joined in, too, with whole lots of writing and painting.

It’s a very Advent-like feeling, for I am great with Soul Work!

Thus, is was no particular surprise when Grandmother Moon, who watched a whole lot of MSNBC yesterday, went – as we’d say in the South – to meddlin’ again this morning!

One sentence:

Mary had a choice!

And, yes, it was time for lights and tea and reading!

Which was a huge reminder of just how challenging language can be. So I’m owning, up front and out loud, that I have a vested interest in nouns and pronouns. Not the vested interest of power-over, all too common in the history of our Holy Books, but, rather, the vested interest of power-for.

Power for voice and choice. Power for personal sovereignty.

So, tea at hand, I began with my most familiar, most underlined, preaching Bible. The Gospel according to Luke.

Please don’t run off and do laundry just now. It’s the Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother in me who is telling this story. I promise!

Luke begins at the beginning with the story known as the Annunciation. The Angel Gabriel has appeared to Mary with big news!

And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. (Luke 1: 31-32, NRSV)

You probably know the rest of the story. Here’s what Grandmother Moon wanted me to highlight…

First, Mary is referred to as a virgin. That has often been assumed to mean simply a young woman who is untouched.

Once upon a time, though, as author, Madison Griffiths, and others explain, it was used specifically to describe a free woman – independent, autonomous, untied.

Which brings us back to Grandmother Moon’s ah-hah, with an approved update…

Mary made a choice!

And she agreed to what was to come with words that have been translated this way:

Here I am, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word… (Luke 1: 38, NRSV)

I hear you! The word servant is uncomfortable for many of us in this day. In Greek, though, the word is doula which – intentionally, I suspect – is now used for those who attend births… One who mothers the mother.

All of which is to say that words matter and they’re complex. And, in this case, they become a story which reminds us that Mary had a choice to make – in a time when women had very few choices – and she said YES!

And, as my favorite version of the story goes, she went on, with other Marys, to be a leader in the ministry of her son.

Meanwhile, war rages on. Autocrats are multiplying. Civil rights – and women’s voices – are being slashed by very public people who claim to be guided by the Bible. And we need the voices of women making choices, in their sovereignty, for peace and justice. For hope. There is much, much more work to be done… and we – whatever our traditions – have the power to say yes!

I have 2 granddaughters trying very hard to grow up in this world!

Gnostic Judeo-Christian Mystic Medicine Woman walking the Way of Love

(aka: The Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmother, For Rent!)

ps… curious about the vocabulary lesson??? You can read more, here…

pps… prefer stories over vocabulary lessons??? Kathleen McGowan. The Expected One, to begin with. Then, the rest!

ppps… ready to say yes to YOU??? I have a plan. A plan for the next step. It’s half-fun AND full-serious. (And only takes about 1 1/2 hours!) My gift!!! email me at if you’d like details and an invitation! Really!!!